GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures
gnc-gtk-utils.h File Reference

gtk helper routines. More...

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  GncMenuModelSearch

gtk Miscellaneous Functions

#define GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP   "tooltip"
void gnc_cbwe_set_by_string (GtkComboBox *cbwe, const gchar *text)
 Find an entry in the GtkComboBox by its text value, and set the widget to that value. More...
void gnc_cbwe_add_completion (GtkComboBox *cbwe)
void gnc_cbwe_require_list_item (GtkComboBox *cbwe)
gboolean gnc_is_dark_theme (GdkRGBA *fg_color)
 Return whether the current gtk theme is a dark one. More...
void gnc_style_context_get_background_color (GtkStyleContext *context, GtkStateFlags state, GdkRGBA *color)
 Wrapper to get the background color of a widget for a given state. More...
void gnc_style_context_get_border_color (GtkStyleContext *context, GtkStateFlags state, GdkRGBA *color)
 Wrapper to get the border color of a widget for a given state. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_get_dialog_widget_from_id (GtkDialog *dialog, const gchar *id)
 Find the Widget defined by 'id' in the dialog. More...
void gnc_disable_all_actions_in_group (GSimpleActionGroup *action_group)
 Disable all the actions in a simple action group. More...
void gnc_add_accelerator_keys_for_menu (GtkWidget *menu, GMenuModel *model, GtkAccelGroup *accel_group)
 Add accelerator keys for menu item widgets. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_name (GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_name)
 Search the menu for the menu item based on action name. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label (GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_label)
 Search the menu for the menu item based on the action label. More...
GList * gnc_menu_get_items (GtkWidget *menu)
 Return a list of GtkMenuItems. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_toolbar_item (GtkWidget *toolbar, const gchar *action_name)
 Search the toolbar for the tool item based on the action name. More...
void gnc_menu_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback (GtkWidget *menu_item, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 Setup the callbacks for menu bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar. More...
void gnc_tool_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback (GtkWidget *tool_item, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 Setup the callbacks for tool bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar. More...
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_find_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, GncMenuModelSearch *gsm)
 Find a GtkMenu item from the action name. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_menubar_model_find_menu_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_name)
 Find a GtkMenu item from the action name. More...
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_update_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *target, const gchar *label, const gchar *accel_name, const gchar *tooltip)
 Update the GMenuModel item based on the action name by copying existing item, removing it and inserting a new one in same location. More...
void gnc_menubar_model_remove_items_with_attrib (GMenuModel *menu_model, const gchar *attrib)
 Remove GMenuModel entries based on having an attribute value equal to attrib, it does not matter what the value is. More...

Detailed Description

gtk helper routines.

Copyright (C) 2006 David Hampton

Definition in file gnc-gtk-utils.h.