
From GnuCash
Revision as of 04:39, 14 December 2021 by Fell (talk | contribs) (Setup: Problem: Users can add terms to the glossary.)
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Weblate is a web based translation tool. On 2020-12-14 https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnucash/ was created.

consider it still as experimental and there are still unimplemented ideas in Improve Localization Process#Remaining Ideas by Repos.

This page is organized by roles.


Many pages @ weblate link context sensitive help by i in a circle.

Weblate Documentation


WebLate Component GitHub Repository:location Notes
Glossary gnucash:po/glossary linked project, part of Program
Program gnucash:po
Website gnucash-htdocs:po
It tries to collect the common GnuCash specific terminology of all other components.
After it is completed, it can be uploaded into Weblates Gnucash glossary.
Currently it is using and ancient style of context "context: term" as MsgId.
Questions and tasks
  1. Should MsgId "context: term" be converted to MsgContext, MsgId? Pros and cons?
  2. Review of sources for updated lists
  3. Other missing conventions?
In the current configuration users can mark terms in other components for adding to the glossary—if they add the weblate flag terminology for all languages. This additions conflict with out style of creating the glossary, but after reverting the commits, they seem to get generated again.
Set priority[1] (default=100) to
105 for location:global
104 for location:header
103 for location:menu
102 for location:footer
101 for location:index
100 (remains)
99 for location:2.6-release as the page is currently not linked, but should be merged into features.


can add suggestions as anomymous.
Everybody with a weblate account
can translate and gets mentioned in the po file. In the current configuration a review is required.
Our former language maintainers
are asked to tell us their weblate name, to get Review rights.

Ideally no checks should fail. In some cases, the mistake is in the source string. Then please report them by a comment or label.


With weblate you get feedback, where Translators have problems with your messages. Overview Program Source Messages Tasks by priority:

  1. label:"Source needs review"
  2. Multiple failing checks This is usually an indication that something could be done to improve the source string. Info
In both cases at the bottom select
  2. Other languages
to get an impression of the problem.



Weblate is more anarchistic than our hierarchical thinking with core devs accepting or rejecting patches:

Project settings
Some are derived from our status as libre hosted project.
https://hosted.weblate.org/settings/gnucash/#access is set public meaning:
  • visible for all,
  • every registered user can translate,
  • unregistered can attach suggestions.
To avoid chaos in https://hosted.weblate.org/settings/gnucash/#workflow
  • Review is activated, ideally a Gnucash Language :Team should have at least 2 reviewers (and unlimited users), confirming each others changes.
Component settings
Suggestions are enabled, but Suggestion voting and Autoaccept suggestions are currently not.
Lazy commits
The changes in this mode are committed once any of the following conditions are fulfilled:
  • Somebody else changes an already changed string.
  • A merge from upstream occurs.
  • An explicit commit is requested.
  • Change is older than period defined as Age of changes to commit on Component configuration.
Weblate PRs
Welblate collects all commits for the same component in one pull request.
One commit colletcs all changes by the same author.
(verify: concurrent changes by different authors on the same message/file/component).
A new PR is created, after the old got merged.


Before pushing a msgmerge
or, if Pushs (of Pull Requests)[2] are disabled, you can get the current status of commits at https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnucash/#repository or do it separate for real components.
Set URL=https://hosted.weblate.org/git/gnucash/gnucash/ # for gnucash (program and glossary) or
URL=https://hosted.weblate.org/git/gnucash/website/ # for ht-docs, then
git remote add weblate $URL
to your repo. Then you can preview pending commits by:
git fetch weblate
If there are pending commits – their merge will result in conflicts after the push of a msgmerge –
  1. Only required, if GitHub Settings->Hooks are misconfigured: rebase the weblate repo(s):
    you need to zoom the window to see the buttons;
    Reason: merge conflicts would lock the repository and require manually resolving of the conflicts;
  2. Only required, if Push on commit[2] is disabled or you want to see a change immediately: push, to create PRs;
  3. review the PR
    1. Follow the component specific process in Language_Administration#Components,
    2. optional: Comment at Github or Weblate
      The github committer is the weblate bot – he will not dicuss with you.
      • Some translators have a github account, too. Then you can ping them with @<github_name_of_the_translator>
      • In all other cases it is better to comment on the changes at weblate:
      1. Open the file in weblate,
      2. Search the message,
      3. set the status to "needs editing[?]", which results in the fuzzy flag in the po file,
      4. Add a comment for target group other translators. Unfortunately they are not stored in the po file.
  4. merge the PRs via code.gnucash.org;
    Weblate does not recognize closed (rejected) PRs and will create a new PR with the same stupid commit.
    Current workaround
    In the case all changes of a commit are wrong, commit and revert the commit.
    If only some are wrong, search them in weblate, add a comment and perhaps a flag.
  5. (Same condition like 1) rebase weblate. Now all lines should show 0.
After pushing a msgmerge
If you click the clock symbol (component update in progress), https://hosted.weblate.org/progress/gnucash/gnucash/?info=1 opens.
A push can result in a
The component gets locked and an alarm is sent to admins. You have to resolve the conflict locally and push it. After that you can unlock the component again.

Running Tests

Before running tests like adding something in the webinterface lock the component in https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnucash/COMPONENT/#repository. Else our busy translators will update their parts.


  1. https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnucash/website/#bulk-edit search: "location:index", add flag: "priority:101" …
  2. 2.0 2.1 The first commit creates a Pull Request at Github.
    On each further commit the PR is force pushed.
    Also after each change in the github repos, the PR gets rebased and force pushed.
    After the PR is merged (or otherwise closed?), the whole procedure starts again.
    That means you will have to rebase your interim work on the repo.