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DRAFT: This page collects drafts for the potential announcement of the 2.0.0 release. What kind of message should that be? Simply something similar to [[Announcement 1.9.6]], or rather some "news-text" similar to https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html ?  
DRAFT: This page collects drafts for the potential announcement of the 2.0.0 release. What kind of message should that be? Simply something similar to [[Announcement 1.9.6]], or rather some "news-text" similar to https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html ?  
For a start, I've copied the 1.8 "press notes" from https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html:
At the 1.8 release, cstim posted some "press notes" at https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html.
== Draft press notes, copied from 1.8.0 ==
May xx, 2006 (The INTERNET) The GnuCash Development Team
http://www.gnucash.org proudly announces the release of GnuCash 2.0,
the GNU personal finance manager.
(FIXME: This is only copied from the 1.8 announcement. We need something completely different now for sure.) GnuCash features a full account hierarchy manager, a checkbook-like
register GUI to enter transactions, and an exhaustive set of reports
to visualize the state of your finances. New features in this release
include (FIXME: describe new set of features) scheduled transactions, small business features, OFX import
and HBCI (the German online banking system) support.  The user
interface is designed to be simple and easy to use, but it is backed
with double-entry accounting principles to ensure balanced books.
(FIXME: This is only copied from the 1.8 announcement. We need something completely different now for sure.) "You don't need Windows any longer.  GnuCash comes with all finance
manager features I need, and in Germany I even can manage all my
online banking tasks through GnuCash, " says Christian Stimming of the
developer team. "Even better: In GnuCash I have the first HBCI
software that can really be checked for potential back doors, since
its GPL license gives me true access to the source code."
With respect to OFX import, GnuCash is the first free software
application to support the Open Financial Exchange protocol that many
banks and financial services are moving to use. The development of OFX
and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved transaction matching
and completion system during transaction import.
In Small Business Accounting, GnuCash now can be used for Customer and
Vendor tracking, Invoicing and Bill Payment, and using different Tax
and Billing Terms in a small business.
(FIXME: This is only copied from the 1.8 announcement. We need something completely different now for sure.) An account heirarchy creation druid helps new users get started. Existing financial data from e.g. Quicken or MS Money can
easily be imported by the QIF importer.  Brand new help documentation, in conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts
guide, has been written which focuses on how to do tasks that gives the new
user background information on using GnuCash.
GnuCash is available for free under the GNU General Public License
(GPL) from the GnuCash server http://www.gnucash.org and its
mirrors. Thanks go to all the translators, testers, and bug reporters
who made this release possible.
Downloading and Compiling GnuCash
The source packages for GnuCash are available for free download at
http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash . GnuCash 1.8 requires the Gnome
2.??? platform, guile, slib, and g-wrap.
If you are upgrading from GnuCash 1.8, (FIXME: describe requirements here) The detailed requirements can be found at
== Draft press release by Matt Townsend ==
== Draft press release by Matt Townsend ==

Revision as of 19:38, 21 May 2006

DRAFT: This page collects drafts for the potential announcement of the 2.0.0 release. What kind of message should that be? Simply something similar to Announcement 1.9.6, or rather some "news-text" similar to https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html ?

At the 1.8 release, cstim posted some "press notes" at https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2003-February/008357.html.

Draft press release by Matt Townsend

Joe Nobody

(555) 555-5555



May ##, 2006

Accounting in Linux Leaps Forward

GnuCash 2.0.0 milestone released to public

GNUCASH.org—Personal and small business accounting in Linux will be easier and better after today's release of GnuCash 2.0.0, program developers said.

This milestone release of the free, open source accounting program includes generational advances over the last version. Developers said they worked hard to integrate FEATURE, FEATURE and FEATURE to meet standards set by PC software.

The programers also said they added features now unique to GnuCash, like FEATURE and FEATURE.

Major changes in the milestone release include CHANGE and CHANGE. Program developer DEVGUY1 said these changes were made BECAUSE.

“Some quote about the changes,” he said.

The software's lead developer, LEADDEV, said these new features and changes will make GnuCash easier than ever for newcomers.

“Quote about why to use GnuCash 2.0.0,” LEADDEV said.

Playing With Others

Like other leading Linux software, GnuCash is designed as a functional replacement for expensive accounting programs. But, like OpenOffice.org and The Gimp, GnuCash is also programmed to communicate and interact with as many existing programs, institutions and people as possible.

LEADDEV said the team continued to improve file import filters, which allow users to import work from old programs like Microsoft Money and Quicken. GnuCash can load QIF and QFX files, which are used by both of those programs.

“Why it's important to import,” he said.

Developers also continued to incorporate support for online banking into the program. GnuCash 2.0.0 supports banking with THESE INSTITUTIONS, the developer said.

“Quote about online banking with the new version,” LEADDEV said.

The milestone release is available in #### languages, including English, German, ETC, ETC, so people from around the world will have no difficulty operating the program, developer DEVGUY1 said.

“GnuCash plays well with others,” DEVGUY1 said. “It doesn't matter what country you're from.”

Off on the Right Foot

Users of the GnuCash 2.0.0 will notice a few changes when they start the program. Improvements have been made on THIS and THIS, features of the account “druid,” or wizard, that helps newcomers set up and import their accounting data.

“Quote about experience of starting GnuCash and why 2.0.0 is easier,” said DEVGUY1.

After they enter the program, users will find a double-ledger account system, exhaustive report options and account hierarchy tools. Also at their disposal is a full system of tutorials and documentation.

“Quote about what the developers were really aiming to do, in this milestone release,” LEADDEV said.

In this system, power is combined with simplicity to ensure accurate bookkeeping without stress from other programs, like BAD FEATURES FROM OTHER PROGRAMS, he said.

Getting GnuCash

GnuCash 2.0.0 can be downloaded from gnucash.org. It is available as source code, PACKAGES FOR DISTROS, CVS(?).

To install GnuCash, users will need Gnome 2, guile, slib and g-wrap. Detailed installation help is available at gnucash.org.

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is collaboratively developed by ### people from over ### countries.

Programming on GnuCash began in 199?, and its first release was in 199?. GnuCash is made for the Linux operating system, a free, open source collection of community-based projects that has become a major force in the computing world.