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m (Request the guid of all mulit-transactions)
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== Request the guid of all mulit-transactions ==
== Request the guid of all multi-transactions ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
select * from (select tx_guid, count(tx_guid) as tx_count from splits group by tx_guid) as split_lookup_preselect where tx_count>2;
select * from (select tx_guid, count(tx_guid) as tx_count from splits group by tx_guid) as split_lookup_preselect where tx_count>2;

Revision as of 10:03, 23 March 2021


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Request all transactions like shown in the account list

This request gives you all transactions, but transactions, which involve more than two accounts, will show up in the wrong way. If s1.value_num is replaced by s2.value_num, you will have the right amounts, but wrong signed.

select distinct s1.value_num, s1.value_denom, t1.post_date, t1.description,
a1.description, a1.name, a1.account_type,
a2.description, a2.name, a2.account_type
from splits s1
inner join splits s2 on s1.tx_guid=s2.tx_guid
inner join transactions t1 on t1.guid=s2.tx_guid
inner join accounts a1 on s1.account_guid=a1.guid
inner join accounts a2 on s2.account_guid=a2.guid
where a1.name!=a2.name;

Return a account guid by path

This returns a guid of an account by its path. It doesn't work perfectly as there is no real order of tuples in SQL. Therefore, if a path like Aktiva>Superbank>Supercar exists and a path like Aktiva>Supercar>Superbank as well, it won't work, as it does not return only one value. (a, e, j) is the same as (e, j, a), (j, e, a) or other orders. If a name for a bank account appears more than once in the account structure, it won't have any negative effect, as only connected chains are regarded.

with path as (values('a'), ('e'), ('j')),
path_ancestors as (select guid, parent_guid from accounts where name in (select * from path)),
endnodes as (
  select * from path_ancestors
  where guid not in (
    select s.guid from path_ancestors as s where s.guid in (
      select p.parent_guid from path_ancestors as p)
  and (select count(*) from path) in (select count (*) from path_ancestors))
select * from endnodes where (select count(*) from endnodes) in ((1));

Request all child accounts of a given account

This request will result in a list of the start account and all children and grand*x*children. The snippet is based on a snippet from sql-workbench.

with recursive account_tree as (
   select guid, parent_guid
   from accounts
   where guid = 'Start account'  -- this defines the start of the recursion
   union all
   select child.guid,
   from accounts as child
     join account_tree as parent on parent.guid = child.parent_guid -- the self join to the CTE builds up the recursion
select * from account_tree;

Request the guid of all multi-transactions

select * from (select tx_guid, count(tx_guid) as tx_count from splits group by tx_guid) as split_lookup_preselect where tx_count>2;