Gnucash on Slackware
With Gnucash having evolved into a Gnome 2 application, and Slackware Gnome support being picked up by Dropline Gnome, it has become much easier to install Gnucash on a Slackware system. In fact, we may even hope for the day when Gnucash itself is distributed with Dropline Gnome. In the meantime, here are some success stories.
Slack 11 + GnuCash 2
Outline follows. See this page with more details.
- Start with a fresh Slack 11 installation
- Do a full dropline install. Probably only a few Dropline packages are required - if someone has time it would be a great contribution to figure out what the minimum set of packages is.
- removepkg guile-1.8.0-i486-1
- Install guile 1.6.8 from sources
- Install g-wrap 1.3.4 from sources
- Install slib 2d6
- ./configure && make && make install.
NOTE: I have had success installing on my Slackware 11.0 using GWARE. However, I can not vouch for the exact steps. Here is what I did:
- Had installed GnuCash using the previously mentioned method and hated Dropline
- Waited till GWARE Rev. H
- Completed an uninstall of Dropline and restored Slackware packages (amazing I was actually able to do that)
- updated all my packages
- Completed a full install of GWARE Rev. H
- Reinstalled guile and g-wrap for safe measure
- Found that libgsf was either incomplete or not working properly (./configure stated that was there but not was not there... or something like that)
- removed the libgsf package
- installed libgsf-1.14.3 from source (located on gnome's ftp)
- Reinstalled GnuCash
- was shocked to see after all that it actually worked!
Anybody else have the time to confirm this from fresh installs to see if libgsf is installed properly with GWARE and perhaps guile and g-wrap?
Slack 10.1 + GnuCash 1.8
See this writeup by J. Milgram and also this writeup provided by Amigo Linux.
Slack 9.0/9.1 + GnuCash 1.8
See this writeup by RJ Marquette. RJ has also provided directions for installing the help files.
Prebuilt packages and other links
- Some pre-built GnuCash packages for Slackware, including packages for Slack 7 and 8. Haven't tried these - perhaps someone could comment on them. Some (or all?) of these were built by Jay the Obscure who offers other Slackware 10.2 Packages as well.
- Rich Shepard offers a prebuilt GnuCash 2 package for Slackware 10.2.
--Milgram 19:28, 7 January 2007 (EST)