Dependency Sources

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This page collects the places to check for updates of our dependencies. The detailed update instructions are in Dependency Updates. See also Release Process.


  • Beta or release candidate releases should be bundled only under exceptional circumstances.
  • New releases should be bundled in nightly builds for at least a week before a release. Unless there's a compelling reason (like fixing a serious bug) dependencies should not be updated in the bundle repositories in the last week before a release.

Flatpak only

Gnome Runtime
Gnome Gitlab tags represent available runtimes. Change the runtime-version value in org.gnucash.Gnucash.
Updates every half year. As only the last two versions are maintained, we should update ASAP.


AqBanking Family
Updates on demand, often announced on aqbanking-user and sometimes gnucash-de.
LibOFX on Github updates on demand.
Google Test, Boost, Guile, LibDBI, SWIG, and the MySQL/MariaDB and Postgresql connectors are fairly stable and GnuCash doesn't depend on or even necessarily want the latest features.They should not be routinely updated.