Windows Installer Translation
From GnuCash
This page deals with the translation of the windows installer. For the general part see Translation.
The Windows specific parts of GnuCash are in a separate repository.git clone ${SOURCEDIR}
cd ${SOURCEDIR}/inno_setup # all translatable parts are in inno_setup
The translation of messages is split in two parts and a README file:
- Inno setup standard messages
- Gnucash custom messages
- a README file, which is displayed to the user in the setup process.
Custom Messages and Settings
All settings related to the language(s) in the installer are controlled through the file gnucash-mingw64.iss.
In particular, the following settings will have to be added:
- For the built-in messages of the Installer, search the section [Languages], add a line in the list Only if you created README-<ll>.win32-bin.txt, add the part in the square brackets [...]. This "README" is shown as last screen of the installer.
[Languages] Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" Name: "ca"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Catalan.isl"; InfoAfterFile: "@INST_DIR@\share\doc\@PACKAGE@\README-ca.win32-bin.txt" : Name: "<ll>"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\<Language>.isl"[; InfoAfterFile: "@INST_DIR@\share\doc\@PACKAGE@\README-<ll>.win32-bin.txt"] : Name: "zh_TW"; MessagesFile: "@GC_WIN_REPOS_DIR@\inno_setup\ChineseTraditional-5.5.3.isl"; InfoAfterFile: "@INST_DIR@\share\doc\@PACKAGE@\README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt"
- For the gnucash-specific messages in the Installer, copy&paste all lines in the [CustomMessages] section similar to the other languages. For each custom message you will have to prefix the line with your language code and add your translation <ll>.<MessageName>=<Translated Message> there:
[CustomMessages] ; *** "Select Components" wizard page FullInstall=Full installation CustomInstall=Custom installation CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon CreateMenuLink=Create a start menu link RunPrg=Run GnuCash now AdditionalIcons=Create these icons: StatusMsgFirewall=Installing Windows firewall rules... ; *** "Another install" wizard page ; %1 in the following messages will be replaced with the application name and version, like "GnuCash 2.3.15" AIWP_Title=Another installation has been found AIWP_Description=%1 is currently installed on this computer AIWP_Message=This earlier installation has to be removed before continuing.%n%nIf you don't want that, click Cancel now to abort the current installation.%n%nClick Next to remove %1 and continue with the installation.%n%nNote: Only the program will be removed, not your financial data. MainFiles=GnuCash Program TranslFiles=Translation Files TemplFiles=Account Template Files IconComment_GnuCash=GnuCash Free Finance Manager IconName_README=Show GnuCash README IconComment_README=Show the README file IconFilename_README=README.win32-bin.txt IconName_FAQ=GnuCash FAQ (Online) IconName_Bugzilla=Report a GnuCash Bug (Online) IconName_InstallFQ=Install Online Price Retrieval for GnuCash IconComment_InstallFQ=Install the necessary perl module Finance-Quote for online retrieval of prices. Requires ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl 5.8 or later IconName_Theme=Select GnuCash Theme IconName_Uninstall=Uninstall GnuCash IconComment_Uninstall=Uninstall the Finance Manager GnuCash
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Catalan translation ca.FullInstall=Instal·lació completa :
- One line has to be added for the CodePage paragraph, like so:
;; List of Code pages, used in gnucash.cmd LanguageCodePage=1252 ca.LanguageCodePage=1252 de.LanguageCodePage=1252 el.LanguageCodePage=1253 fr.LanguageCodePage=1252 it.LanguageCodePage=1252 ja.LanguageCodePage=932 nl.LanguageCodePage=1252 pt_BR.LanguageCodePage=1252 zh_CN.LanguageCodePage=936 zh_TW.LanguageCodePage=950
- Note
- We prefer now LanguageCodePage=0 for UTF-8.
- Source
Inno Setup Standard Messages
- If your language is in the Official translations section of no further action is required.
- Else you should submit a translation of to gnucash.
- If there is already a file in Unofficial translations section of, you can use it to start.
- You might consider to submit your updated and reviewed file also to Inno Setup.
- Maintainers
- After a file appears in the official translations of the current Inno Setup version, you can remove it from GnuCash again.
Open README.win32-bin.txt, translate it and save it as README-<LL>.win32-bin.txt, where <LL> is your language code.