User talk:Twt
this is my own little playground for trying out stuff
The latest release of Gnucash is 5.11
- 1 Connecting to LibreOffice (twt scratch)
- 2 Debian/Getdeb
- 3 Your Change to FAQ
- 4 RESPONSE about font size in the FAQ
- 5
- 6
Connecting to LibreOffice (twt scratch)
TWT is collecting some stuff for querying or reporting in GnuCash via Libreoffice. (Based on email discussion "gnucash, sql, and libre office" on gnucash-user starting Feb 18, 2016).
Old Gnucash to LibreOffice macro is available at
Instructions and examples for this old macro are at
(see the navigation links at the top)
Here's a script for going to mysql:
There's also lots of info about converting GnuCash XML using XSLT, and there are some example xslt in
Connecting GnuCash sqlite to LibreOffice via ODBC
Basic info:
Instructions for Ubuntu (based on 14.04 LTS)
1) Install the packages
$ sudo apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-bin libsqliteodbc
that last libsqliteodbc installs the sqlite to ODBC driver and registers it in the system. The instructions imply you'll also need to install the sqlite3 package but I think you probably don't need it for this.
2) save A COPY OF your gnucash data as a sqlite3 file
3) Create the data source (as a regular user NOT sudo)
$ ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4
Use the tool to create a new sqlite3 data source and connect it to the sqlite3 file you created with gnucash.
4) now you can open LibreOffice Base, create a new Database, connected to an existing ODBC data source, choose the one you created in step 3, and when Base opens you will see the inscrutable tables in GnuCash.
5) [Insert info here about how to make it useful (how to join tables usefully, etc.)]
6) Presumably you close Base and then save a fresh copy of GnuCash to the same file to update your data again and reopen Base to reconnect to updated data, preserving your queries and joins.
How about adjusting the Synaptic section to debian's archive or removing it? --Fell (talk) 16:31, 15 August 2019 (UTC)
Hi -- I know that probably wasn't what you were thinking but I restructured the whole section. The lower part of the page needs a similar restructuring but I need to get to something else! Twt (talk) 17:34, 15 August 2019 (UTC)
Your Change to FAQ
You entered a change to the FAQ under "How do I get rid of strange unreadable characters or adjust the font size"
The question itself is problematic, in that it covers two topics ("strange" characters *and* font size). However, its placement under Localization suggests that its primary purpose is for strange characters, rather than font size. Indeed, there is a separate section just prior to this one in the FAQ that covers altering the appearance of GnuCash in much greater detail. This section refers users to the highly detailed GTK3 page, which provides a much more thorough and accurate description of the font styling question.
I think if you take a look at the GTK3 page, you will see what I am talking about; I think most of what you've added here is covered there.
Since you brought this section of the FAQ to my attention, I may in fact further edit this question drastically so that it covers only the issue of strange unreadable characters, and further refers readers to the respective GTK pages for instruction on setting fonts.
I'm writing all this to you so that you don't feel that your efforts are summarily dismissed by some random smartass on the interwebs.
Sunfish62 (talk) 04:18, 28 September 2019 (UTC)
RESPONSE about font size in the FAQ
Hey... no problem. After spending a bit of time on it I was no longer very happy with it anyway. I hope what I wrote (and the code changes I made) are helpful anyway. BY THE WAY you can sign your name to comments (as I'm doing below) by typing four tildes ~ on a line
Twt (talk) 04:16, 28 September 2019 (UTC)
This is the general dependency page, but "-0" is the distribution specific patch level. Is it really required, to enter it? If yes, it belongs in the distribution specific page.
- Note
- There are more occurences of patch levels in the command list. Please review them, too.
--Fell (talk) 07:34, 18 September 2020 (UTC)
- Is apt really so stupid? In rpm based package managers, if I say "install foo-dev", it will pull the runtime package "foo" as a dependency.
- Can you verfy that and if I am right, change this and other commands in the other direction:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev # will install libgtk-3-bin, too
- Can you verfy that and if I am right, change this and other commands in the other direction:
- "3.0 >= 3.22.30" is impossible, should be "gtk+3 >= 3.22.30".