Difference between revisions of "De/Kundenrechnung"

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m (Fell moved page Kundenrechnung to De/Kundenrechnung: german pages should be prefixed by De/ as long as we are not using the mulilingual features)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:03, 8 April 2015


Hier wird unregelmäßig der aktuelle Stand veröffentlicht. Für all die, die Interesse haben, vor den selben Problem stehen eine äußerlich anpassbare Kundenrechnung erstellen zu benötigen oder mithelfen wollen. (wird fortgeführt)

Dieser Bericht basiert auf taxinvoice und ist mit gnucash 2.4.7 entwickelt worden. Der aktuelle Zustand ist "es funktioniert - aber weit entfernt von perfekt" :-)

Offene Punkte und Fragen

Zur Zeit fehlt dieser Kundenrechnung noch:

  • Anpassung der Sprache der Textelemente (derzeit noch ein Mischmasch aus Deutsch und Englisch) Wie realsiert man die Mehrsprachigkeit am saubersten? Wie passt man die Formateausgabe der Werte an (unabhängig von der gnucash-GUI-Sprache)?
  • Anzeige auch ohne USt. (siehe Kleinunternehmer)
  • html->pdf Konverter via ConTeXt


Die Kundenrechnung besteht aus drei Dateien:

  • german-taxincoice.scm
  • german-taxinvoice.eguile.scm
  • gnucash-zenlima.css

Um den Bericht auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen, dürfte es in den meisten Fällen genügen, die CSS-Datei anzupassen.


;; $Author: Zenlima $ $Date: 2011/12/10 01:30:00 $ $Revision: 1.34 $
;; $Author: chris $ $Date: 2009/07/29 09:31:44 $ $Revision: 1.33 $
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307 USA

; put the (define-module... back when installing as a 'proper' report
; as opposed to referring to it from .gnucash/config.user
; (see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports )
(define-module (gnucash report taxinvoice))

(use-modules (gnucash main))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
(use-modules (gnucash business-utils))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/business-utils" 0)
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/html" 0)
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/engine" 0)

(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports))
(use-modules (gnucash report business-reports))

(use-modules (gnucash report eguile-utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash report eguile-html-utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash report eguile-gnc))

(use-modules (srfi srfi-13)) ; for extra string functions

;;; Extension for html-utilities

(use-modules (ice-9 regex))  ; for regular expressions
(use-modules (srfi srfi-13)) ; for extra string functions

(define delimiter " • ")

(define-public (nl->delimiter str)
  ;; Replace newlines with -
  (regexp-substitute/global #f "\n" str 'pre delimiter 'post))

;;; Report-specific routines

(define (taxrate taxable taxtable curr)
  ;; Display the tax rate applicable to an invoice line.
  ;; This may be e.g. "15%" or "£5.00" or "15% + £5.00" or "n/a"
  ;; depending on how complicated the tax table is.
  ;; (When called from within the eguile template, anything
  ;; (display)ed becomes part of the HTML string.)
  (if (or (not taxable) (eq? taxtable '()))
    (display " ")
    (let* ((amttot  (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
           (pctot   (gnc:make-numeric-collector))
           (entries (gncTaxTableGetEntries taxtable))
           (amt?    #f)  ; becomes #t if any entries are amounts
           (pc?     #f)) ; becomes #t if any entries are percentages
      (for entry in entries do
          (let ((tttype (gncTaxTableEntryGetType   entry))
                (ttamt  (gncTaxTableEntryGetAmount entry)))
            (if (equal? tttype GNC-AMT-TYPE-VALUE)
                (set! amt? #t)
                (amttot 'add curr ttamt))
                (set! pc? #t)
                (pctot 'add ttamt)))))
      (if pc? (begin (display (fmtnumeric (pctot 'total #f))) (display "%")))
      (if (and amt? pc?) (display " + "))        ; both - this seems unlikely in practice
      (if amt?
        (display-comm-coll-total amttot #f))
      (if (and (not amt?) (not pc?)) (display (_ "n/a"))))))        ; neither

(define (coy-info slots key)
  ;; Extract a value from the company info key-value pairs
    (append gnc:*kvp-option-path* (list gnc:*business-label* key))))

;;; Define all the options

; option pages
(define headingpage         (N_ "Headings 1"))
(define headingpage2        (N_ "Headings 2"))
;(define headingpage3       (N_ "Headings 3"))
(define companyaddpage      (N_ "Company adds"))
(define legalpage           (N_ "Legal data"))
(define bankconnectionpage  (N_ "Bank connection"))
(define notespage           (N_ "Notes"))
;(define filespage          (N_ "Files"))
(define displaypage         (N_ "Display"))
(define generalpage         gnc:pagename-general)
; option names
(define optname-report-title   (N_ "Report title"))
(define optname-invoice-number (N_ "Invoice number"))
(define optname-template-file  (N_ "Template file"))
(define optname-css-file       (N_ "CSS stylesheet file"))
(define optname-heading-font   (N_ "Heading font"))
(define optname-text-font      (N_ "Text font"))
(define optname-logofile       (N_ "Logo filename"))
(define optname-logo-width     (N_ "Logo width"))
(define optname-units          (N_ "Units"))
(define optname-qty            (N_ "Qty"))
(define optname-unit-price     (N_ "Unit Price"))
(define optname-disc-rate      (N_ "Discount Rate"))
(define optname-disc-amount    (N_ "Discount Amount"))
(define optname-net-price      (N_ "Net Price"))
(define optname-tax-rate       (N_ "Tax Rate"))
(define optname-tax-amount     (N_ "Tax Amount"))
(define optname-total-price    (N_ "Total Price"))
(define optname-subtotal       (N_ "Sub-total"))
(define optname-amount-due     (N_ "Amount Due"))
(define optname-payment-recd   (N_ "Payment received text"))
(define optname-extra-notes    (N_ "Extra notes"))

(define optname-company-slogan            (N_ "Company slogan"))

(define optname-legal-kind-title          (N_ "Legal kind text"))
(define optname-legal-kind                (N_ "Legal kind"))
(define optname-legal-kind-add-title      (N_ "Legal kind add text"))
(define optname-legal-kind-add            (N_ "Legal kind add"))
(define optname-legal-coyid-title         (N_ "Coyid text"))

(define optname-bank-connection-title     (N_ "Bankverbindung Text"))
(define optname-bank-name-title           (N_ "Bank name text"))
(define optname-bank-nationalcode-title   (N_ "National bank code text"))
(define optname-bank-swiftcode-title      (N_ "Swift BIC text"))
(define optname-bank-ibancode-title       (N_ "IBAN text"))
(define optname-bank-accountnumber-title  (N_ "Account number text"))

(define optname-bank-name                 (N_ "Bank name"))
(define optname-bank-nationalcode         (N_ "National bank code"))
(define optname-bank-swiftcode            (N_ "Swift BIC"))
(define optname-bank-ibancode             (N_ "IBAN"))
(define optname-bank-accountnumber        (N_ "Account number"))

; Choose only customer invoices
; (This doesn't work very nicely -- all invoices and bills
;  are offered for selection, but if a non-customer invoice
;  is selected, the user is dumped back to viewing the
;  previous invoice (or none) with no error message)
(define (customers-only invoice)
  (let* ((owner     (gncInvoiceGetOwner  invoice))
         (endowner  (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))
         (ownertype (gncOwnerGetType     endowner)))
    ;(gnc:debug "ownertype is ")(gnc:debug ownertype)
    (if (eqv? ownertype GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
      (list #t invoice)
      (list #f invoice))))

(define (options-generator)
  ;; Options
  (define report-options (gnc:new-options))
  (define (add-option new-option)
    (gnc:register-option report-options new-option))

    (gnc:make-invoice-option ; defined in gnucash/scm/business-options.scm
      generalpage optname-invoice-number
      "a" "" (lambda () '())
      #f))        ;customers-only)) ;-- see above

  ;; Display options
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option displaypage optname-template-file "a"
    (N_ "The file name of the eguile template part of this report.  This file should either be in your .gnucash directory, or else in its proper place within the GnuCash installation directories.")
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option displaypage optname-css-file "b"
    (N_ "The file name of the CSS stylesheet to use with this report.  This file should either be in your .gnucash directory, or else in its proper place within the GnuCash installation directories.")
  (add-option (gnc:make-font-option
                displaypage optname-heading-font "c"
                (N_ "Font to use for the main heading") "Sans Bold 18"))
  (add-option (gnc:make-font-option
                displaypage optname-text-font "d"
                (N_ "Font to use for everything else") "Sans 10"))
  (add-option (gnc:make-pixmap-option
                displaypage optname-logofile "e"
                (N_ "Name of a file containing a logo to be used on the report")
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                displaypage optname-logo-width "f" (N_ "Width of the logo in CSS format, e.g. 10% or 32px.  Leave blank to display the logo at its natural width.  The height of the logo will be scaled accordingly.") ""))

  ;; Heading options
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                ; page / name / orderkey / tooltip / default
                headingpage optname-report-title "a" "" (N_ "Invoice")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-units "b" "" (N_ "Units")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-qty "c" "" (N_ "Qty")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-unit-price "d" "" (N_ "Unit Price")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-disc-rate "e" "" (N_ "Discount Rate")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-disc-amount "f" "" (N_ "Discount Amount")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-net-price "g" "" (N_ "Net Price")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-tax-rate "h" "" (N_ "Tax Rate")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-tax-amount "i" "" (N_ "Tax Amount")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage optname-total-price "j" "" (N_ "Total Price")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage2 optname-subtotal "a" "" (N_ "Sub-total")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage2 optname-amount-due "b" "" (N_ "Amount Due")))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                headingpage2 optname-payment-recd "c" ""
                (N_ "Payment received, thank you")))

  ;; Company additional options
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                companyaddpage optname-company-slogan "a" "" ""))

  ;; Legal options
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                legalpage optname-legal-kind-title "a" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                legalpage optname-legal-kind "b" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                legalpage optname-legal-kind-add-title "c" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-text-option
                legalpage optname-legal-kind-add "d" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                legalpage optname-legal-coyid-title "e" "" ""))

  ;; Bank connection options
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-connection-title "a" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-name-title "b" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-name "c" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-nationalcode-title "d" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-nationalcode "e" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-swiftcode-title "f" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-swiftcode "g" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-accountnumber-title "h" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-accountnumber "i" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-ibancode-title "j" "" ""))
  (add-option (gnc:make-string-option
                bankconnectionpage optname-bank-ibancode "k" "" ""))

  (add-option (gnc:make-text-option
                notespage optname-extra-notes "a"
                (N_ "Notes added at end of invoice -- may contain HTML markup")
                ;(N_ "(Development version -- don't rely on the numbers on this report without double-checking them.<br>Change the 'Extra Notes' option to get rid of this message)")))

    report-options generalpage)


;;; Create the report

(define (report-renderer report-obj)
  ;; Create and return the report as either an HTML string
  ;; or an <html-document>
  (define (opt-value section name)
    ; wrapper for option routines
    (define (get-opt section name)
      (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name))
    (gnc:option-value (get-opt section name)))

  ; Get all the options
  (let* ((document                  (gnc:make-html-document))
         (opt-invoice               (opt-value generalpage  optname-invoice-number))
         (opt-template-file         (find-file
                                      (opt-value displaypage optname-template-file)))
         (opt-css-file              (find-file
                                      (opt-value displaypage optname-css-file)))
         (opt-heading-font          (font-name-to-style-info
                                      (opt-value displaypage optname-heading-font)))
         (opt-text-font             (font-name-to-style-info
                                      (opt-value displaypage optname-text-font)))
         (opt-logofile              (opt-value displaypage  optname-logofile))
         (opt-logo-width            (opt-value displaypage  optname-logo-width))
         (opt-report-title          (opt-value headingpage  optname-report-title))
         (opt-units-heading         (opt-value headingpage  optname-units))
         (opt-qty-heading           (opt-value headingpage  optname-qty))
         (opt-unit-price-heading    (opt-value headingpage  optname-unit-price))
         (opt-disc-rate-heading     (opt-value headingpage  optname-disc-rate))
         (opt-disc-amount-heading   (opt-value headingpage  optname-disc-amount))
         (opt-net-price-heading     (opt-value headingpage  optname-net-price))
         (opt-tax-rate-heading      (opt-value headingpage  optname-tax-rate))
         (opt-tax-amount-heading    (opt-value headingpage  optname-tax-amount))
         (opt-total-price-heading   (opt-value headingpage  optname-total-price))
         (opt-subtotal-heading      (opt-value headingpage2 optname-subtotal))
         (opt-amount-due-heading    (opt-value headingpage2 optname-amount-due))
         (opt-payment-recd-heading  (opt-value headingpage2 optname-payment-recd))
         (opt-company-slogan            (opt-value companyaddpage optname-company-slogan))
         (opt-legal-kind-title          (opt-value legalpage optname-legal-kind-title))
         (opt-legal-kind                (opt-value legalpage optname-legal-kind))
         (opt-legal-kind-add-title      (opt-value legalpage optname-legal-kind-add-title))
         (opt-legal-kind-add            (opt-value legalpage optname-legal-kind-add))
         (opt-legal-coyid-title         (opt-value legalpage optname-legal-coyid-title))
         (opt-bank-connection-title     (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-connection-title))
         (opt-bank-name-title           (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-name-title))
         (opt-bank-name                 (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-name))
         (opt-bank-nationalcode-title   (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-nationalcode-title))
         (opt-bank-nationalcode         (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-nationalcode))
         (opt-bank-swiftcode-title      (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-swiftcode-title))
         (opt-bank-swiftcode            (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-swiftcode))
         (opt-bank-accountnumber-title  (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-accountnumber-title))
         (opt-bank-accountnumber        (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-accountnumber))
         (opt-bank-ibancode-title       (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-ibancode-title))
         (opt-bank-ibancode             (opt-value bankconnectionpage optname-bank-ibancode))
         (opt-extra-notes           (opt-value notespage    optname-extra-notes))
         (css? #t) ;(and (defined? 'gnc-html-engine-supports-css) (gnc-html-engine-supports-css)))
         (html #f))

    (set! html (eguile-file-to-string

    (gnc:debug "german-taxinvoice.scm: css? is " css?)
    (gnc:debug "german-taxinvoice.scm: defined is " (defined? 'gnc-html-engine-supports-css))
    (gnc:debug "german-taxinvoice.scm - generated html:") (gnc:debug html)

    (if css? ; return report as document or html, depending on version
      (let ((document (gnc:make-html-document)))
        (gnc:html-document-add-object! document html)

;;; Define the report

  'version 1
  'name (N_ "German Tax Invoice")
  'report-guid "0769e242be474010b4acf264a5512e6f"
  'menu-name (N_ "German Tax Invoice")
  'menu-tip (N_ "Display a customer invoice with tax columns (using eguile template)")
  'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
  'options-generator options-generator
  'renderer report-renderer)


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
(let ((x 42)) ; only here to allow (define)s
              ; i.e. to avoid "Bad define placement" error

;; german-taxinvoice.eguile.scm  0.04
;; GnuCash report template called from taxinvoice.scm 0.02
;; (c) 2009 Chris Dennis chris@starsoftanalysis.co.uk
;; $Author: chris $ $Date: 2011/12/10 01:29:00 $ $Revision: 1.34 $
;; $Author: chris $ $Date: 2009/07/23 10:42:08 $ $Revision: 1.33 $
;; This file is a mixture of HTML and Guile --
;; see eguile-gnc.scm for details.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307 USA

  (define (display-report opt-invoice owner endowner ownertype)
    ;; Main function that creates the tax invoice report
    (let* (; invoice and company details
           (invoiceid  (gncInvoiceGetID         opt-invoice))
           (book       (gncInvoiceGetBook       opt-invoice))
           (postdate   (gncInvoiceGetDatePosted opt-invoice))
           (duedate    (gncInvoiceGetDateDue    opt-invoice))
           (billingid  (gncInvoiceGetBillingID  opt-invoice))
           (notes      (gncInvoiceGetNotes      opt-invoice))
           (terms      (gncInvoiceGetTerms      opt-invoice))
           (termsdesc  (gncBillTermGetDescription terms))
           (lot        (gncInvoiceGetPostedLot  opt-invoice))
           (txn        (gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn  opt-invoice))
           (currency   (gncInvoiceGetCurrency   opt-invoice))
           (entries    (gncInvoiceGetEntries    opt-invoice))
           (splits     '())
           (slots      (qof-book-get-slots book))
           (coyname    (coy-info slots gnc:*company-name*))
           (coycontact (coy-info slots gnc:*company-contact*))
           (coyaddr    (coy-info slots gnc:*company-addy*))
           (coyid      (coy-info slots gnc:*company-id*))
           (coyphone   (coy-info slots gnc:*company-phone*))
           (coyfax     (coy-info slots gnc:*company-fax*))
           (coyurl     (coy-info slots gnc:*company-url*))
           (coyemail   (coy-info slots gnc:*company-email*))
           (owneraddr  (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner))
           (ownerid    (gnc:owner-get-owner-id owner))
           (billcontact (gncAddressGetName (gnc:owner-get-address owner)))
           ; flags and counters
           (discount?  #f) ; any discounts on this invoice?
           (tax?       #f) ; any taxable entries on this invoice?
           (taxtables? #t) ; are tax tables available in this version?
           (payments?  #f) ; have any payments been made on this invoice?
           (units?     #f) ; does any row specify units?
           (qty?       #f) ; does any row have qty <> 1?
           (spancols1  2)  ; for total line
           (spancols2  2)  ; for subtotal line
           (position   1)) ; for position number

      ; load splits, if any
      (if (not (null? lot))
        (set! splits
          (sort-list (gnc-lot-get-split-list lot) ; sort by date
                     (lambda (s1 s2)
                       (let ((t1 (xaccSplitGetParent s1))
                             (t2 (xaccSplitGetParent s2)))
                         (< (car (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted t1))
                            (car (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted t2))))))))

      ; pre-scan invoice entries to look for discounts and taxes
      (for entry in entries do
          (let ((action    (gncEntryGetAction entry))
                (qty       (gncEntryGetQuantity entry))
                (discount  (gncEntryGetInvDiscount entry))
                (taxtable  (gncEntryGetInvTaxTable entry)))
            (if (not (string=? action ""))
              (set! units? #t))
            (if (not (= (gnc-numeric-to-double qty) 1.0))
              (set! qty? #t))
            (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p discount)) (set! discount? #t))
            ;(if taxable - no, this flag is redundant
            (if (not (eq? taxtable '()))
              (begin ; presence of a tax table means it's taxed
                (set! tax? #t)
                (let ((ttentries (gncTaxTableGetEntries taxtable)))
                  (if (string-prefix? "#<swig-pointer PriceList" (object->string ttentries))
                    ; error in SWIG binding -- disable display of tax details
                    ; (see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573645)
                    (set! taxtables? #f))))))) ; hack required until Swig is fixed

      ; pre-scan invoice splits to see if any payments have been made
      (for split in splits do
          (let* ((t (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
            (if (not (equal? t txn))
              (set! payments? #t))))


	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
	<title><?scm:d (_ "Invoice") ?>: <?scm:d invoiceid ?></title>
	<?scm (if css? (begin ?>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?scm:d opt-css-file ?>" type="text/css">
	<?scm )) ?>

<div id="titelUndUntertitel">
<?scm ;(if (access? opt-logofile R_OK) (begin ?>
;    <img class="logo" src="<?scm:d opt-logofile ?>" alt="" />
;  <?scm ))
  <p><span class="titel"><span><?scm:d (or coyname (_ "Company Name")) ?></span></span><br /><span class="untertitel"><span><?scm:d opt-company-slogan ?></span></span></p>

<div id="register">
    <?scm (if coyaddr (begin ?>
      <dt class="coyaddr"><span><?scm:d (_"Mail") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coyaddr"><span><?scm:d (nl->br coyaddr) ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if coyphone (begin ?>
      <dt class="coyphone"><span><?scm:d (_"Phone") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coyphone"><span><?scm:d coyphone ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if coyfax (begin ?>
      <dt class="coyfax"><span><?scm:d (_"Fax") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coyfax"><span><?scm:d coyfax ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if coyemail (begin ?>
      <dt class="coyemail"><span><?scm:d (_"eMail") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coyemail"><span><?scm:d coyemail ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if coyurl (begin ?>
      <dt class="coyurl"><span><?scm:d (_"Web") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coyurl"><span><?scm:d coyurl ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if coycontact (begin ?>
      <dt class="coycontact"><span><?scm:d (_"Ansprechpartner") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="coycontact"><span><?scm:d coycontact ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <?scm (if ( equal? postdate (cons 0 0)) (begin ) (begin ?>
      <dt class="postdate"><span><?scm:d (_"Invoice Date") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="postdate"><span><?scm:d ( gnc-print-date postdate ) ?></span></dd>
      <dt class="duedate"><span><?scm:d (_"Due Date") ?></span></dt>
      <dd class="duedate"><span><?scm:d ( gnc-print-date duedate ) ?></span></dd>
    <?scm )) ?>
    <dt class="ownerid"><span><?scm:d (_"Customer Id" ) ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="ownerid"><span><?scm:d ownerid ?></span></dd>

<div id="backaddress">
  <?scm (if coyaddr (begin ?>
    <p><?scm:d coyname ?><?scm:d delimiter ?><?scm:d (nl->delimiter coyaddr) ?></p>
  <?scm )) ?>

<div id="toaddress">
  <?scm (if (not (string=? owneraddr "")) (begin ?>
      <?scm:d (nl->br owneraddr) ?>
  <?scm )) ?>

<?scm (if (equal? postdate (cons 0 0)) (begin ?>
  <h1><span><?scm:d (_ "Invoice in progress...") ?></span></h1>
<?scm ) (begin ?>
  <h1><span><?scm:d (_ "Invoice" ) ?>: <?scm:d invoiceid ?></span></h1>
<?scm )) ?>

<?scm (if (not (string=? termsdesc "")) (begin ?>
  <p><?scm:d termsdesc ?></p>
<?scm )) ?>

<?scm (if (not (string=? billingid "")) (begin ?>
  <p>Your ref: <?scm:d billingid ?></p>
<?scm )) ?>

<div id="inhalt">
<!-- tabelle hier -->
<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr valign="bottom">
      <th align="center" ><?scm:d (_ "Pos.") ?></th>
      <th colspan="2" align="left" width="80%"><?scm:d (_ "Description") ?></th>
      <?scm (if units? (begin ?>
        <th align="left"><?scm:d opt-units-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (set! spancols1 (+ spancols1 1))
              (set! spancols2 (+ spancols2 1)))) ?>
      <?scm (if (or units? qty?) (begin ?>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-qty-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (set! spancols1 (+ spancols1 1))
              (set! spancols2 (+ spancols2 1)))) ?>
      <?scm (if (or units? qty? discount?) (begin ?>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-unit-price-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (set! spancols1 (+ spancols1 1))
              (set! spancols2 (+ spancols2 1)))) ?>
      <?scm (if discount? (begin ?>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-disc-rate-heading ?></th>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-disc-amount-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (set! spancols1 (+ spancols1 2))
              (set! spancols2 (+ spancols2 1)))) ?>
      <?scm (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin ?>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-net-price-heading ?></th>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-tax-rate-heading ?></th>
        <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-tax-amount-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (set! spancols1 (+ spancols1 3))
              (set! spancols2 (+ spancols2 0)))) ?>
      <th align="right"><?scm:d opt-total-price-heading ?></th>

  <tbody> <!-- display invoice entry lines, keeping running totals -->
      (let ((tax-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
            (sub-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
            (dsc-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
            (inv-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
        (for entry in entries do
            (let ((qty       (gncEntryGetQuantity entry))
                  (each      (gncEntryGetInvPrice entry))
                  (action    (gncEntryGetAction entry))
                  (rval      (gncEntryReturnValue entry #t))
                  (rdiscval  (gncEntryReturnDiscountValue entry #t))
                  (rtaxval   (gncEntryReturnTaxValue entry #t))
                  (disc      (gncEntryGetInvDiscount entry))
                  (disctype  (gncEntryGetInvDiscountType entry))
                  (acc       (gncEntryGetInvAccount entry))
                  (taxable   (gncEntryGetInvTaxable entry))
                  (taxtable  (gncEntryGetInvTaxTable entry)))
              (inv-total 'add currency rval)
              (inv-total 'add currency rtaxval)
              (tax-total 'add currency rtaxval)
              (sub-total 'add currency rval)
              (dsc-total 'add currency rdiscval)
    <tr valign="top">
      <!-- td align="center"><?scm:d (gnc-print-date (gncEntryGetDate entry)) ?></td -->
      <td align="right" class="value"><?scm:d position ?><?scm (set! position (+ position 1)) ?></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="left" class="description"><?scm:d (gncEntryGetDescription entry) ?></td>
      <!-- td align="left"><?scm:d (gncEntryGetNotes entry) ?></td -->
      <?scm (if units? (begin ?>
        <td align="left" class="unit"><?scm:d action ?></td>
      <?scm )) ?>
      <?scm (if (or units? qty?) (begin ?>
        <td align="right" class="quantity value"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric qty) ?></td>
      <?scm )) ?>
      <?scm (if (or units? qty? discount?) (begin ?>
        <td align="right" class="unitPrice value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency each) ?></td>
      <?scm )) ?>
      <?scm (if discount? (begin ?>
        <?scm (if (equal? disctype GNC-AMT-TYPE-VALUE) (begin ?>
          <td align="right" class="discountRate value"><?scm:d (gnc:monetary->string (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency disc)) ?></td>
        <?scm ) (begin ?>
          <td align="right" class="discountRate value"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric disc) ?>%</td>
        <?scm )) ?>
        <td align="right" class="discountValue value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency rdiscval) ?></td>
      <?scm )) ?>
      <?scm (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin ?>
        <td align="right" class="nettoPrice value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency rval) ?></td>
        <td align="right" class="taxRate value"><?scm (taxrate taxable taxtable currency) ?></td>
        <td align="right" class="taxValue value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency rtaxval) ?></td>
      <?scm )) ?>
      <!-- TO DO: need an option about whether to display the tax-inclusive total? -->
      <td align="right" class="totalPrice value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency (gnc-numeric-add rval rtaxval GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)) ?></td>
    <?scm )) ?>

    <!-- display subtotals row -->
    <?scm (if (or tax? discount? payments?) (begin ?>
      <tr valign="top">
        <th align="left" class="subtotal" colspan="<?scm:d (+ spancols2 1) ?>"><?scm:d opt-subtotal-heading ?></th>
        <?scm (if discount? (begin ?>
          <td align="right" class="subtotal value discountValue"><?scm (display-comm-coll-total dsc-total #f) ?></td>
        <?scm )) ?>
        <?scm (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin ?>
          <td align="right" class="subtotal value nettoPrice"><?scm (display-comm-coll-total sub-total #f) ?></td>
          <td align="right" class="subtotal value"> </td>
          <td align="right" class="subtotal value taxValue"><?scm (display-comm-coll-total tax-total #f) ?></td>
        <?scm )) ?>
        <td align="right" class="subtotal value totalPrice"><?scm (display-comm-coll-total inv-total #f) ?></td>
    <?scm )) ?>

    <!-- payments -->
      (if payments?
        (for split in splits do
            (let ((t (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
              (if (not (equal? t txn)) ; don't process the entry itself as a split
                (let ((c (xaccTransGetCurrency t))
                      (a (xaccSplitGetValue    split)))
                  (inv-total 'add c a)
    <tr valign="top">
      <td align="center" colspan="2" width="9em" class="payment value"><?scm:d (gnc-print-date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted t)) ?></td>
      <td align="left" colspan="<?scm:d (- spancols1 1) ?>" class="payment"><?scm:d opt-payment-recd-heading ?></td>
      <td align="right" class="payment value"><?scm:d (fmtmoney c a) ?></td>
    <?scm ))))) ?>

    <!-- total row -->
    <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left" class="total" colspan="<?scm:d (+ spancols1 1) ?>"><strong><?scm:d opt-amount-due-heading ?></strong></td>
      <td align="right" class="total value final"><strong><?scm (display-comm-coll-total inv-total #f) ?></strong></td>

    <?scm ) ?> <!-- end of (let) surrounding table body -->


<?scm (if (not (string=? notes "")) (begin ?>
  <p class="notes"><?scm:d (nl->br notes) ?></p>
<?scm )) ?>

<?scm (if (not (string=? opt-extra-notes "")) (begin ?>
  <p class="extraNotes"><?scm:d (nl->br opt-extra-notes) ?></p>
<?scm )) ?>

<div id="legalform">
    <dt class="kind"><span><?scm:d opt-legal-kind-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="kind"><span><?scm:d opt-legal-kind ?></span></dd>
    <dt class="kind-add"><span><?scm:d opt-legal-kind-add-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="kind-add"><span><?scm:d (nl->br opt-legal-kind-add) ?></span></dd>
<div id="coyid">
    <dt class="coyid"><span><?scm:d opt-legal-coyid-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="coyid"><span><?scm:d coyid ?></span></dd>
<div id="bankaccount">
  <p><?scm:d opt-bank-connection-title ?></p>
    <dt class="name"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-name-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="name"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-name ?></span></dd>
    <dt class="nationalcode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-nationalcode-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="nationalcode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-nationalcode ?></span></dd>
    <dt class="swiftcode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-swiftcode-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="swiftcode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-swiftcode ?></span></dd>
    <dt class="accountnumber"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-accountnumber-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="accountnumber"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-accountnumber ?></span></dd>
    <dt class="ibancode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-ibancode-title ?></span></dt>
    <dd class="ibancode"><span><?scm:d opt-bank-ibancode ?></span></dd>

<?scm )) ; end of display-report function

  ; 'mainline' code: check for a valid invoice, then display the report
  (if (null? opt-invoice)
      (display (string-append "<h2>" (_ "Tax Invoice") "</h2>"))
      (display (string-append "<p>" (_ "No invoice has been selected -- please use the Options menu to select one.") "</p>")))
    (let* ((owner     (gncInvoiceGetOwner  opt-invoice))
           (endowner  (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))
           (ownertype (gncOwnerGetType     endowner)))
      (if (not (eqv? ownertype GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER))
          (display (string-append "<h2>" (_ "Tax Invoice") "</h2>"))
          (display (string-append "<p>" (_ "This report is designed for customer (sales) invoices only. Please use the Options menu to select an <em>Invoice</em>, not a Bill or Expense Voucher.") "</p>")))
        (display-report opt-invoice owner endowner ownertype))))

) ; end of enclosing let


Die Datei z.B. entsprechend umbenennen: gnucash-<firmenname>.css.

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div[id="register"] > dl > dd[class="coyemail"] {
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div[id="register"] > dl > dd > span {
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  margin-bottom:        2em;
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