GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Files | Data Structures
Gtk Utilities

The API in this file is designed to provide support functions that wrap the base gtk functions and make them easier to use. More...


file  gnc-gtk-utils.h
 gtk helper routines.

Data Structures

struct  GncMenuModelSearch

gtk Miscellaneous Functions

void gnc_cbwe_set_by_string (GtkComboBox *cbwe, const gchar *text)
 Find an entry in the GtkComboBox by its text value, and set the widget to that value. More...
void gnc_cbwe_add_completion (GtkComboBox *cbwe)
void gnc_cbwe_require_list_item (GtkComboBox *cbwe)
gboolean gnc_is_dark_theme (GdkRGBA *fg_color)
 Return whether the current gtk theme is a dark one. More...
void gnc_style_context_get_background_color (GtkStyleContext *context, GtkStateFlags state, GdkRGBA *color)
 Wrapper to get the background color of a widget for a given state. More...
void gnc_style_context_get_border_color (GtkStyleContext *context, GtkStateFlags state, GdkRGBA *color)
 Wrapper to get the border color of a widget for a given state. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_get_dialog_widget_from_id (GtkDialog *dialog, const gchar *id)
 Find the Widget defined by 'id' in the dialog. More...
void gnc_disable_all_actions_in_group (GSimpleActionGroup *action_group)
 Disable all the actions in a simple action group. More...
void gnc_add_accelerator_keys_for_menu (GtkWidget *menu, GMenuModel *model, GtkAccelGroup *accel_group)
 Add accelerator keys for menu item widgets. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_name (GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_name)
 Search the menu for the menu item based on action name. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label (GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_label)
 Search the menu for the menu item based on the action label. More...
GList * gnc_menu_get_items (GtkWidget *menu)
 Return a list of GtkMenuItems. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_find_toolbar_item (GtkWidget *toolbar, const gchar *action_name)
 Search the toolbar for the tool item based on the action name. More...
void gnc_menu_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback (GtkWidget *menu_item, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 Setup the callbacks for menu bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar. More...
void gnc_tool_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback (GtkWidget *tool_item, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 Setup the callbacks for tool bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar. More...
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_find_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, GncMenuModelSearch *gsm)
 Find a GtkMenu item from the action name. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_menubar_model_find_menu_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_name)
 Find a GtkMenu item from the action name. More...
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_update_item (GMenuModel *menu_model, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *target, const gchar *label, const gchar *accel_name, const gchar *tooltip)
 Update the GMenuModel item based on the action name by copying existing item, removing it and inserting a new one in same location. More...
void gnc_menubar_model_remove_items_with_attrib (GMenuModel *menu_model, const gchar *attrib)
 Remove GMenuModel entries based on having an attribute value equal to attrib, it does not matter what the value is. More...
#define GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP   "tooltip"

Detailed Description

The API in this file is designed to provide support functions that wrap the base gtk functions and make them easier to use.

Function Documentation

◆ gnc_add_accelerator_keys_for_menu()

void gnc_add_accelerator_keys_for_menu ( GtkWidget *  menu,
GMenuModel *  model,
GtkAccelGroup *  accel_group 

Add accelerator keys for menu item widgets.

menuThe menu widget.
modelThe menu bar model.
accel_groupThe accelerator group to use.

Definition at line 431 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

432 {
433  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET(menu));
434  g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
435  g_return_if_fail (accel_group != NULL);
437  // this updates the menu accelerators based on accelerator-map
438  gtk_accel_map_foreach (model, (GtkAccelMapForeach)accel_map_foreach_func);
440  gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER(menu), add_accel_for_menu_lookup, accel_group);
441 }

◆ gnc_cbwe_set_by_string()

void gnc_cbwe_set_by_string ( GtkComboBox *  cbwe,
const gchar *  text 

Find an entry in the GtkComboBox by its text value, and set the widget to that value.

This function also records the index of that text value for use when the user leaves the widget.

cbweA pointer to a GtkComboBox with entry widget.
textThe entry text to find in the model of the combo box entry.

Definition at line 41 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

43 {
44  GtkTreeModel *model;
45  GtkTreeIter iter;
46  gchar *tree_string;
47  gint column, index, id;
48  gboolean match;
50  model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cbwe));
51  if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter))
52  {
53  /* empty tree */
54  gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cbwe), -1);
55  return;
56  }
58  column = gtk_combo_box_get_entry_text_column(cbwe);
59  do
60  {
61  gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, column, &tree_string, -1);
62  match = g_utf8_collate(text, tree_string) == 0;
63  g_free(tree_string);
64  if (!match)
65  continue;
67  /* Found a matching string */
68  id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(cbwe), CHANGED_ID));
69  g_signal_handler_block(cbwe, id);
70  gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cbwe), &iter);
71  g_signal_handler_unblock(cbwe, id);
73  index = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cbwe));
74  g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(cbwe), LAST_INDEX, GINT_TO_POINTER(index));
75  return;
76  }
77  while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter));
78 }

◆ gnc_disable_all_actions_in_group()

void gnc_disable_all_actions_in_group ( GSimpleActionGroup *  action_group)

Disable all the actions in a simple action group.

action_groupThe GSimpleActionGroup

Definition at line 342 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

343 {
344  gchar **actions;
345  gint num_actions;
347  g_return_if_fail (action_group != NULL);
349  actions = g_action_group_list_actions (G_ACTION_GROUP(action_group));
350  num_actions = g_strv_length (actions);
352  // Disable the actions
353  for (gint i = 0; i < num_actions; i++)
354  {
355  GAction *action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP(action_group),
356  actions[i]);
357  g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION(action), FALSE);
358  }
359  g_strfreev (actions);
360 }

◆ gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label()

GtkWidget* gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label ( GtkWidget *  menu,
const gchar *  action_label 

Search the menu for the menu item based on the action label.

menuThe menu widget.
action_labelThe GtkMenuItem label.
The menu item widget or NULL.

Definition at line 528 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

529 {
530  GtkWidget *ret = NULL;
531  const gchar *action_name = NULL;
533  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET(menu), NULL);
534  g_return_val_if_fail (action_label != NULL, NULL);
536  if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(menu))
537  {
538  GList *container_list = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER(menu));
539  for (GList *n = container_list; !ret && n; n = n->next)
540  ret = find_menu_item_func (n->data, action_name, action_label);
541  g_list_free (container_list);
542  }
543  return ret;
544 }

◆ gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_name()

GtkWidget* gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_name ( GtkWidget *  menu,
const gchar *  action_name 

Search the menu for the menu item based on action name.

menuThe menu widget.
action_nameThe GAction name.
The menu item widget or NULL.

Definition at line 500 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

501 {
502  GtkWidget *ret = NULL;
503  const gchar *action_label = NULL;
505  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET(menu), NULL);
506  g_return_val_if_fail (action_name != NULL, NULL);
508  if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(menu))
509  {
510  GList *container_list = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER(menu));
511  for (GList *n = container_list; !ret && n; n = n->next)
512  ret = find_menu_item_func (n->data, action_name, action_label);
513  g_list_free (container_list);
514  }
515  return ret;
516 }

◆ gnc_find_toolbar_item()

GtkWidget* gnc_find_toolbar_item ( GtkWidget *  toolbar,
const gchar *  action_name 

Search the toolbar for the tool item based on the action name.

toolbarThe toolbar widget.
action_nameThe GAction name.
The tool item widget or NULL.

Definition at line 613 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

614 {
615  struct find_tool_item_struct ftis;
617  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TOOLBAR(toolbar), NULL);
618  g_return_val_if_fail (action_name != NULL, NULL);
620  ftis.action_name = action_name;
621  ftis.found_tool_item = NULL;
623  gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER(toolbar), find_tool_action, &ftis);
625  return ftis.found_tool_item;
626 }

◆ gnc_get_dialog_widget_from_id()

GtkWidget* gnc_get_dialog_widget_from_id ( GtkDialog *  dialog,
const gchar *  id 

Find the Widget defined by 'id' in the dialog.

dialogThe dialog to search for 'id'.
idThe widget name to find in the dialog.
The widget defined by id in the dialog or NULL.

Definition at line 330 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

331 {
332  GtkWidget *content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (dialog);
333  return find_widget_func (content_area, id);
334 }

◆ gnc_is_dark_theme()

gboolean gnc_is_dark_theme ( GdkRGBA *  fg_color)

Return whether the current gtk theme is a dark one.

A theme is considered "dark" if it has a dark background color with a light foreground color (used for text and so on). We only test on the foreground color assuming a sane theme chooses enough contrast between foreground and background colors.

fg_colorThe foreground color to test.
TRUE if the theme is considered dark, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 236 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

237 {
238  gboolean is_dark = FALSE;
240  // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color...
241  double lightness = (0.299 * fg_color->red + 0.587 * fg_color->green + 0.114 * fg_color->blue);
243  if (lightness > 0.5)
244  is_dark = TRUE;
246  return is_dark;
247 }

◆ gnc_menu_get_items()

GList* gnc_menu_get_items ( GtkWidget *  menu)

Return a list of GtkMenuItems.

menuThe menu widget.
A GList of menu items or NULL.

Definition at line 571 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

572 {
573  GList *list = NULL;
575  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET(menu), NULL);
577  gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER(menu), menu_item_list, &list);
579  return list;
580 }

◆ gnc_menu_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback()

void gnc_menu_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback ( GtkWidget *  menu_item,
GtkWidget *  statusbar 

Setup the callbacks for menu bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar.

menu_itemThe menubar menu item widget.
statusbarThe statusbar widget to display the tooltip.

Definition at line 1053 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

1055 {
1056  g_return_if_fail (menu_item != NULL);
1057  g_return_if_fail (statusbar != NULL);
1059  if (GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "added-callbacks")))
1060  return;
1062  g_signal_connect (menu_item, "select",
1063  G_CALLBACK(menu_item_select_cb),
1064  statusbar);
1065  g_signal_connect (menu_item, "deselect",
1066  G_CALLBACK(menu_item_deselect_cb),
1067  statusbar);
1068  g_object_set (G_OBJECT(menu_item), "has-tooltip", FALSE, NULL);
1070  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT(menu_item), "added-callbacks", GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
1071 }

◆ gnc_menubar_model_find_item()

gboolean gnc_menubar_model_find_item ( GMenuModel *  menu_model,
GncMenuModelSearch *  gsm 

Find a GtkMenu item from the action name.

This is done by first finding the action name in the GMenuModel and then doing a search for the label text in the GtkMenu.

NOTE: This is done this way as the action_name field of the GtkMenuItem is not populated from the model.

menu_modelThe GMenuModel of the menu.
gsmThe GncMenuModelSearch structure.
TRUE if GMenuModel item found or FALSE if not.

Definition at line 745 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

746 {
748  g_return_val_if_fail (menu_model != NULL, FALSE);
749  g_return_val_if_fail (gsm != NULL, FALSE);
751  gsm->model = NULL;
753  items_from_model (menu_model, gsm);
755  if (gsm->model)
756  return TRUE;
758  return FALSE;
759 }

◆ gnc_menubar_model_find_menu_item()

GtkWidget* gnc_menubar_model_find_menu_item ( GMenuModel *  menu_model,
GtkWidget *  menu,
const gchar *  action_name 

Find a GtkMenu item from the action name.

This is done by first finding the action name in the GMenuModel and then doing a search for the label text in the GtkMenu.

NOTE: This is done this way as the action_name field of the GtkMenuItem is not populated from the model.

menu_modelThe GMenuModel of the menu.
menuThe GtkMenu built from the model.
action_nameThe action name of the menu item to find.
The GtkMenuItem if found or NULL

Definition at line 778 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

779 {
780  GncMenuModelSearch *gsm;
781  GtkWidget *menu_item = NULL;
783  g_return_val_if_fail (menu_model != NULL, NULL);
784  g_return_val_if_fail (menu != NULL, NULL);
785  g_return_val_if_fail (action_name != NULL, NULL);
787  gsm = g_new0 (GncMenuModelSearch, 1);
789  gsm->search_action_label = NULL;
790  gsm->search_action_name = action_name;
791  gsm->search_action_target = NULL;
793  if (gnc_menubar_model_find_item (menu_model, gsm))
794  menu_item = gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label (menu, gsm->search_action_label);
796  g_free (gsm);
797  return menu_item;
798 }
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_find_item(GMenuModel *menu_model, GncMenuModelSearch *gsm)
Find a GtkMenu item from the action name.
GtkWidget * gnc_find_menu_item_by_action_label(GtkWidget *menu, const gchar *action_label)
Search the menu for the menu item based on the action label.

◆ gnc_menubar_model_remove_items_with_attrib()

void gnc_menubar_model_remove_items_with_attrib ( GMenuModel *  menu_model,
const gchar *  attrib 

Remove GMenuModel entries based on having an attribute value equal to attrib, it does not matter what the value is.

menu_modelThe GMenuModel of the menu.
attribThe attribute to look for.

Definition at line 987 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

988 {
989  GList *remove_list = NULL;
991  g_return_if_fail (menu_model != NULL);
992  g_return_if_fail (attrib != NULL);
994  remove_items_from_model (menu_model, &remove_list, attrib);
996  g_list_foreach (remove_list, (GFunc)remove_items, NULL);
997  g_list_free (remove_list);
998 }

◆ gnc_menubar_model_update_item()

gboolean gnc_menubar_model_update_item ( GMenuModel *  menu_model,
const gchar *  action_name,
const gchar *  target,
const gchar *  label,
const gchar *  accel_name,
const gchar *  tooltip 

Update the GMenuModel item based on the action name by copying existing item, removing it and inserting a new one in same location.

menu_modelThe GMenuModel of the menu.
action_nameThe action name to update.
targetThe action target if required, else NULL.
labelThe new menu label text.
accel_nameThe accelerator string
tooltipThe new tooltip text if any.
TRUE if item found and updated or FALSE if not.

Definition at line 819 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

822 {
823  GncMenuModelSearch *gsm;
824  gboolean found = FALSE;
826  g_return_val_if_fail (menu_model != NULL, FALSE);
827  g_return_val_if_fail (action_name != NULL, FALSE);
829  gsm = g_new0 (GncMenuModelSearch, 1);
831  gsm->search_action_label = NULL;
832  gsm->search_action_name = action_name;
833  gsm->search_action_target = target;
835  if (gnc_menubar_model_find_item (menu_model, gsm))
836  {
837  GMenuAttributeIter *iter;
838  const gchar *key;
839  GVariant *value;
840  GVariant *old_target = NULL;
841  const gchar *old_action = NULL;
842  const gchar *old_temp = NULL;
843  const gchar *old_accel = NULL;
844  const gchar *old_tooltip = NULL;
846  iter = g_menu_model_iterate_item_attributes (gsm->model, gsm->index);
847  while (g_menu_attribute_iter_get_next (iter, &key, &value))
848  {
849  if (g_str_equal (key, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) &&
850  g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
851  old_temp = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
852  else if (g_str_equal (key, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACTION) &&
853  g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
854  old_action = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
855  else if (g_str_equal (key, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACCELERATOR) &&
856  g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
857  old_accel = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
858  else if (g_str_equal (key, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP) &&
859  g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
860  old_tooltip = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
861  else if (g_str_equal (key, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET))
862  old_target = g_variant_ref (value);
864  g_variant_unref (value);
865  }
866  g_object_unref (iter);
868  if (!label && !gsm->search_action_label)
869  {
870  if (old_target)
871  g_variant_unref (old_target);
873  g_free (gsm);
874  return found;
875  }
877  if ((accel_name && g_strcmp0 (old_accel, accel_name) != 0) ||
878  (tooltip && g_strcmp0 (old_tooltip, tooltip) != 0) ||
879  (label && g_strcmp0 (gsm->search_action_label, label) != 0))
880  {
881  GMenuItem *item = NULL;
883  if (label)
884  item = g_menu_item_new (label, old_action);
885  else
886  item = g_menu_item_new (gsm->search_action_label, old_action);
888  if (tooltip)
889  g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP, "s", tooltip);
890  else
891  {
892  if (old_tooltip)
893  g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP, "s", old_tooltip);
894  }
895  if (accel_name)
896  g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACCELERATOR, "s", accel_name);
897  else
898  {
899  if (old_accel)
900  g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACCELERATOR, "s", old_accel);
901  }
902  if (old_temp)
903  g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, GNC_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, "s", old_temp);
905  if (old_target)
906  g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (item, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, old_target);
908  g_menu_remove (G_MENU(gsm->model), gsm->index);
909  g_menu_insert_item (G_MENU(gsm->model), gsm->index, item);
910  g_object_unref (item);
911  found = TRUE;
912  }
913  if (old_target)
914  g_variant_unref (old_target);
915  }
916  g_free (gsm);
917  return found;
918 }
gboolean gnc_menubar_model_find_item(GMenuModel *menu_model, GncMenuModelSearch *gsm)
Find a GtkMenu item from the action name.

◆ gnc_style_context_get_background_color()

void gnc_style_context_get_background_color ( GtkStyleContext *  context,
GtkStateFlags  state,
GdkRGBA *  color 

Wrapper to get the background color of a widget for a given state.

contextStyle context of widget.
stateThe stateflag of the widget.
colorThe returned background color of the widget.

Definition at line 258 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

261 {
262  GdkRGBA *c;
264  g_return_if_fail (color != NULL);
265  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context));
267  gtk_style_context_get (context,
268  state,
270  NULL);
271  *color = *c;
272  gdk_rgba_free (c);
273 }

◆ gnc_style_context_get_border_color()

void gnc_style_context_get_border_color ( GtkStyleContext *  context,
GtkStateFlags  state,
GdkRGBA *  color 

Wrapper to get the border color of a widget for a given state.

contextStyle context of widget.
stateThe stateflag of the widget.
colorThe returned border color of the widget.

Definition at line 284 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

287 {
288  GdkRGBA *c;
290  g_return_if_fail (color != NULL);
291  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context));
293  gtk_style_context_get (context,
294  state,
296  NULL);
297  *color = *c;
298  gdk_rgba_free (c);
299 }

◆ gnc_tool_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback()

void gnc_tool_item_setup_tooltip_to_statusbar_callback ( GtkWidget *  tool_item,
GtkWidget *  statusbar 

Setup the callbacks for tool bar items so the tooltip can be displayed in the status bar.

tool_itemThe toolbar tool item widget.
statusbarThe statusbar widget to display the tooltip.

Definition at line 1101 of file gnc-gtk-utils.c.

1103 {
1104  GtkWidget *child;
1106  g_return_if_fail (tool_item != NULL);
1107  g_return_if_fail (statusbar != NULL);
1109  child = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN(tool_item));
1111  gtk_widget_add_events (GTK_WIDGET(child),
1115  g_signal_connect (child, "enter-notify-event",
1116  G_CALLBACK (tool_item_enter_event),
1117  statusbar);
1119  g_signal_connect (child, "leave-notify-event",
1120  G_CALLBACK (tool_item_leave_event),
1121  statusbar);
1123  g_object_set (G_OBJECT(tool_item), "has-tooltip", FALSE, NULL);
1124 }