Bugzilla Administration/BugzillaPM
From GnuCash
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# This is based off Gnats, but designed to pull from Gnome Bugzilla to
# migrate GnuCash entries. This uses the Bugzilla JSON API to
# Re-written by Derek Atkins <derek@ihtfp.com>
# Notes:
# * may need to set ulimit: ulimit -n 16384
# * When running the migration script ensure you set TZ=America/New_York
package Bugzilla::Migrate::Bugzilla;
use strict;
use base qw(Bugzilla::Migrate);
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress);
use Bugzilla::Util qw(format_time trim generate_random_password);
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx);
use List::Util qw(first);
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;
use Date::Manip::Date;
my %duplicates;
my %depends_on;
my %attach_status;
use constant REQUIRED_MODULES => [
# {
# package => 'Email-Simple-FromHandle',
# module => 'Email::Simple::FromHandle',
# # This version added seekable handles.
# version => 0.050,
# },
use constant NON_COMMENT_FIELDS => (
use constant FIELD_MAP => {
use constant VALUE_MAP => {
bug_severity => {
bug_status => {
bug_status_resolution => {
priority => {
use constant BZ_CONFIG_VARS => (
name => 'data_path',
default => '/root/Bugzilla/data',
desc => <<END,
# The path to the directory that contains the BZ database JSON data.
name => 'timezone',
default => 'UTC',
desc => <<END,
# Default Time Zone.
my $self = shift;
my @vars = (BZ_CONFIG_VARS, $self->SUPER::CONFIG_VARS);
my $field_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_fields' } @vars;
$field_map->{default} = FIELD_MAP;
my $value_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_values' } @vars;
$value_map->{default} = VALUE_MAP;
return @vars;
# Hooks #
# BEFORE_INSERT -- create Keywords!
sub before_insert {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $path = $self->config('data_path');
my $file = "$path/bug_fields.json";
$self->debug("Reading bug fields from $file");
open(my $fields_fh, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!";
my $json = decode_json <$fields_fh>;
# Process all the fields
foreach my $field (@{$json}) {
#print "Testing field " . $field->{name} . "\n";
if ($field->{name} eq "keywords") {
# Insert all the keywords
foreach my $keyword (@{$field->{values}}) {
#print "Inserting keyword: " . $keyword->{name} . "\n";
#die "Testing done.\n";
# Create new bug_status fields:
# value => "NEW",
# sortkey => "10",
# is_open => "1", # "0" == closed, requires resolution
my $statuses = [
{ value => "NEW", sortkey => 0, is_open => 1 },
{ value => "ASSIGNED", sortkey => 20, is_open => 1 },
{ value => "NEEDINFO", sortkey => 40, is_open => 1 },
{ value => "REOPENED", sortkey => 60, is_open => 1 },
foreach my $status (@$statuses) {
# Remove the IN_PROGRESS and CONFIRMED bug_status -- we don't use them
foreach my $status ("IN_PROGRESS", "CONFIRMED") {
my $value = Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type("bug_status")->check($status);
$value->remove_from_db() if ($value);
# Create new resolution fields
my $resolutions = [
{ value => "NOTABUG", sortkey => 520 },
{ value => "NOTGNUCASH", sortkey => 540 },
{ value => "INCOMPLETE", sortkey => 600 },
{ value => "OBSOLETE", sortkey => 640 },
foreach my $resolution (@$resolutions) {
# Remove the WORKSFORME resolution -- we don't use it
foreach my $res ("WORKSFORME") {
my $value = Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type("resolution")->check($res);
$value->remove_from_db() if ($value);
# Update the work flow matrix
print "Updating workflow...\n";
my $workflow = {
"Start" => {"NEW" => 1},
"ASSIGNED" => {"NEEDINFO" => 1, "NEW" => 1},
"NEEDINFO" => {"ASSIGNED" => 1, "NEW" => 1},
"NEW" => {"ASSIGNED" => 1, "NEEDINFO" => 1},
"REOPENED" => {"ASSIGNED" => 1, "NEEDINFO" => 1},
"RESOLVED" => {"REOPENED" => 1},
# Get the list of bug_status IDs
my $statuses;
$statuses->{"Start"} = undef;
foreach my $status (keys %{$workflow}) {
next if ($status eq "Start");
my $value = Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type("bug_status")->check($status);
$statuses->{$status} = $value->id if ($value);
# Insert new workflow mappings
my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO status_workflow (old_status, new_status)
VALUES (?, ?)');
foreach my $status (keys %{$workflow}) {
foreach my $dst (keys %{$workflow->{$status}}) {
print "Adding link from $status -> $dst\n";
$sth_insert->execute($statuses->{$status}, $statuses->{$dst});
# Create GnuCash group
my $gnc_devs = Bugzilla::Group->create({
name => "GnuCash_developers",
description => "List of GnuCash Developers",
isactive => 1,
isbuggroup => 1,
# Create Attachment Status Flag(s)
foreach my $flag (
name => "needs-work",
desc => "A GnuCash developer has reviewed the proposed patch and requested changes",
sort => "101",
name => "accepted-commit_now",
desc => "The attachment is a patch and has been approved for committing by a GnuCash developer",
sort => "102"
name => "accepted-commit_after_freeze",
desc => "The attachment is a patch and has been approved for committing by a GnuCash developer after the code freeze lifts",
sort => "103"
name => "committed",
desc => "The patch has been committed to the canonical repository",
sort => "104"
name => "rejected",
desc => "The proposed patch has been reviewed by a GnuCash developer and found irreparably unsuitable for incorporation into GnuCash.",
sort => "105"
}) {
name => $flag->{name},
description => $flag->{desc},
target_type => "attachment",
sortkey => $flag->{sort},
is_active => 1,
is_requestable => 0,
is_requesteeble => 0,
is_multiplicable => 0,
grant_group => "GnuCash_developers",
inclusions => ["0:0"],
exclusions => []
# AFTER INSERT -- Stuff to be done after we're done inserting data
sub after_insert {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# We need to populate the duplicate database entries afterwards
# instead of during the import. So let's do that now
foreach my $key (keys %duplicates) {
print "Adding duplicate: $key -> $duplicates{$key}\n";
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO duplicates (dupe, dupe_of) VALUES (?,?)',
undef, $key, $duplicates{$key});
# Populate the dependcies database
foreach my $key (keys %depends_on) {
foreach my $depends_on_id (@{$depends_on{$key}}) {
print "Adding dependency: $key -> $depends_on_id\n";
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO dependencies (blocked, dependson) VALUES (?, ?)',
undef, $key, $depends_on_id);
# Reset the Super User because we added new groups!
# Give GnuCash_developers permissions on GnuCash product
# Entry Mem Oth Canedit editcomp canconf editbugs Bugs
# [] Shown Shown [] [X] [X] [X] 1
print "Adding Group Controls.\n";
my $group = Bugzilla::Group->new({name => "GnuCash_developers"});
foreach my $prodname ("GnuCash", "Website", "Documentation", "Packaging") {
my $product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => $prodname});
$product->set_group_controls($group, {
entry => 0,
membercontrol => 1, # Shown
othercontrol => 1, # Shown
canedit => 0,
editcomponents => 1,
canconfirm => 1,
editbugs => 1
# Insert users into GnuCash_developers group
# Names acquired from:
# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=GnuCash
print "Adding users to GnuCash_developers Group.\n";
#print "Group membership: " . GROUP_MEMBERSHIP . "\n";
#print "Group bless: " . GROUP_BLESS . "\n";
# These are users that have set flags on attachments but
# technically do not have permission to do so. So let's
# give them permission and then take it away.
my @tempusers = ("yasuakit\@gmail.com", "tim\@filmchicago.org", "fred+gnome\@resel.fr", "matt_graham2001\@hotmail.com");
foreach my $username ("linas\@linas.org", "alex.aycinena\@gmail.com", "andi5.py\@gmx.net", "andrew\@swclan.homelinux.org", "benoitg\@coeus.ca", "cedayiv\@gmail.com", "chris\@wilddev.net", "chris.shoemaker\@cox.net", "stimming\@tuhh.de", "cri79\@ngi.it", "bugzilla\@love2code.net", "warlord\@MIT.EDU", "frank.h.ellenberger\@gmail.com", "info\@kobaltwit.be", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "jsled\@asynchronous.org", "joslwah\@gmail.com", "usselmann.m\@icg-online.de", "micha\@lenk.info", "mta\@umich.edu", "mikee\@saxicola.idps.co.uk", "phil.longstaff\@gmail.com", "robgowin\@gmail.com", "tim\@thewunders.org", "tbullock\@nd.edu", "yawar.amin\@gmail.com", @tempusers) {
my $user = new Bugzilla::User ({name => $username});
if ($user) {
# This is a hack because set_group() and set_bless_groups
# throws an error when I update. Specifically it does not
# like is_bless != 1. However, the table default is 0,
# so if we just supply the 'string' here (yay perl!)
# then it bypasses the User.pm logging logic.
$user->{_group_changes}{GROUP_MEMBERSHIP} = [[],[$group]];
my $is_bless = GROUP_BLESS;
$user->{_group_changes}{$is_bless} = [[],[$group]];
# Add Admin Users
$group = Bugzilla::Group->new({name => "admin"});
foreach my $username ("jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "frank.h.ellenberger\@gmail.com", "info\@kobaltwit.be") {
my $user = new Bugzilla::User ({name => $username});
if ($user) {
$user->{_group_changes}{GROUP_MEMBERSHIP} = [[],[$group]];
# (Re)set attachment status flags
# perl -e 'use lib qw(/usr/share/bugzilla); use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Attachment; Bugzilla->set_user(Bugzilla::User->super_user); my $at = Bugzilla::Attachment->new({id=> 36, cache=>1}); print join " ", sort keys %{$at->flag_types} . "\n"'
foreach my $attach_id (sort keys %attach_status) {
my $attach = new Bugzilla::Attachment({ id => $attach_id, cache => 1 });
my $flags = $attach->flag_types;
my $flag_id;
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
if ($flag->{name} eq $attach_status{$attach_id}->{status}) {
$flag_id = $flag->{id};
if ($flag_id) {
my $who = Bugzilla::User->check($attach_status{$attach_id}->{who});
print "Setting Attachment #$attach_id (user: " . $attach_status{$attach_id}->{who} . ") flag: " . $attach_status{$attach_id}->{status} . "\n";
$attach->set_flags([{type_id => $flag_id, status => '+'}], []);
} else {
print "Did not find attachment status: " . $attach_status{$attach_id}->{status} . " for attachment #$attach_id\n";
# Remove the temp-users from the GnuCash Users group!!
foreach my $username (@tempusers) {
my $user = new Bugzilla::User ({name => $username});
if ($user) {
$user->{_group_changes}{GROUP_MEMBERSHIP} = [[$group],[]];
my $is_bless = GROUP_BLESS;
$user->{_group_changes}{$is_bless} = [[$group],[]];
# Delete TestProduct
my $test_product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => "TestProduct"});
$test_product->remove_from_db({delete_series => 1}) if ($test_product);
# Users #
sub _read_users {
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self->config('data_path');
my $file = "$path/users.json";
$self->debug("Reading users from $file");
open(my $users_fh, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!";
my $json = decode_json <$users_fh>;
# Convert user data to required format
# Change @gnome.bugs to @gnucash.bugs
foreach my $user (@{$json}) {
$user->{login_name} = delete $user->{name};
$user->{login_name} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
$user->{realname} = delete $user->{real_name};
delete $user->{id};
return $json;
# Products #
sub _read_products {
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self->config('data_path');
my $file = "$path/products.json";
$self->debug("Reading categories from $file");
open(my $products_fh, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!";
my $json = decode_json <$products_fh>;
# Convert product data to required format
my $gnc_prod;
foreach my $prod (@{$json}) {
if ($prod->{name} eq "GnuCash") { $gnc_prod = $prod; }
$prod->{isactive} = delete $prod->{is_active};
$prod->{allows_unconfirmed} = delete $prod->{has_unconfirmed};
$prod->{defaultmilestone} = delete $prod->{default_milestone};
delete $prod->{versions}; # gets created from bug data
delete $prod->{milestones};# gets created from bug data
delete $prod->{id};
$prod->{version} = "3.0"; # XXX
foreach my $comp (@{$prod->{components}}) {
$comp->{initialowner} = delete $comp->{default_assigned_to};
$comp->{initialowner} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
$comp->{initialqacontact} = delete $comp->{default_qa_contact};
$comp->{initialqacontact} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
$comp->{isactive} = delete $comp->{is_active};
delete $comp->{sort_key};
delete $comp->{flag_types};
delete $comp->{id};
# GnuCash-specific changes:
# Re-apply initial_cc to components
my $initial_cc = {
"Backend - SQL" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "phil.longstaff\@gmail.com"],
"Backend - XML" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Budgets" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Build system" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "stimming\@tuhh.de", "warlord\@MIT.EDU"],
"Business" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de", "warlord\@MIT.EDU"],
"Check Printing" => ["gnucash-reports-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Currency and Commodity" => ["frank.h.ellenberger\@gmail.com", "gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Documentation" => ["gnucash-documentation-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Engine" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "stimming\@tuhh.de", "warlord\@MIT.EDU"],
"General" => ["gnucash-general-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Import - AqBanking" => ["gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "micha\@lenk.info", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Import - CSV" => ["gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Import - OFX" => ["benoitg\@coeus.ca", "gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Import - Other" => ["gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Import - QIF" => ["gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "warlord\@MIT.EDU"],
"Import - QSF" => ["gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"MacOS" => ["gnucash-mac-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us"],
"Python Bindings" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Regist-2" => ["14ubobit\@gmail.com", "gnucash-ui-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Register" => ["gnucash-ui-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Reports" => ["gnucash-reports-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Scheduled Transactions" => ["gnucash-core-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Translations" => ["gnucash-documentation-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"TXF Export" => ["alex.aycinena\@gmail.com", "frank.h.ellenberger\@gmail.com", "gnucash-import-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"User Interface General" => ["gnucash-ui-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "stimming\@tuhh.de"],
"Website" => ["gnucash-documentation-maint\@gnucash.bugs"],
"Windows" => ["gnucash-win-maint\@gnucash.bugs", "info\@kobaltwit.be", "jralls\@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us", "stimming\@tuhh.de"]
foreach my $comp (@{$gnc_prod->{components}}) {
$comp->{initial_cc} = $initial_cc->{$comp->{name}};
# Split out Documentation, Website, and Packaging into new products
# Steps (each):
# 1. duplicate the main hash
# 2. update the name and description
# 3. update the relevent components
# Then remove the "duplicate" components from the main GnuCash product
# and push these onto the response array.
my @indices;
my $index;
# Documentation
my %doc_prod = %{$gnc_prod};
$doc_prod{name} = "Documentation";
$doc_prod{description} = "GnuCash Documentation: User Guide, Help, Man Pages, Tip of the Day";
$doc_prod{components} = [];
$index = 0;
foreach my $comp (@{$gnc_prod->{components}}) {
if ($comp->{name} eq "Documentation") {
push @indices, $index;
foreach my $upd ({n=>"Help", d=>"Bugs in the User Help"},
{n=>"Guide", d=>"Bugs in the User Guide and Tutorial"},
{n=>"Man Pages", d=>"Bugs in the GnuCash Man Pages"},
{n=>"Tip of the Day", d=>"Bugs in the GnuCash Tips of the Day"}) {
my %comp = %{$comp};
$comp{name} = $upd->{n};
$comp{description} = $upd->{d};
push @{$doc_prod{components}}, \%comp;
# Website
my %web_prod = %{$gnc_prod};
$web_prod{name} = "Website";
$web_prod{description} = "Bugs specific to the GnuCash website (www.gnucash.org) and other web services";
$web_prod{components} = [];
$index = 0;
foreach my $comp (@{$gnc_prod->{components}}) {
if ($comp->{name} eq "Website") {
push @indices, $index;
my %comp = %{$comp};
$comp{name} = "Translations";
$comp{description} = "Bugs in the GnuCash Website translations";
push @{$web_prod{components}}, $comp;
push @{$web_prod{components}}, \%comp;
# Packaging -- move MacOS and Windows
my %pkg_prod = %{$gnc_prod};
$pkg_prod{name} = "Packaging";
$pkg_prod{description} = "Bugs specific the GnuCash OS-specific packaging";
$pkg_prod{components} = [];
$index = 0;
foreach my $comp (@{$gnc_prod->{components}}) {
if ($comp->{name} eq "MacOS" || $comp->{name} eq "Windows") {
#push @indices, $index;
my %comp = %{$comp};
push @{$pkg_prod{components}}, \%comp;
# Push the new GnuCash products into the list
push @{$json}, \%doc_prod, \%web_prod, \%pkg_prod;
# Remove the indices of moved components from the gnucash product
for ( sort { $b <=> $a } @indices ) {
splice @{$gnc_prod->{components}}, $_, 1;
return $json;
# Reading Bugs #
sub bug_has_text(@@) {
my ($bug, $text) = @_;
return 1 if ($bug->{summary} =~ m/$text/i);
for my $com (@{$bug->{comments}}) {
return 1 if ($com->{text} =~ m/$text/i);
return 0;
sub _read_bugs {
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self->config('data_path');
my @buglist = glob("$path/bugs/bug_*.json");
my @bugs;
my $count = 1;
my $total = scalar(@buglist);
## XXX:
#return [];
foreach my $bugfile (@buglist) {
$self->debug("Reading $bugfile");
open (my $bug_fh, '<', $bugfile) || die "$bugfile: $!";
my $json = decode_json <$bug_fh>;
if (!$self->verbose) {
indicate_progress({ current => $count++, every => 5,
total => $total });
# Attachment data must be stored as a new_tmpfile in IO::File
foreach my $a (@{$json->{attachments}}) {
my $decoded = decode_base64($a->{data});
my $temp_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die ("Can't create tempfile: $!");
print $temp_fh $decoded;
$a->{data} = $temp_fh;
# Reset bogus mime-type
if ($a->{content_type} eq "application/gnucash data") {
$a->{content_type} = "application/gnucash";
#remove null alias
delete $json->{alias} unless (defined $json->{alias} && $json->{alias} != '');
# GnuCash specific -- translate bugs into the new products/categories
if ($json->{component} eq "Windows" || $json->{component} eq "MacOS") {
$json->{product} = "Packaging" if bug_has_text($json, "gnucash-on-");
} elsif ($json->{component} eq "Website") {
$json->{product} = "Website";
$json->{component} = "Translations" if bug_has_text($json, "translation");
} elsif ($json->{component} eq "Documentation") {
$json->{product} = "Documentation";
if (bug_has_text($json, "man page") || bug_has_text($json, "manpage")) {
$json->{component} = "Man Pages";
} elsif (bug_has_text($json, "tips?[ -]?of[ -]?the[ -]?day") ||
bug_has_text($json, "daily tip")) {
$json->{component} = "Tip of the Day";
} elsif (bug_has_text($json, "help")) {
$json->{component} = "Help";
} else {
$json->{component} = "Guide";
push(@bugs, $json);
# Sort the list for proper ordering during import
# Start by ordering by number
@bugs = sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @bugs;
# Next: we need to make sure that "dependent" bugs get added later
# i.e., if bug#A blocks bug#B, then B must get inserted first
# so first, find all bugs with no external dependencies
my @orderedbugs;
my %usedbugs;
my %gncbugs;
# first, find all bugs that have no dependencies
@buglist = ();
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
$gncbugs{$bug->{id}} = 1;
if (!$bug->{dupe_of} &&
#scalar(@{$bug->{blocks}}) == 0
#scalar(@{$bug->{see_also}}) == 0
scalar(@{$bug->{depends_on}}) == 0
) {
push @orderedbugs, $bug;
$usedbugs{$bug->{id}} = 1;
} else {
push @buglist, $bug;
# Next, go through all the bugs in the buglist and remove and dupe_of
# or depends_on links to bugs that are not in our list. If that exists,
# add a see_also link.
foreach my $bug (@buglist) {
if ($bug->{dupe_of}) {
unless ($gncbugs{$bug->{dupe_of}}) {
push @{$bug->{see_also}}, "https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=" . $bug->{dupe_of};
$bug->{dupe_of} = "";
$bug->{resolution} = "NOTGNUCASH";
# XXX: Add a comment/history that this changed?
my $idx = 0;
foreach my $dep (@{$bug->{depends_on}}) {
unless ($gncbugs{$dep}) {
push @{$bug->{see_also}}, "https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=$dep";
splice @{$bug->{depends_on}},$idx,1;
# XXX: Add a comment/history that this changed?
} else {$idx++};
# Next, we keep iterating over the list of bugs that remain to satisfy
# dependencies. Hopefully there are no circular dependencies!
print "Ordering bugs...\n";
my $count = 0;
my $lastcount = -1;
while (scalar(@buglist) != 0) {
print "Round $count: ($lastcount) " . scalar(@buglist) . ":";
$lastcount = scalar(@buglist);
@bugs = @buglist;
@buglist = ();
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
print " " . $bug->{id};
my @deps;
push @deps, $bug->{dupe_of} if ($bug->{dupe_of});
#push @deps, @{$bug->{blocks}} if (scalar(@{$bug->{blocks}}) != 0);
#push @deps, @{$bug->{see_also}} if (scalar(@{$bug->{see_also}}) != 0);
push @deps, @{$bug->{depends_on}} if (scalar(@{$bug->{depends_on}}) != 0);
# Check if all the deps are in the result list, yet
my $clear = 1;
foreach my $id (@deps) {
unless ($usedbugs{$id}) {
$clear = 0;
print "($id)";
if ($clear) {
push @orderedbugs, $bug;
$usedbugs{$bug->{id}} = 1;
} else {
push @buglist, $bug;
print "\n";
die "Failed to reduce my list from $lastcount" if ($lastcount == scalar(@buglist));
print "Ordering complete\n";
return \@orderedbugs;
# Translating Bugs #
sub _generate_description {
my ($self, $bug, $fields) = @_;
#my $json = JSON->new;
#print "Bug: " . $json->pretty->encode($bug);
#print "Fields: " . $json->pretty->encode($fields);
return '';
sub translate_bug {
my ($self, $fields) = @_;
# translate from JSON back to internal names
$fields->{blocked} = delete $fields->{blocks};
$fields->{comment_is_private} = delete $fields->{commentprivacy};
$fields->{creation_ts} = $self->SUPER::parse_date(delete $fields->{creation_time});
$fields->{reporter} = delete $fields->{creator};
$fields->{dependson} = delete $fields->{depends_on};
$fields->{comment} = delete $fields->{description};
$fields->{dup_id} = delete $fields->{dupe_of} if ($fields->{dupe_of});
$fields->{bug_id} = delete $fields->{id};
$fields->{everconfirmed} = delete $fields->{is_confirmed};
$fields->{cclist_accessible} = delete $fields->{is_cc_accessible};
$fields->{reporter_accessible} = delete $fields->{is_creator_accessible};
$fields->{delta_ts} = $self->SUPER::parse_date(delete $fields->{last_change_time});
$fields->{rep_platform} = delete $fields->{platform};
$fields->{bug_severity} = delete $fields->{severity};
$fields->{bug_status} = delete $fields->{status};
$fields->{short_desc} = delete $fields->{summary};
$fields->{bug_file_loc} = delete $fields->{url};
$fields->{status_whiteboard} = delete $fields->{whiteboard};
# Delete fields we don't/shouldn't handle
delete $fields->{cf_gnome_version};
delete $fields->{cf_gnome_target};
delete $fields->{is_open};
delete $fields->{blocked}; # "dependson" will create blocked
delete $fields->{dupe_of}; # make sure this does not exist
delete $fields->{flags};
# Translate gnome.bugs usernames in the bug top-level items:
$fields->{reporter} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
$fields->{qa_contact} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
$fields->{assigned_to} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
foreach my $name (@{$fields->{cc}}) {
$name =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
# Need to handle dependencies and duplicates later, so save them off for now
$depends_on{$fields->{bug_id}} = delete $fields->{dependson} if (scalar @{$fields->{dependson}} > 0);
$duplicates{$fields->{bug_id}} = $fields->{dup_id} if ($fields->{dup_id});
delete $fields->{dup_id}; # duplicate data created later
# Translate Status and Resolution fields
#if ($fields->{bug_status} eq '') {}
if ($fields->{resolution} eq 'NOTGNOME') {$fields->{resolution} = "NOTGNUCASH"; }
# Translate comment fields
foreach my $comment (@{$fields->{comments}}) {
$comment->{who} = delete $comment->{creator};
$comment->{thetext} = delete $comment->{text};
$comment->{isprivate} = delete $comment->{is_private};
$comment->{bug_when} = $self->SUPER::parse_date(delete $comment->{creation_time});
if ($comment->{attachment_id}) {
if ($comment->{thetext} =~ m/^Created attachment /) {
#$comment->{type} = CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED;
} else {
$comment->{type} = CMT_ATTACHMENT_UPDATED;
$comment->{extra_data} = $comment->{attachment_id};
delete $comment->{attachment_id};
delete $comment->{count};
delete $comment->{author};
delete $comment->{id};
delete $comment->{time}; # XXX: ???
$comment->{who} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
# Translate the history list
my @hlist;
my $dmd = new Date::Manip::Date;
foreach my $history (@{$fields->{history}}) {
foreach my $change (@{$history->{changes}}) {
# Revert the field back to the "proper" name:
# perl -e 'use lib qw(/usr/share/bugzilla); use Bugzilla; print join " ", sort keys %{Bugzilla->fields({by_name => 1})}; print "\n"'
# alias assigned_to assigned_to_realname attach_data.thedata attachments.description attachments.filename attachments.isobsolete attachments.ispatch attachments.isprivate attachments.mimetype attachments.submitter blocked bug_file_loc bug_group bug_id bug_severity bug_status cc cclist_accessible classification comment_tag commenter component content creation_ts days_elapsed deadline delta_ts dependson estimated_time everconfirmed flagtypes.name keywords last_visit_ts longdesc longdescs.count longdescs.isprivate op_sys owner_idle_time percentage_complete priority product qa_contact qa_contact_realname remaining_time rep_platform reporter reporter_accessible reporter_realname requestees.login_name resolution see_also setters.login_name short_desc status_whiteboard tag target_milestone version work_time
my $field = $change->{field_name};
if ($field eq "blocks") { $field = "blocked"; }
if ($field eq "depends_on") { $field = "dependson"; }
if ($field eq "severity") { $field = "bug_severity"; }
if ($field eq "status") { $field = "bug_status"; }
if ($field eq "summary") { $field = "short_desc"; }
if ($field eq "is_confirmed") { $field = "everconfirmed"; }
if ($field eq "whiteboard") { $field = "status_whiteboard"; }
if ($field eq "url") { $field = "bug_file_loc"; }
if ($field eq "platform") { $field = "rep_platform"; }
if ($field eq "is_cc_accessible") { $field = "cclist_accessible"; }
if ($field eq "is_creator_accessible") { $field = "reporter_accessible"; }
$history->{who} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
## XXX: Is this correct?
if ($field eq "groups") { $field = "bug_group"; }
if ($field eq "attachments.gnome_attachment_status") {
$field = "flagtypes.name";
# keep track of the most recent attachment changes
if ($change->{added} && $change->{added} ne '') {
my $attach_id = $change->{attachment_id};
my $when = $dmd->new;
my $time = $self->SUPER::parse_date($history->{when});
if ($attach_id &&
(! $attach_status{$attach_id} ||
($attach_status{$attach_id}->{time}->cmp($when) < 0))) {
$attach_status{$attach_id}->{time} = $when;
$attach_status{$attach_id}->{when} = $time;
$attach_status{$attach_id}->{status} = $change->{added};
$attach_status{$attach_id}->{who} = $history->{who};
if ($field eq "cf_gnome_version") { $field = "version"; }
if ($field eq "cf_gnome_target") {$field = "target_milestone"; }
# Translate Status and Resolution Fields in the History
# Change resolution NOTGNOME -> NOTGNUCASH
if ($field eq "resolution") {
if ($change->{added} eq "NOTGNOME") {
$change->{added} = "NOTGNUCASH";
if ($change->{removed} eq "NOTGNOME") {
$change->{removed} = "NOTGNUCASH";
push @hlist, { who => $history->{who},
bug_when => $self->SUPER::parse_date($history->{when}),
field => $field,
added => $change->{added},
removed => $change->{removed},
attachment_id => $change->{attachment_id}
$fields->{history} = \@hlist;
# Translate Attachments
foreach my $attach (@{$fields->{attachments}}) {
$attach->{submitter} = delete $attach->{creator};
$attach->{filename} = delete $attach->{file_name};
$attach->{ispatch} = delete $attach->{is_patch};
$attach->{isprivate} = delete $attach->{is_private};
$attach->{isobsolete} = delete $attach->{is_obsolete};
$attach->{mimetype} = delete $attach->{content_type};
$attach->{creation_ts} = $self->SUPER::parse_date(delete $attach->{creation_time});
$attach->{attach_id} = delete $attach->{id};
delete $attach->{attacher};
delete $attach->{flags};
delete $attach->{summary};
delete $attach->{last_change_time};
delete $attach->{size};
$attach->{submitter} =~ s/\@gnome.bugs/\@gnucash.bugs/;
# Set the attachment flag
# if ($attach_status{$attach->{attach_id}}) {
# print "Got status " . $attach_status{$attach->{attach_id}}->{status} . " for attachment # " . $attach->{attach_id} . "\n";
# }
#my $json = JSON->new;
#print "Translated Bug: " . $json->pretty->encode($fields);
return $fields;