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HOWTO: Translating GnuCash

The concept of this document is to give you step-by-step instructions on how to update (or create if non-existant) language translations for the gnucash project. See Translation Status for the current status of the project with respect to translation contributions.


Available resources

There are many resources to support you at and other places. Don't hesitate to use them.

We have collected a bunch of useful information for you here in this wiki -

navigate from the main page or use the search function -

and on the website

And we have several channels of communication and a few other useful tools:


The fastest way to get help is using the internet relay chat IRC, as many of the developers hang out there and are eager to help.

Mailing lists

Translators will probably find two or three gnucash mailing lists of interest. If you can not find the answers to your questions in their Mailing_Lists#Mailing List Archives, feel free to ask them.

  • For language and region specific questions, where you should discuss terms and ask for proofreading of your work, use your languages mailing list. Currently we have
    gnucash-[pt_]br, de, es, fr, it, nl.
If none exists for your language or nobody has an answer there, use the english lists:
  • General use questions and answers are found on the gnucash-users mailing list,
  • specific development questions go to the gnucash-devel list.

To subscribe or view archives of these lists follow the links to the Mailing Lists.

Submitting your work direct to GnuCash

There are at least 2 ways to submit your work - if it was not already done by a developer on your locale user list. We use Git as version control system. In Git branches are very cheap. In general we use 2 branches:

for bugfixes and
for new features.

Translation work is usually done on maint, but check often Translation_Status. If you modify more than one file, we suggest you to create your own working branch based on maint.

Before you submit your work, you should rebase your local working branch instead of merge.

Patches at Bugzilla

The easiest and safest way is to use Bugzilla: Create an request for enhancement bug against the Gnucash component translations and attach a patch containing the diff between the old files - if any - and your new files. The easiest way to create the patch is git format-patch origin/maint..maint. See Git for details.

Pull Requests at Github

If you already are a github user you can publish your work as a separate branch on your gnucash[[ht]docs] fork and send a pull request. If you wish to continue your work before the request was completed, simlply create a new working branch. After the pull request was completed you can delete that branch again. Again, see Git for details.

GNU Translation Project

The GNU Translation Project is another way to submit translations:

This is an additional tool for translation teams to keep track of their translations and submit them. If you submit a translation to gnucash, you can either

In both cases, the gnucash translation managers (currently either Cristian Marchi or Christian Stimming) will receive the translation and commit it to gnucash's Git repository. This is the definitive state of translation that will be delivered in the releases.

If you choose (a), then you can outright ignore any message from the TP. In that case the TP would ask you to notify the TP that your translation of "gnucash" is being handled "external" and not via the TP. If you have a look at you will notice that e. g. the German translation "de" is listed as external.

As a translator or translation team, you can also choose method (b). In this case you should follow the instructions on the TP website as for how to join your language translation team and for how to submit your translated po file. The TP probably gives you some additional benefit for retrieving and submitting translations. This includes: you don't have to deal with the gnucash source package unless you really want to; the po file is automatically format-checked on submission; the po file doesn't need to be sent to a mailing list.

The only problem is, that as the upstream coordinators, we cannot easily update the pot template which is stored at the TP. Instead, it will be updated only if we release a new version of the gnucash package. As a workaround, the TP suggests we can "release" a pre-version which is only sent to the TP and nowhere else (like a gnucash-2.3.15-pre1), but we never liked that solution because those "pre-"packages always get confused with the "real" ones. In the meantime, our conclusion is that it is not possible to update the pot at the TP at will, only at release time. [1]

(Some historical explanation: During 2006/2007, the TP was paralyzed by a long period of inactivity, which was rather disappointing for anyone trying to use it. In mid-2007 a new maintainer took over, and by then the TP should have been a convenient way of handling translations again. Unfortunately, by the end of 2007 the TP maintainer at that time, Benno S., got angry about the way GnuCash accepts submitted translations and refused to handle translations for GnuCash anymore. Subsequently, the TP maintainers changed and with the new maintainers, any disagreements were resolved completely and the cooperation resumed just fine. Since Summer 2009 the TP handles translations for GnuCash again. Please feel free to start using it and tell us about your experience.)

Again, GnuCash will receive translations either way and commit them to git anyway. Directly mailing it to the mailing list might make your translation arrive a bit faster, but either way works fine.

General Translations Guidelines and Tips

General information about how to approach the translation of software can be found here:

Other Useful Sites

  • There are many online dictionaries, use a search engine like google, to find the best fitting.
  • Comparing articles on wikipedia in your language and english can be helpful.
  • In special cases the terminology database of the European Union Inter Active Terminology for Europe can be used, too.

Translating the Program

Get the source from Git

GnuCash uses Git as a repository server. Click here for an introduction to Git.

The first thing to do is usually, to download the latest STABLE branch, called maint, of gnucash from git and get it to compile. See Translation Status to choose which branch to use for translations. Do not use the master branch unless specifically mentioned in Translation Status. Because the text in the master branch changes so much it would be a waste of time to translate it. Do not worry, when the master branch becomes stable the existing translations in the STABLE branch will be merged. Your work will not be lost.

Normally checkout the current stable branch if there is one:

git clone gnucash-git
cd gnucash-git
git checkout maint

The argument "gnucash-git" above can be whatever you want your local directory to be called, and is optional. If you leave it out, you'll have a directory called "gnucash" created containing all the source code.

Checkout the documentation (optional, but recommended):

git clone gnucash-docs

After this initial git checkout, you can later update your local files using:

git pull --rebase

Compile & Install

Before starting to work on your translations, it is suggested that you compile the gnucash source code. This way you can get your system set up correctly with all the development packages you need. It is a good idea to actually run gnucash with your new translations because it is quite helpful to see the phrases in the context of the running program.

Details are described in Build System.

Enter the gnucash directory and run the script. This will generate the configure script. If it fails to generate the configure script then you are probably missing a bunch of development packages, like libtool gettext intltool automake autoconf, or any of the -devel packages that supply the various autoconf macros that gnucash requires. You will need to find the development packages for your system, install them, and then re-run autogen.

Note: there are some warnings that spew forth during autogen. Do not worry about them, apparently they are normal and can be ignored.

If you are building GnuCash more than once, you will have to redo these steps every time, you updated parts of your build system or libraries on which GnuCash depends.


Once you create the configure script, you should run it. There are many options available when compiling gnucash, see the README.git file for more information on the options. For now, we will just enable debugging and change the default prefix because these two changes will be handy later for tracking down problems and installing multiple versions.

cd gnucash
./configure --enable-debug --prefix=/opt/gnucash-git

If configure complains about missing development packages, find them on your favorite OS/distribution, install it, and try to re-run the configure command. See your local copy of the README.dependencies file for library dependency notes. Also check out the dependencies page. Eventually, you should be able to get autogen to run without any error messages.


Next, compile gnucash:


make install

To install (assuming "make" completed without any problems) you must be root.

su - 
make install

To compile the documentation, enter the gnucash-doc directory and go through the same process:

./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash-git
su -
make install

Running GnuCash

After installation, insure that it works by running (as a normal user, no need to be root here):


It is a good idea to use absolute paths like this to insure you run the proper gnucash executable. To run your OS pre-installed version of gnucash, usually you can type:


In either case, you can easily switch between the various languages the gnucash has available by placing the LANG env var before the call to the executable. You can find details in Locale Settings.

Naming Convention

The language code is of the following form:


using the well known ISO codes 639-1 for languages and 3166-1 for territories. Only if no 2 letter code exists for your language in 639-1, you should use the 3 letter code from ISO_639-2.

If you are the first translator for your language, you should name your files and directories only with your language code. So all people using your language despite of their country will benefit from your work.

If there are parts, which are specific for your country, e.g. business account templates respecting local law, then they should be in a <language>_<COUNTRY> directory.

The common charset in gnucash is utf8.

In the following parts of this document 'XXXX' and 'LL' refer to your language code.

The glossary file

Inside the po/glossary/ directory should be a "glossary" file for your language. This file contains a bunch of commonly used terms found in GnuCash - and the explanation of a few very specific for GnuCash like the disambiguation between bill, invoice and voucher. It is recommended that you get this file translated first, and use it as a guide when translating the real .po file or the documentation. Please keep in mind that this file will never be visible to a user! The glossary file is only a tool for you, the translator! I repeat: The strings from the glossary file will never be user-visible, they are only used by you, the translator.

Go into the glossary directory and rebuild your language's glossary file:

cd po/glossary/
./ gnc-glossary.txt > gnc-glossary.pot

If your .po glossary file does not exist, use this gnc-glossary.pot file to create it:

cp gnc-glossary.pot XXXX.po

If your .po glossary file does exist, use the msgmerge program to update it:

/usr/bin/msgmerge -o XXXX.po XXXX.po gnc-glossary.pot;

Now, open your language's glossary file and translate it completely.

Terms missing or inadequate in the glossary file

If you detect an important term which is missing or could be better explained, open a bug and add a patch for the source file gnc-glossary.txt. The - with the exception of the headline - alphabetical sorted lines of this file have the form:


To test it, run the following steps after you changed gnc-glossary.txt:

  • ./ gnc-glossary.txt > gnc-glossary.pot will generate a new gnc-glossary.pot,
  • run above msgmerge command for your XXXX.po and check it for the new msg,
  • if successful, update all *.po files with:
find *.po -exec /usr/bin/msgmerge -o '{}' '{}' gnc-glossary.pot \;
  • check and translate the new string in your new glossary file.

Contact the maintainer of your language

To find out who is the last person to work on your language, look near the top of the po/XXXX.po file which corresponds to your language. If your language does not have a .po file available, see the next section.

The beginning of your .po file should look something similar to this:

# Localization for Portuguese-Brazil
# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Jon Lapham <>, 2003
# Jose Carlos Nascimento - <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GnuCash 1.8.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-05-16 16:42-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-02 12:00-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Jon Lapham <>\n"
"Language-Team: NONE \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

Look to see who the "Last-translator" was, and send an email to that person and ask what you can do to help. This is important because if there already is an active maintainer of the translation file, you should interact directly with him or her. If there is no Last-Translator, or that person is not maintaining the file actively (and tells you to take over), you will become the maintainer and you should change the "Last-Translator" to your name and email address.

Initial processing of the translation file

Before you begin actual translation work, you should update the gnucash.pot file and use this to update your .po file. This process will insure that you have the latest translatable strings. In gnucash, a specific command at the top-level of the source tree will perform all necessary steps for this:

make pot

Note: If make complains "make: *** No rule to make target `<path/to/missing-source-file>', needed by `gnucash.pot'. Stop.", you should run

make clean

and then retry "make pot". That can happen because we sometimes remove obsolete files.

Now go in the po directory:

cd po

If your language file does not exist, see the next section for creating a new language file.

If your language file already exists, update it using the msgmerge program. This will move the old translations of unchanged strings in the new file:

/usr/bin/msgmerge -o LL.po gnucash.pot
mv LL.po

Note: If you had choosen a separate build directory, e.g. build, adjust the path in above command:

/usr/bin/msgmerge -o LL.po ../build/po/gnucash.pot
mv LL.po

Tip: If there are more persons working on your language, it is a good idea to create now a preparing patch containing only the "noise" from the updated pot file. Then the others can later read your real work much easier.

Continue with #Translating the .po file.

Build a new .po file

If there is no .po file for your language, then you can start a new one. Start by

msginit −i gnucash.pot −o LL.po

where LL is your language code. This will initializing the meta information with values from your user environment.

If that does not work you can copy the file gnucash.pot into a work file named LL.po and just edit this file.

Adjust the header and special strings

The top of the .po file should be edited somewhat. The comments at the top of the file should be changed to be current:

# Messages in Deutsch fuer GnuCash
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Jan-Uwe Finck <>, 1999.

Make sure that the header of your .po file contains an adjusted form, e.g. for slavian languages set nplurals=3, of this line:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

...and that you change the "Last-translator" string to your name.

The first lines as shown in the previous section will contain several capitalized entries. Replace all the words in capitals with something appropriate. In this case, you will be the first author of the translation, and also the

  • last translator of it.
  • CHARSET may be UTF8 for example, and
  • ENCODING is usually 8bit.

Remove the `#, fuzzy' line once you have specified the items in capitals, because once this is done the header entry is no longer fuzzy.

There is currently one special string:

#: ../src/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c:4389
msgid "translator_credits"
msgstr "Christian Stimming <> et. al."

This will appear in Help->About->Credits->Translation. So you should enter your name or that of your team and an email address where users can contact you for typos and gifts.

Translate the strings

Each message to translate is then given in turn in the PO file. For example, an untranslated entry might be:

#: lib/error.c:88
msgid "Unknown system error"
msgstr ""

The empty msgstr string has to be filled with the translation for the string shown after msgid. If you were a German speaker, say, the entry once translated might look like:

#: lib/error.c:88
msgid "Unknown system error"
msgstr "Unbekannter Systemfehler"

You just produce a translation for all entries in the PO file, one after another, respecting the overall file format and the quoting needed for special characters, when needed. Observation and intuition may allow you to grasp what the format should be; the precise rules for PO files are given in the GNU gettext manual. The msgfmt program is helpful for pinpointing formatting errors.

Special characters and other tips

Depending ob the context a few characters have a special meaning and need some special treatment:

"_" (underline)
In menu and dialog entries the following character will become the hotkey, which can be used together with a superkey [ctrl] or [alt] to jump to the entry. So it should be unique in its context. You should control it by #Running GnuCash with your file after #Compile & Install.
"do _this" # Hotkey: t
"do _that" # Hotkey: t => unreachable
"do th_is" # Hotkey: i
"do th_at" # Hotkey: a
"\" (backslash)
It is the escape character in many programming languags. The following character has a special meaning like e.g.:
"\n" (New line)
The most often used special character in our strings.
"%" (percent)
In C based programming languages "%" marks the beginning of a format specifier, e.g. "%d6" means insert the next variable here in decimal format with 6 digits.
  • If no real format specifiers are in the string, just remove the c-format flag from the #, comment line above. If no other flags are in the line, simply remove the line.
  • To output "%" if a string contains format specifiers, use "%%" in your string.
Reordering parameters
Assume a string "In %d cases the result will be %d.", but in your language you would prefer to write "%d will be the result in %d cases." Now you would get the wrong numbers.
Insert the ordinal number of the parameter, followed by "$" in the format specifier: "%2$d will be the result in %1$d cases.".


Also include your language code into the ALL_LINGUAS variable in the file in the top level folder of the source package:

ALL_LINGUAS="ar as bg brx ca cs da de doi el en_GB es_NI es eu fa fi fr gu he hi hu it ja kn ko kok kok@latin ks lt lv mni mr nb ne nl pl pt_BR pt ro ru rw sk sv ta te tr uk ur vi zh_CN zh_TW"

As the name suggests, is a file, which controls the configure process. So after changing it, you have to rerun configure. Some IDEs like Eclipse will do it automagical for you.

So that file is generated in ./po directory during make install, otherwise your translated language won't appear.

Translating the .po file

Finally. You are ready to do some translating!

The .po source files are plain text files.


Some plain text editors offer a specific syntax highlighting for .po files, but there are also specific tools you can use:

  • Poedit ( get it here: ) to finish the PO file edit and build.
  • POEditor can be used online.
  • KBabel is another recommended tool.
  • Lokalize is the successor of KBabel in KDE4.
  • Emacs has the po-mode to edit po files.
  • GTranslator is another tool but we recommend not to use it because the version of 2006 doesn't support all of the interesting elements inside the po file.

(feel free to add more tools here)

Gettext source (.po) file format

Here is an example of translating some text into German:


#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""

After, the translation in the de.po file:

#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""
"GnuCash: Ihr persoenlicher Finanzmanager.\n"
"Der GNU-Weg, ihr Geld zu verwalten!"

You should read through every translation in the .po file at least once. If you translate a string that has the phrase "#, fuzzy" in the comments above it, remove the word fuzzy. A fuzzy translation means that there is no translation. The computer took some guess about what the translation might be, but as long as it is marked "#, fuzzy", this guess will simply be ignored and this string will stay untranslated. A string marked as "fuzzy" means it will not be translated in the program.

After you finish translating, you should not have any "#, fuzzy" strings left. Remember, a string marked as "fuzzy" means it will not be translated in the program.

For example:

#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
"     %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim Oeffnen der Datei. \n"
"     %s."

You need to correct the translated string and remove the 'fuzzy' keyword, because only then the translation will actually appear in the program. Remember, a string marked as "fuzzy" means it will not be translated in the program. For example:

#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
"     %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim Schreiben der Datei. \n"
"     %s."

Notice that the comment "c-format" was not removed. That is correct, you should leave that.

When you see the comment "c-format", it means that the format codes in the translatable string are referring to C formatting codes. So, '%s' means text, '%d' means an integer, etc...

Check syntax and statistics of your .po file

msgfmt -c --statistics LL.po

If that program reports one or more fatal errors for your language, you should review the criticized lines of your file.

Current status

See Translation Status for the current status of the project with respect to translation contributions.

To see some over all statistics how many strings are translated, you can run

for i in *.po; do echo -n "$i:"; msgfmt -c --statistics $i;done

in your po directory.


As you might have noticed, the po file for GnuCash is rather big by containing almost 4000 strings. It is somewhat helpful to look into different priorities for the different strings there. However, unfortunately the po file format doesn't enable any easy way for the GnuCash project to make the import strings differently from the less important ones. However, for a few files the developer team can give you some guidelines for the general priorities.

The source code location of a string gives you some hint about its priority. In particular, the following file suffixes or file locations imply a certain priority:

  • High Priority: Strings from all *.glade.h files will appear in the GnuCash user interface (UI) somewhere for the user. This may imply a somewhat higher priority to those strings - however, some UI elements are rarely used, so the actual location of the .glade file has an influence as well, but there isn't an easy rule for that anymore.
If you wish to see the string from a *.glade.h file in it's context, but don't know, where it is hidden in gnucash, you can open the file gtkbuilder/*.glade with Gnomes interface builder Glade.
  • Low Priority: Strings from all *.schemas.h files will not appear in the gnucash UI. Instead, they are shown only inside the gconf-editor program when the user wants to set particular gconf keys of GnuCash. You can safely consider the .schemas.h strings with lower priority than the others.

Unfortunately, there is no such simple rule for strings from *.c files or the single large intl-scm/guile-string.c file. The strings from there may be of higher or lower priority, but this isn't easily visible. We can only recommend to start GnuCash on your own with your updated translation, and then check for strings which you see but are not yet translated. Those are for sure of high priority.

Two additional source code locations can be noted as low priority:

  • Everything from the file src/bin/gnucash-bin.c is of low priority because those are the command line options when running gnucash with different options from the command line. This is a use case that is performed only by highly experienced users which are accustomed to using the English-language command line commands. Therefore, translations here are of lower priority.
  • Everything from the folder src/tax or from the intl-scm/guile-string.c file with a comment indicating some file in src/reports/locale-specific is related to tax preparation in the U.S. or in Germany. Hence, those strings are uninteresting for anyone living in different countries, and you can safely consider those with very low priority.

Disambiguation Prefix

At some places, GnuCash uses "disambiguation prefixes" in translatable strings. Here is an old explanation: ; more explanation is also here: .

@Developers: In the normal source code of a gtk-based program, this feature is available by simply using the Q_( ) macro instead of the _( ) macro.

This would be used e.g. as follows

/* Translators: This string has a disambiguation prefix */

where the string that shows up in the GUI is simply "Transfer", but the translators need the prefix to be able to choose the correct translation of the noun vs. the verb.

In the latest gettext versions, this disambiguation is solved in yet another way by introducing an additional "context string" in addition to the translatable string, see below. As this is still a relatively new feature, we don't use this in GnuCash yet.

Context by Particular Gettext

A more recent method is "particular gettext" pgettext().


pgettext("account status: not cleared", "n")

would result in a msgid like:

#: src/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c:656
msgctxt "account status: not cleared"
msgid "n"
msgstr ""

See Gettext Manual: Contexts for details.

Testing and submitting your translations

You must check that your new translations are programatically correct (ie: that there are no unclosed quotes, etc). To do this, use the msgfmt program

/usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics XXXX.po

This will report any errors in your .po file if it finds them.

If you want to see your translations within a running version of gnucash, simply place your .po file in the po/ directory of your local gnucash repository (which you have previously installed) and from within the po/ directory type (you may need to be root to do this):

make install

Now you can run gnucash with your new translations:

LANG=XXXX /opt/gnucash-git/bin/gnucash

Alternative Way with Poedit

If you use Poedit while working on .po file, you would notice that it saves file in .mo format, the very format that GnuCash uses itself. So one would just need to copy this file into appropriate subdirectory under /opt/gnucash-git:

 cp /opt/gnucash-git/share/locale/LL/LC_MESSAGES/

The only thing that needs to be changed here is LL which stands for your country code (ka Georgian, de German etc). The rest is as in above method:

LANG=XXXX /opt/gnucash-git/bin/gnucash


When you are happy with the new translation file, create a gzipped version of it:

gzip XXXX.po

, do the same with your #The glossary file and follow #Submitting your work direct to GnuCash.

Alternatively, you could submit the finished translation via the GNU Translation Project. See the instructions on and the first section of this document about how to do that.

See Translation Status for the current status of the project with respect to translation contributions.

See also [FIXME: obsolete?]


gnucash 	2.6.5 	0 / 4628
If you there click on 2.5.6 you will get a fresh gnucash-2.6.5.pot, while we have already an ar.po with 2031 translated and 4 fuzzy messages. By contrast on the as external marked, you see:
gnucash 	2.6.5 	unknown 	external
and will not get a new pot file.
But we can bundle this notes with the release announcement, if you add the language to Release Process#TP Status changes.
  • If you check in a new language, remove a language or see the status of the language changes from partial to (almost) complete, update the numbers in <sect2 id="oview-featuresintl2"> in file guide/C/ch_oview.xml of gnucash-docs.


intl/Makefile is already registered

When you see this error message during run: error: `intl/Makefile' is already registered with
autoconf/status.m4:844: AC_CONFIG_FILES is expanded from... the top level
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
autoheader: /usr/bin/autom4te failed with exit status: 1
**Error**: autoheader failed.

Then you need to revert the script to the original form that is in git:

git checkout

Gtk-CRITICAL messages

Note: Fixing this problem is quite difficult. We keep the explanation here in case some developers need it in the future, but if you have no idea what we are talking about in the next sentences, you should rather ignore these Gtk-CRITICAL messages and our explanation here!

If you see any "Gtk-CRITICAL" messages while running gnucash, it is probably because you translated a string differently than how it exists in some other gnome library. You must discover which string you translated differently, and change the translation to exactly match that of the gnome libraries.

To do this, you need to run gnucash under gdb:

LANG=XXXX /opt/gnucash-git/bin/gnucash-env gdb /usr/bin/guile

Then, from within gdb, issue:

run -e main -s /opt/gnucash-git/libexec/gnucash/overrides/gnucash --g-fatal-warnings

Eventually, gnucash should crash (because of the --g-fatal-warnings directive), when it does, issue from within gdb:


You should see some output that looks like this:

#0  0xffffe002 in ?? ()
#1  0x42028a73 in abort () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x4019d3d8 in g_logv () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x4019d414 in g_log () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x40500fdd in gtk_type_check_object_cast () from 
#5  0x407292e5 in gnc_mdi_tweak_menus (mc=0x825adb0) at gnc-mdi-utils.c:574
#6  0x40729d13 in gnc_mdi_child_changed_cb (mdi=0x8266fd8, prev_child=0x0,
     data=0x8265fd8) at gnc-mdi-utils.c:861

Notice position #5 which has "gnc_mdi_tweak_menus at gnc-mdi-utils.c:574"? Open that source file and find line 574:

573:  widget = gnc_mdi_child_find_menu_item(mc, "_View/_Toolbar");
574:  gtk_signal_handler_block_by_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget), info);

So, the problem is with the translation of "_View/_Toolbar". The "/" is a menu seperator, so you now know that the problem is with either the translation of "_View" or "_Toolbar". By switching to an English gnucash (LANG=C) and looking through your .po file, you should be able to find out the problem. Change the offending translation to whatever you see in the gnucash app. Remember that the translations must contain the proper underscores.

File accesses

To follow gnucash as it access files,

strace /opt/gnucash-git/bin/gnucash

How to translate the Windows Installer

Follow the instructions in the this thread.

Check doc/README-*

The following filepatterns in doc/ are of interest:

  • README-<language>
  • README-<LL>.win32-bin.txt

This plain text files are often forgotten and become easily outdated. But if gnucash-doc is not installed or yelp not working, they are the only documentation, which the user can find in your language on her computer.

Q: Shouldn't it be possible by some make-magic, to adjust current-, last-stable-, next-stable- release and release-date - e.g. like target gnucash.1 in makefile? --Fell 20:21, 16 September 2010 (UTC)

How to translate the GnuCash guide and/or help files

This section describes the actions needed to translate the manuals. There are currently 2 parts:

  • Concept Guide and Tutorial: This is an introduction in the basic principles of double entry accounting and their application in GnuCash. This text is really useful for new users. Even though the text is rather old, it still matches most ways of how GnuCash works.
  • Help: This is the context sensitive help system. Unfortunately, many recent changes in the program have not been updated in these help texts, so this document is probably largely outdated and so of less use.

You can check the nightly builds - in particular after your updates were commited.

Both texts contain various useful parts and also various outdated which are less useful. If you are interested in translating those documents, please make a decision for yourself whether you want to "only" translate the existing text or also improve and cross-check the text with the actual status in the program in your language. It is less effort to "only" translate the text, but you also run into the risk of doing unnecessary work if you translate explanations which are no longer correct. It might be more effort to create a new text in your language, using the English text only as an inspiration, but it will surely lead to a more useable and more helpful documentation. We, the programmers, encourage you to do the latter and create a new text in your language. As you are the one doing the work, the decision is up to you.

Both documents consist of

  • text files in a format called DocBook, where the complete document is split into a collection of xml files by chapter, and
  • pictures: Those are png files in the subdirectory figures/. The xml files will contain links to the png files where they should appear in the text.

At the beginning you might wish to concentrate on the text. If desired, you could link the english pictures from C/figures.

You can find an introduction to DocBook in Creating DocBook Documents.

Please use a unified terminology: The translator of the program messages should have created #The glossary file for the translations of the key wordings in the program. Please make sure to use the same terms in the documents, too.



In addition to the software for running, the following additional software is needed for the development on Linux. From the gnucash-docs/README file as of 2012-09-24:

  • libxml2/libxslt
Note: xsltproc is needed, which is usually part of libxslt, but debian split it in two separate packages, where xsltproc depends on libxslt.
  • docbook-xsl

For viewing under Linux:

  • rarian or
scrollkeeper >=0.3.4 (its ancestor)
  • yelp (the context sensitive GNOME help viewer) or
any HTML browser, but that will not be called from inside GnuCash

Additonal Requirements for Generating PDF:

  • Apache fop >= 0.95
    • fop-ttfreader (non-latin PDF)
      • Japanese PDF:
        • japanese-mincho-ttf (default is ipaexm.ttf)
        • japanese-gothic-ttf (default is ipaexg.ttf)

Additional Requirements for Generating Mobipocket:

Note for wiki editors: Keep above section in sync with [2].

Other Operating Systems

Wm says the section below is being edited and not yet complete, see the thread "Help with help" in gnucash-devel for more info


At present we do not know of a suitable DocBook file toolset for MacOSX though a *nix on Mac approach may / should work. We encourage solutions so if someone could document this we would be grateful [Wm: aside is this redundant? Don't most modern Macs include *nix so instructions similar to those I have provided for Win might apply?]


One way of being able to edit and produce DocBook files on Windows is to use the *nix instructions under cygwin. Instructions for obtaining a suitable toolset follow

  • Get cygwin by going to and pressing the link for the setup-*.exe file suited to your system
  • save it, virus scan it, etc. as you see fit then run it
  • type "libxslt" into the search box
  • expand Libs and press Skip so that it shows a version for all 3 GNOME XSLT Library options, you want the most recent which it will offer by default, cygwin will work out the dependencies
  • you may follow similar steps to obtain git, i.e. type "git" into the search box, expand and tick the obvious candidates
  • Note: because these are *nix type text based utilities you are downloading hundreds of kiloBytes not megaBytes; relax, this isn't Windows Update, a few extra progs won't kill your system, promise
  • click next at the bottom rhs and let cygwin do its stuff; this may take some time depending on connection speeds at both ends
  • Aside: if you get a msg about "Package: Unknown package / exit code 1" you may ignore it, after reading the full blurb, of course, my advice is not to try and track it down unless you have a lot of spare time on your hands
  • When it is done fire up cygwin and do stuff as per the *nix instructions

Further details:

  • don't look for
  • yelp (the viewer)
  • on cygwin: it isn't there; it is an old prog (last updated in 2007, I think
wrong, see --Fell 17:21, 26 October 2013 (EDT)
) and should probably not be regarded as current though it may be useful if you have it on another OS
  • I wonder how many current *nix users have it?
AFAIK it is still part of the GNOME desktop: google search for yelp+gnome --Fell 17:21, 26 October 2013 (EDT)
Should ref to yelp be made less prominent?
It is the only way I know to get some context sensitive help from inside GnuCash. --Fell 17:21, 26 October 2013 (EDT)

Wm says the section above is being edited and not yet complete, see the thread "Help with help" in gnucash-devel for more info

Java (all OS)

Eclipse has

  • several Git plugins,
  • a C Development Tool with autotools support,
  • a feature rich, builtin XML editor and a few plugins like XML WYSIWYG editors

or in other words, all what is needed here, available.

The Procedure

First, you have to download the most recent version of the gnucash-docs package. This is done as follows:

  1. Checkout the documentation in a directory gnucash-docs:
    git clone gnucash-docs
  2. Create your working branch. If you plan to use pull requests, you should use unique names like guide-LL-chapter-x-part-n instead of working-branch.
    git branch working-branch
  3. Create a new directory (if it doesn't already exist) in guide/<locale> where <locale> is of the form <language>[_<region>] e.g. es, en_GB, or pt_PT. See #Naming Conventions.
    See Locale_Settings#IETF_language_tags for details.
    If your translation is the first for your language do not add a region code. So also other regions benefit from your translation.
    And copy the files from guide/C into this directory:
    cp -r guide/C guide/LL
  4. Add the directory you created to [gnucash-docs/] (as a new line guide/<language>[_<region>]/Makefile under AC_OUTPUT) and [gnucash-docs/]guide/ (at the end of SUBDIRS).
  5. Notify git about the new directory and files. "*" is quoted by "\".
    git add guide/LL/\*.\*
  6. Now the real work:
    1. Edit all the xml files (see #DocBook xml editors below for suitable editor programs) and translate them into your language.
      In the event the english documents get updated, it might be useful to have a comment in the header of each chapter in the form:
      <!-- Translation based on maint/master as of 2014-01-01 10:00 UTC -->
      Use the same terminoloy as in #The_glossary_file. If you did not #Get_the_source_from_Git, you can simply download your languages .po file from the glossary directory at GitHub.
    2. There are some general headers, which do not appear in the xml-files in your locale directory. But they can be translated by adding a section in xsl/l10n.xml. Obey the comment at the beginning. If you use non-ASCII characters, you should run recode -d <input_encoding>..h0 l10n.xml, where input_encoding might be u8 for UTF8, to get them right encoded.
    3. In addition to the text, you need to recreate the image files in guide/C/figures so that they are appropriate to your language. Most of them are screenshots of a gnucash session - save them as png files because this will use a lossless compression. In theory some of the files in gnucash/doc/examples could be a starting point therefor, but they are currently - 2010-09-17 - broken. For details (size, style,...) see Documentation_Update_Instructions#Images and screenshots. A few figures are in scalable vector graphic (svg) format. Here you can edit the files e.g. in Libre/OpenOffice and translate the strings.
    4. Watch out: The documentation itself is probably outdated in many places, as it has been written for the 1.8.0 version of gnucash. You can watch the current progress in Concept_Guide#Ongoing_work. If you encounter any description that is wrong for the current version of gnucash, do not hesitate to ignore the english original text and instead describe the situation of the current version of gnucash in your translation. It would be even better if you have the time to change the english original text as well, or at least file a bug against it, but even if you can't do that, feel free to describe the actual state of gnucash in your translation and simply ignore the original english text.
      If you file a patch against the english text, you can also file a patch, which adds your name and email address to AUTHORS, so you will become famous. ;-) Ask to apply this latter patch also against gnucash/DOCUMENTERS because both files should have the same content. More details about editing the english text can be found in the Documentation Update Instructions.
  7. Test your xml files for syntax errors by running xmllint on the main file gnucash-{guide|help}.xml, e.g.:
    xmllint --valid --noout gnucash-guide.xml
    The program xmllint is part of the package libxml.
    Tip: Some xml aware editors have a menu entry like validate to run this test.
  8. Optional: test your work with yelp - there are autotools files, to support you:
    1. After you copied the directory, change to the 'root' of the gnucash-docs package and run once
    2. If you want to change some default values like installation paths, run
      ./configure --help,
      to see the available options.
    3. Run
      ./configure with your desired options.
      Tip for Windows and MacOSX, which have no Yelp: use --disable-scrollkeeper
    4. After your editing of the files, run
      for some additional processing.
    5. To check the syntax of your files, run
      make check
      This will run the xmllint command above over the full diretory structure.
    6. If you had choosen something with "$HOME" as prefix in your configuration, run
      make install,
      otherwise run
      sudo make install.
    7. Run
      yelp <path/filename>
      with the path, to where you installed the files.
      export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/home/<yourname>/<your-install-dir>/gnucash-docs/share:${XDG_DATA_DIRS}:/usr/local/share:/usr/share
      will tell yelp the path to your version.
    8. Repeat steps 4-7 until everything is right.
  9. Update the branches of your local repo often:
    git checkout maint # switch to maint
    git pull --rebase # update it
    git rebase maint working-branch # update working-branch
    git checkout working-branch # switch back to working-branch
  10. Follow #Submitting your work direct to GnuCash.

To translate the help files, repeat steps 2-10 but replace the "guide" directory with "help".

Committers: If it builds fine, add the directory changes from 2. also to gnucash/maint/packaging/win32/ and merge the change to master, if required.

DocBook xml editors

For editing these DocBook xml files, various editors can be used: might contain pointers to some, or also . Some developers use Eclipse.

People have said that AbiWord and OpenOffice / LibreOffice have support for DocBook available, in which case you could directly edit gnucash's xml files with those. However, those editors will probably not work with the current multi-file setup where each chapter is in a separate XML file and the main XML file contains points to the chapters' files. As a workaround, you can copy the relevant parts of the main XML file into the chapter's file by a plain text editor so that it "looks like" one single DocBook document. This can be opened with OpenOffice/LibreOffice and edited as normal. After that, the added parts from the main file need to be removed again, and then you have the edited chapter text.

Using po editors

Some translators are more familiar with using po file editors like poedit, Kbabel, Gtranslator etc. For those people, it is possible to convert the content of the help documents (the DocBook XML files) into po files, translate the messages in the po file, and convert the result back into xml. This section describes how to use this approach for the gnucash help documents.

In order to use po files you have first to convert xml files to po files, translate them and then convert back to xml.

First you have to install a fresh version of gnome-doc-utils. For example in a Fedora 13 system

 yum install gnome-doc-utils.
  1. Do the conversion with the following commands (xx is your language code, example: el for Greek):
    xml2po -o helpfile.xml.pot helpfile.xml
    mv helpfile.xml.pot helpfile.xml.xx.po
  2. Translate helpfile.xml.xx.po using your favorite po editor.
  3. Convert back to xml:
    xml2po -e -p helpfile.xml.xx.po -o xx_helpfile.xml helpfile.xml
  4. Test your translated xml file as mention above:
    xmllint --valid --noout xx.helpfile.xml
  5. Remove xx from xx_helpfile.xml and you are ready to commit it in your language help directory

Workaround for the broken OpenSuse help system

As in OpenSuse 10.x and 11.x the help system is broken, there is a workaround, to review the result of your work. Locate gnucash-guide.xml in your system, probably /usr/local/share/gnome/help/gnucash/C. Then from that directory do

xmlto -o /path-to-where-you-want-to-store-docs/ html gnucash-guide.xml

which will make an html copy of the docs.

Copy over the 'figures' directory with contents to your html directory above and set a bookmark in browser to the index.html so that you get the docs any time you need them. The context sensitive facility is lost, but for general reading it works.[3]

How to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies

This section describes the actions needed to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies.

Preliminary Considerations

However, please take a moment to think about the intention of the account hierarchy templates. The intention of those files is much more language-related than any other of the files inside gnucash. A string-by-string translation is not the best thing to do here. Instead, you can and should find out an actual recommended account structure which makes sense in your language, and implement that one in your language. By this, I mean several of the english accounts make sense only in the U.S., but probably not in other countries. Hence, your translated account template should not contain them. Also, you can add additional parts of the account templates for your language as well, if the users are likely to need it.
For example, in the U.S., users are likely to own a car, and for this reason there is an account structure template for "Car". If in another hypothetical country users are likely to own, say, a spaceship instead of a car, you should remove the "Car" template and instead create a new account structure that represents all accounts related to the ownership of a spaceship, and offer this as additional "Spaceship" template.
In other words, you should feel free to create a completely new account template structure that is most suited to your language. The english-language templates are just a proposal, but will need further adaption and not a string-by-string translation.

Having said that, here is how you would start for a direct translation of the English templates:

In this section always replace <locale> with your language code and optional your region code, if there are multiple countries with the same language and your templates are fitting only to one of them.


Initialize accounts/<locale>

  • If it does not already exists, execute the following steps to initialize your accounts/<locale> directory:
  1. Create a new directory accounts/<locale>.
  2. Copy the acctchrt_* files from accounts/C to accounts/<locale>
  3. Do not change any xml tags.
  4. In the directory accounts/, change the file and add your <locale> to the only line in that file.
  5. Add the path of your to AC_CONFIG_FILES in in the toplevel directory of the project.

Localize the Account Charts

Tip: C/acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea is a helper file. Because we prefer modularization it usually is not part of the distribution. It contains the full tree of the personal en_US accounts. The other acctchrt_*.gnucash-xea files contain single branches of that. So after translating it you can copy&paste the respective parts in the other files to ensure consistency between them.

If you modularize the templates you should start with acctchrt_common.gnucash-xea - it is the most basic.

For each desired acctchrt_* file in that directory:

  1. Change the gnc-act:title, gnc-act:short-description, and gnc-act:long-description to contain appropriately translated text. Do not add any newlines in the long description except at the end and begining of the string.
  2. For each gnc:account in the file translate the act:name, and act:description fields. Please do not translate any other fields.
  3. To avoid typos, run the AccountHierarchyTemplate#Syntax Check.
  4. New files to be shown to the user must be added to the account_DATA section,
    helper files like acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea to EXTRA_DIST in

Note again: You absolutely don't need to translate all of the files from accounts/C. A subset of those are fine as well. Probably several of them will not apply to your local legislative/economic system anyway. For a really customized account hierarchy you might better create a new account hierarchy file in GnuCash, and then, by hand-editing the xml code, split it up into several files and cut&paste the appropriate tags from the accounts/C/acctchrt_* files.

If you wish to add new accounts manually, you will need some additional guids, those funny random numbers. To get them you can use:


or, if that command does not exist,

uuidgen | sed -e 's/-//g'

AccountHierarchyTemplate describes, how to create new templates e.g. for business purpose according local rules.

Test your Work

To test your work under real conditions, you should finally Compile & Install it. But before you need an adjusted in your accounts/<locale> directory. If none exists, copy that from accounts/c and adjust it:

  • 1. Line (accountdir): adjust the locale.
  • If you removed accountcharts, remove their line from account_DATA,
  • if you added new files, insert lines with their names and "\" (the line continuation symbol).

How to translate the website

  • Get a checkout of
  • Run the command
    make pot
  • Then depending on whether or not a translation for you language exists already (complete or not):
    1. Existing translation:
      Run the command
      msgmerge po/LL.po po/gnucash-htdocs.pot -o po/LL.po
      Where LL is your language code, see earlier sections
    2. New translation:
      Copy the newly created file po/gnucash-htdocs.pot to po/LL.po, where LL is your language code, see earlier sections
  • Translate the po file as usual
  • Optionally run
    recode -d <input_encoding>..h0 po/LL.po
    to get special characters HTML quoted.
  • Send the LL.po to gnucash-devel; the maintainers will commit this to git and add the appropriate Makefile rules upon the first git commit.
these instructions are written for linux. They will probably work on other unix-like systems as well, but not on Windows. On Windows you may be able to do this if you set up a linux-like environment (with cygwin or mingw), but that's untested so far.

Tips for Developers

This section collects some notes for developers/programmers on how to correctly prepare their code for translations.

How to make strings in code translatable

Strings in Glade files are marked for translations by the (_ ) functions.

Normally, strings in C code just need to be enclosed with the _( ) function (well, actually it is a macro expanding into a function, but this is usually just an implementation detail). For example,

func("A translatable string!");

should instead be written as

func(_("A translatable string!"));

However, it is important to keep in mind that _( ) is a function; this means that in certain situations it cannot be used. For example,

gchar* array_of_strings[] = {_("first string"), _("second string"), _("third string")};

would cause a compiler error. Instead, these strings should be wrapped with the N_( ) macro, which is declared as #define N_(String) gettext_noop(String). Then, whenever one of the strings is actually used (as opposed to declared), it should be wrapped with the _( ) function again:

gchar* array_of_strings[] = {N_("first string"), N_("second string"), N_("third string")};

See also: Disambiguation prefix

Plural Forms

Not all languages have the same simple kind of plural forms as english. See gettexts Plural-forms for details.

How to give the translators a clue

Sometimes it is useful to give the translators some additional information about the meaning of a string. To achieve this effect, you can insert a section of comment lines direct before the related string, where the first comment starts with "Translators:". There must not be any control statement between comment and string.

 /* Translators: the following string deals about:
  * The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything
  * Source:
  * */

In the pot and po files, this comment will show up as follows:

# foo/bar.c:123
# Translators: the following string deals about:
# The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything
# Source:
msgid "42"
msgstr "" 

Note: An empty comment line will end the process. If the string " Source:" were missing, the URL were not part of the output.

While this feature seems to work fine in C sources, it seems not to work in the scm files. Any suggestions, to fix this are welcome.

In glade files

In glade 3.16, using the edit button for a label, one can enter translatable, translation context and comment. From intltool fails to extract comments from glade-type files when not last attributes:

<property name="label" translatable="yes" context="infinitive" comments="my comment">
should work.

Further Reading

If you want to read more about this topic, GnomeI18nDeveloperTips might be a good starting point.

Thanks so very much to all the translators for their hard effort and excellent work.