Announcement 2.2.7

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GnuCash 2.2.7 released

The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 2.2.7 aka "Dates'n'Prices", the seventh bug fix release in a series of stable releases of the GnuCash Free Accounting Software.

Getting GnuCash

GnuCash 2.2.7 can be downloaded from or It is available as source code. For the Microsoft Windows operating system there is a self-installing setup program which includes all necessary additional libraries.

To install GnuCash on other platforms, users will need Gnome 2, guile, and slib. Neither the currently used swig nor the previously used g-wrap packages are needed anymore when compiling from tarball or when installing a binary.

________________________________  gnucash-2.2.7.tar.gz
________________________________  gnucash-2.2.7.tar.bz2
________________________________  gnucash-2.2.7.tar.lzma
________________________________  gnucash-2.2.7-setup.exe

What's New in GnuCash 2.2.7?

Fixed Bugs
  • #139651: Register: Split transaction with multiple currencies fails
  • #309863: Balance Sheet: Rounding errors with prices from pricedb
  • #341362: Price Editor: Price is displayed as fraction instead of decimal
  • #376298: Price Editor: Window Contents Corrupted After Manually Adding a Price
  • #378734: Drop down calendar only works once
  • #430121: Incorrect Sign Symbol for Fractional Commodity/Security Sale
  • #454340: Security Editor: duplicate rows after editing a security
  • #454827: Reports: Incorrect share value of stocks in foreign currency
  • #464771: Investment Portfolio: Report crashes without price data
  • #483393: Reports: Allow mixed denominators in numeric collectors
  • #506873: Win32: Cannot install online price retrieval with ActivePerl 5.10
  • #520570: Drop-down calendar for "reconcile information" non-responsive
  • #522095: Updating stock prices does not update totals shown in windows
  • #526313: GnuCash does not support the new currency in Venezuela
  • #529816: Supplement "CUSIP" by "ISIN", to give people outside USA a hint
  • #539640: Price Editor: Security disappears from price list
  • #539962: Void function cannot return value with sun cc
  • #540148: GnuCash cannot be built with libgoffice-0.8
  • #541970: Balance Sheet: "Nearest in time" exchange rate not correct
  • #543061: Fractional not working in IDR (rupiah) currency
  • #543780: Transfer Dialog: CRIT messages in gnucash.trace from exchange rate dialog
  • #545316: Drop-down calendar is not clickable when posting invoice
  • #545722: Can't change date in dialog boxes
  • #546064: gnucash.desktop file does not comply with desktop-file-validate
  • #548601: AqBanking Import: Obscuring zero balance windows after getting transactions
  • #548891: QIF Import: GnuCash crashes when .gnucash/qif-accounts-map is readonly
  • #549115: Popup calendar unresponsive in modal dialogs
  • #549595: Silently removes main files while trying to save without lock
  • #549738: Reports: Default date on aging and customer reports is too far in the future
  • #551038: Reports: Alt-O shortcut in report options dialog crashes app
  • #552306: Fails to save file when using a network filesystem on Mac
Other changes
  • Complete Romanian translation
  • Usability improvements in the price and the security editor
  • Lower number of false positives when checking aqbanking results for failures
  • Correct import of remote names, zero balances from aqbanking3
  • Update translations: Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish

Many thanks go to

Charles Day
Christian Stimming
Cristian Marchi
David Planella
Derek Atkins
Frank H. Ellenberger
Halton Huo
Hendrik-Jan Heins
Micha Lenk
Nathan Buchanan
Nicolae Turcan
Tomasz Nowak