
From GnuCash
Revision as of 15:02, 24 April 2008 by Twt (talk | contribs) (updated text to reflect today's release & added link to backports info)
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Ubuntu 8.04 ("Hardy Heron")

GnuCash 2.2.4 is included in Ubuntu 8.04, released April 24 2008. (Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" is an "LTS" or "Long Term Support" release to replace Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper.") Source building and back-porting procedures should be similar to previous Ubuntu releases.

As always, activate the Universe repository in your Software Sources to make GnuCash available.

When back-ported versions of GnuCash become available, activate the Backports repository to install the latest back-ported upgrade. (If fidelity to the rest of the supported LTS release is important to you, also be sure to "pin" your Backports repository to a lower priority than the other repositories using an /etc/apt/preferences file, and install only the upgraded packages you use.) For more backport details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports

Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon")

GnuCash 2.2.1 is included in Gutsy. Some minimal notes on building GnuCash appear in BuildGutsy. See the Debian page for more details.

Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn")

GnuCash 2.0.5 is included in Feisty, and 2.2.1 is available in the Feisty Backports repository. To enable online banking HBCI, the build instructions for Debian and Ubuntu are the same. See the Debian page for the instructions.

To build GnuCash 2.2 on Feisty, see Building#Feisty.

Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft")

GnuCash 2.0.1 is included in Edgy. To enable online banking HBCI, the build instructions for Debian and Ubuntu are the same. See the Debian page for the instructions.

Ubuntu 6.06 ("Dapper Drake")

Binaries installing to /usr:

Binaries installing to /usr/local:

BreezyBadgerInstallation instructions should basically work (perhaps with minor adjustments).

Ubuntu 5.10 ("Breezy Badger")
