Paypal Setup

From GnuCash
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PayPal is an online payment service used to pay medium and small amounts, for example when buying and selling online — keyword Ebay — can be used. AqBanking has supported PayPal as a data source since version 5.7.5beta.[1]. Since the GnuCash bundles for Windows since version 3.0 and later also for Flatpak use AqBanking or newer, it is theoretically possible to connect PayPal.


The wizard for setting up online banking offers "Paypal" as an option, however, it appears next to the Aquamaniac wiki article[2] not to give any official information about it. In the help document, the introductory course and this wiki — both in German and in English — CTRL+F delivered a total of 1 hit, which is irrelevant. Even on Github there are only 2 lines with the term "Paypal" from all documents. This wiki article is therefore primarily based on trial and error.

A notice: In version 4.1 of GnuCash, the procedure below results in a working binding.

AqBanking Setup

Unfortunately, the (English) notes that are displayed within GnuCash no longer correspond to the current PayPal user interface. Necessary settings for the API can therefore no longer be made. With the following steps it is still possible to set up a connection with Paypal:

  1. start setup (in gnucash)
    1. Tools → Set up online banking...
    2. Start online banking setup wizard → Start AqBanking setup wizard
    3. Create user → Paypal
    4. Paypal Setup Wizard → Next
    5. Username: Designation within gnucash, freely selectable
    Paypal Email: email used for paypal
    Server URL: use pre-filled value (
  2. Enable Paypal API (
    1. Login with email and password
    2. The API can only be activated for private customers via
    3. Find "NVP/SOAP API Integration (classic)" and select "Manage API Permission" link (
    4. Enter SMS confirmation code
  3. Enter Paypal API data in gnucash (copy & paste)
    1. API USER ID = API username
    2. API Password = API password
    3. API Signature = Signature
  4. Assign a password for the API data
  5. Link GnuCash account & complete setup

If the PayPal account is now selected, the entries under Actions -> Online Actions should no longer be greyed out.

Current errors


Balance query

The first time you run GnuCash after starting GnuCash, a certificate is displayed that must be confirmed with a mouse click.

AqBanking v5.7.8.0stable
Send orders to the bank(s)
Connect to server...
Resolving hostname ""...
IP address is ""
Connection to "" is established
Connected to ""
Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
TLS: SSL ciphers negotiated: TLS1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES-128-GCM:AEAD
Certificate signer not found
The certificate is not trusted
Tied together.
Send Message...
Sent message.
Response is received...
HTTP Status: 200 (OK)
Response received.
Disconnecting from the server...
connection ended.
Post-processing of the orders
Request balance request: error
reset modules

Query account turnover

AqBanking v5.7.8.0stable
Send orders to the bank(s)
Post-processing of the orders
Sales retrieval order: error
reset modules

Individual proofs

  1. aquamaniac news Reference to PayPal support. Retrieved November 26, 2018.
  2. wiki: set up PayPal

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