Глава 8. Кредиты


8.1. Basic Concepts
8.1.1. Terminology
8.2. Setting Up Accounts
8.3. Calculations
8.3.1. Example: Monthly Payments
8.3.2. Example: Length of Loan
8.3.3. Advanced: Calculation Details
8.4. House Mortgage (How-To)
8.5. A Personal Loan to a friend (How-To)
8.5.1. Loan Specifications
8.5.2. Accounts for the loan
8.5.3. Lending the money
8.5.4. Receiving first payment
8.5.5. Receiving second payment
8.6. Automobile Loan (How-To)
8.7. Reconciling with the Loan Statements (How-To)
8.8. Selling a house or a car (How-To)
8.8.1. Simple Transaction
8.8.2. A More Complex Transaction

This chapter explains how to manage your loans with GnuCash.