GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Files | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Splits are grouped into Accounts which are also known as "Ledgers" in accounting practice. More...


file  Account.h
 Account handling public routines.
file  Account.hpp
 Account public routines (C++ api)

Data Structures

struct  AccountClass


#define GNC_TYPE_ACCOUNT   (gnc_account_get_type ())


typedef gnc_numeric(* xaccGetBalanceFn) (const Account *account)
typedef gnc_numeric(* xaccGetBalanceInCurrencyFn) (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
typedef gnc_numeric(* xaccGetBalanceAsOfDateFn) (Account *account, time64 date)
typedef void(* AccountCb) (Account *a, gpointer data)
typedef gpointer(* AccountCb2) (Account *a, gpointer data)
using SplitsVec = std::vector< Split * >
using AccountVec = std::vector< Account * >


enum  GNCAccountType {
 The account types are used to determine how the transaction data in the account is displayed. More...


GType gnc_account_get_type (void)
 Returns the GType type system description of the Account class. More...
gboolean gnc_account_and_descendants_empty (Account *acc)
gchar * gnc_account_name_violations_errmsg (const gchar *separator, GList *invalid_account_names)
 Composes a translatable error message showing which account names clash with the current account separator. More...
GList * gnc_account_list_name_violations (QofBook *book, const gchar *separator)
 Runs through all the accounts and returns a list of account names that contain the provided separator character. More...
void xaccAccountSetReconcileChildrenStatus (Account *account, gboolean status)
gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcileChildrenStatus (const Account *account)
gboolean xaccAccountHasAncestor (const Account *acc, const Account *ancestor)
 Returns true if the account is 'ancestor' or has 'ancestor' as an ancestor. More...
const SplitsVec & xaccAccountGetSplits (const Account *)
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant (const Account *, std::function< void(Account *)> func)
void gnc_account_foreach_split (const Account *, std::function< void(Split *)>, bool)
void gnc_account_foreach_split_until_date (const Account *acc, time64 end_date, std::function< void(Split *)> f)
Split * gnc_account_find_split (const Account *, std::function< bool(const Split *)>, bool)
 scans account split list (in forward or reverse order) until predicate split->bool returns true. More...
std::vector< const Account * > gnc_account_get_all_parents (const Account *account)

Account Constructors, Edit/Commit, Comparison

AccountxaccMallocAccount (QofBook *book)
Accountgnc_account_create_root (QofBook *book)
 Create a new root level account. More...
AccountxaccCloneAccount (const Account *source, QofBook *book)
 The xaccCloneAccount() routine makes a simple copy of the indicated account, placing it in the indicated book. More...
void xaccAccountBeginEdit (Account *account)
 The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates. More...
void xaccAccountCommitEdit (Account *account)
 ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates. More...
void xaccAccountDestroy (Account *account)
 The xaccAccountDestroy() routine can be used to get rid of an account. More...
gboolean xaccAccountEqual (const Account *a, const Account *b, gboolean check_guids)
 Compare two accounts for equality - this is a deep compare. More...
int xaccAccountOrder (const Account *account_1, const Account *account_2)
 The xaccAccountOrder() subroutine defines a sorting order on accounts. More...

Account lookup and GncGUID routines

const gchar * gnc_get_account_separator_string (void)
 Returns the account separation character chosen by the user. More...
gunichar gnc_get_account_separator (void)
void gnc_set_account_separator (const gchar *separator)
Accountgnc_book_get_root_account (QofBook *book)
void gnc_book_set_root_account (QofBook *book, Account *root)
AccountxaccAccountLookup (const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book)
 The xaccAccountLookup() subroutine will return the account associated with the given id, or NULL if there is no such account. More...
#define xaccAccountGetGUID(X)   qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))
#define xaccAccountReturnGUID(X)   (X ? *(qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))) : *(guid_null()))
#define xaccAccountLookupDirect(g, b)   xaccAccountLookup(&(g),b)

Account general setters/getters

QofBook * gnc_account_get_book (const Account *account)
void xaccAccountSetType (Account *account, GNCAccountType)
 Set the account's type.
void xaccAccountSetName (Account *account, const char *name)
 Set the account's name.
void xaccAccountSetCode (Account *account, const char *code)
 Set the account's accounting code.
void xaccAccountSetDescription (Account *account, const char *desc)
 Set the account's description.
void xaccAccountSetColor (Account *account, const char *color)
 Set the account's Color.
void xaccAccountSetFilter (Account *account, const char *filter)
 Set the account's Filter.
void xaccAccountSetSortOrder (Account *account, const char *sortorder)
 Set the account's Sort Order.
void xaccAccountSetSortReversed (Account *account, gboolean sortreversed)
 Set the account's Sort Order direction.
void xaccAccountSetNotes (Account *account, const char *notes)
 Set the account's notes.
void xaccAccountSetAssociatedAccount (Account *acc, const char *tag, const Account *assoc_acct)
 Set the account's associated account e.g. More...
void xaccAccountSetLastNum (Account *account, const char *num)
 Set the last num field of an Account.
void gnc_account_set_policy (Account *account, GNCPolicy *policy)
 Set the account's lot order policy.
GNCAccountType xaccAccountGetType (const Account *account)
 Returns the account's account type. More...
gboolean xaccAccountIsPriced (const Account *acc)
 Returns true if the account is a stock, mutual fund or currency, otherwise false. More...
void gnc_account_set_start_balance (Account *acc, const gnc_numeric start_baln)
 This function will set the starting commodity balance for this account. More...
void gnc_account_set_start_cleared_balance (Account *acc, const gnc_numeric start_baln)
 This function will set the starting cleared commodity balance for this account. More...
void gnc_account_set_start_reconciled_balance (Account *acc, const gnc_numeric start_baln)
 This function will set the starting reconciled commodity balance for this account. More...
void gnc_account_set_balance_dirty (Account *acc)
 Tell the account that the running balances may be incorrect and need to be recomputed. More...
void gnc_account_set_sort_dirty (Account *acc)
 Tell the account believes that the splits may be incorrectly sorted and need to be resorted. More...
void gnc_account_set_defer_bal_computation (Account *acc, gboolean defer)
 Set the defer balance flag. More...
gboolean gnc_account_insert_split (Account *acc, Split *s)
 Insert the given split from an account. More...
gboolean gnc_account_remove_split (Account *acc, Split *s)
 Remove the given split from an account. More...
const char * xaccAccountGetName (const Account *account)
 Get the account's name.
const char * xaccAccountGetCode (const Account *account)
 Get the account's accounting code.
const char * xaccAccountGetDescription (const Account *account)
 Get the account's description.
const char * xaccAccountGetColor (const Account *account)
 Get the account's color.
const char * xaccAccountGetFilter (const Account *account)
 Get the account's filter.
const char * xaccAccountGetSortOrder (const Account *account)
 Get the account's Sort Order.
gboolean xaccAccountGetSortReversed (const Account *account)
 Get the account's Sort Order direction.
const char * xaccAccountGetNotes (const Account *account)
 Get the account's notes.
AccountxaccAccountGetAssociatedAccount (const Account *acc, const char *tag)
 Get the account's associated account e.g. More...
const char * xaccAccountGetLastNum (const Account *account)
 Get the last num field of an Account.
GNCPolicy * gnc_account_get_policy (Account *account)
 Get the account's lot order policy.
gboolean gnc_account_get_defer_bal_computation (Account *acc)
 Get the account's flag for deferred balance computation.
void xaccAccountRecomputeBalance (Account *)
 The following recompute the partial balances (stored with the transaction) and the total balance, for this account.
void xaccAccountSortSplits (Account *acc, gboolean force)
 The xaccAccountSortSplits() routine will resort the account's splits if the sort is dirty. More...
gchar * gnc_account_get_full_name (const Account *account)
 The gnc_account_get_full_name routine returns the fully qualified name of the account using the given separator char. More...
AccountxaccAccountGainsAccount (Account *acc, gnc_commodity *curr)
 Retrieve the gains account used by this account for the indicated currency, creating and recording a new one if necessary. More...
void dxaccAccountSetPriceSrc (Account *account, const char *src)
 Set a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that should be used to retrieve online prices. More...
const char * dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc (const Account *account)
 Get a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that should be used to retrieve online prices. More...

Account Commodity setters/getters

Accounts are used to store an amount of 'something', that 'something'
is called the 'commodity'.

An account can only hold one kind of commodity. The following are used to get and set the commodity, and also to set the SCU, the 'Smallest Commodity Unit'.

Note that when we say that a 'split' holds an 'amount', that amount is denominated in the account commodity. Do not confuse 'amount' and 'value'. The 'value' of a split is the value of the amount expressed in the currency of the transaction. Thus, for example, the 'amount' may be 12 apples, where the account commodity is 'apples'. The value of these 12 apples may be 12 dollars, where the transaction currency is 'dollars'.

The SCU is the 'Smallest Commodity Unit', signifying the smallest non-zero amount that can be stored in the account. It is represented as the integer denominator of a fraction. Thus, for example, a SCU of 12 means that 1/12 of something is the smallest amount that can be stored in the account. SCU's can be any value; they do not need to be decimal. This allows the use of accounts with unusual, non-decimal commodities and currencies.

Normally, the SCU is determined by the commodity of the account. However, this default SCU can be over-ridden and set to an account-specific value. This is account-specific value is called the 'non-standard' value in the documentation below.

void xaccAccountSetCommodity (Account *account, gnc_commodity *comm)
 Set the account's commodity.
gnc_commodity * xaccAccountGetCommodity (const Account *account)
 Get the account's commodity.
gnc_commodity * gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent (const Account *account)
 Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a Transaction's currency. More...
int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCU (const Account *account)
 Return the SCU for the account. More...
int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCUi (const Account *account)
 Return the 'internal' SCU setting. More...
void xaccAccountSetCommoditySCU (Account *account, int frac)
 Set the SCU for the account. More...
void xaccAccountSetNonStdSCU (Account *account, gboolean flag)
 Set the flag indicating that this account uses a non-standard SCU. More...
gboolean xaccAccountGetNonStdSCU (const Account *account)
 Return boolean, indicating whether this account uses a non-standard SCU. More...

Account Balance

gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalance (const Account *account)
 Get the current balance of the account, which may include future splits.
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetClearedBalance (const Account *account)
 Get the current balance of the account, only including cleared transactions.
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalance (const Account *account)
 Get the current balance of the account, only including reconciled transactions.
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetPresentBalance (const Account *account)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetProjectedMinimumBalance (const Account *account)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate (Account *account, time64 date)
 Get the balance of the account at the end of the day before the date specified. More...
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceAsOfDate (Account *account, time64 date)
 Get the reconciled balance of the account at the end of the day of the date specified. More...
gnc_numeric xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrency (const Account *account, gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate (const Account *account, gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency, time64 date)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetClearedBalanceInCurrency (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceInCurrency (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetPresentBalanceInCurrency (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetProjectedMinimumBalanceInCurrency (const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency (Account *acc, time64 date, gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
 This function gets the balance at the end of the given date, ignoring closing entries, in the desired commodity. More...
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency (Account *account, time64 date, gnc_commodity *report_commodity, gboolean include_children)
 This function gets the balance at the end of the given date in the desired commodity. More...
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceChangeForPeriod (Account *acc, time64 date1, time64 date2, gboolean recurse)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceChangeInCurrencyForPeriod (Account *acc, time64 date1, time64 date2, gboolean recurse)
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceChangeForPeriod (Account *acc, time64 date1, time64 date2, gboolean recurse)

Account Children and Parents.

The set of accounts is represented as a doubly-linked tree, so that given any account, both its parent and its children can be easily found.

At the top of the tree hierarchy lies a single root node, the root account.

The account tree hierarchy is unique, in that a given account can have only one parent account.

void gnc_account_append_child (Account *new_parent, Account *child)
 This function will remove from the child account any pre-existing parent relationship, and will then add the account as a child of the new parent. More...
void gnc_account_remove_child (Account *parent, Account *child)
 This function will remove the specified child account from the specified parent account. More...
Accountgnc_account_get_parent (const Account *account)
 This routine returns a pointer to the parent of the specified account. More...
Accountgnc_account_get_root (Account *account)
 This routine returns the root account of the account tree that the specified account belongs to. More...
gboolean gnc_account_is_root (const Account *account)
 This routine indicates whether the specified account is the root node of an account tree. More...
GList * gnc_account_get_children (const Account *account)
 This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified account. More...
GList * gnc_account_get_children_sorted (const Account *account)
 This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified account, ordered by xaccAccountOrder(). More...
gint gnc_account_n_children (const Account *account)
 Return the number of children of the specified account. More...
gint gnc_account_child_index (const Account *parent, const Account *child)
 Return the index of the specified child within the list of the parent's children. More...
Accountgnc_account_nth_child (const Account *parent, gint num)
 Return the n'th child account of the specified parent account. More...
GList * gnc_account_get_descendants (const Account *account)
 This routine returns a flat list of all of the accounts that are descendants of the specified account. More...
GList * gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted (const Account *account)
 This function returns a GList containing all the descendants of the specified account, sorted at each level. More...
gint gnc_account_n_descendants (const Account *account)
 Return the number of descendants of the specified account. More...
gint gnc_account_get_current_depth (const Account *account)
 Return the number of levels of this account below the root account. More...
gint gnc_account_get_tree_depth (const Account *account)
 Return the number of levels of descendants accounts below the specified account. More...


void gnc_account_foreach_child (const Account *account, AccountCb func, gpointer user_data)
 This method will traverse the immediate children of this accounts, calling 'func' on each account. More...
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant (const Account *account, AccountCb func, gpointer user_data)
 This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling 'func' on each account. More...
gpointer gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until (const Account *account, AccountCb2 func, gpointer user_data)
 This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling 'func' on each account. More...

Concatenation, Merging

void gnc_account_join_children (Account *to_parent, Account *from_parent)
 The gnc_account_join_children() subroutine will move (reparent) all child accounts from the from_parent account to the to_parent account, preserving the account hierarchy. More...
void gnc_account_merge_children (Account *parent)
 The gnc_account_merge_children() subroutine will go through an account, merging all child accounts that have the same name and description. More...

Detailed Description

Splits are grouped into Accounts which are also known as "Ledgers" in accounting practice.

Each Account consists of a list of Splits that debit that Account. To ensure consistency, if a Split points to an Account, then the Account must point to the Split, and vice-versa. A Split can belong to at most one Account. Besides merely containing a list of Splits, the Account structure also gives the Account a name, a code number, description and notes fields, a key-value frame, a pointer to the commodity that is used for all splits in this account. The commodity can be the name of anything traded and tradeable: a stock (e.g. "IBM", "McDonald's"), a currency (e.g. "USD", "GBP"), or anything added to the commodity table.

Accounts can be arranged in a hierarchical tree. By accounting convention, the value of an Account is equal to the value of all of its Splits plus the value of all of its sub-Accounts.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ xaccAccountGetGUID

#define xaccAccountGetGUID (   X)    qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))

Definition at line 248 of file Account.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GNCAccountType

The account types are used to determine how the transaction data in the account is displayed.

These values can be safely changed from one release to the next. Note that if values are added, the file IO translation routines need to be updated. Note also that GUI code depends on these numbers.

IMPORTANT: If you do change the enumeration names (not the numbers), you need to update xaccAccountTypeEnumAsString — used for text file exports

Not a type.


Not a type.


The bank account type denotes a savings or checking account held at a bank.

Often interest bearing.


The cash account type is used to denote a shoe-box or pillowcase stuffed with * cash.


The Credit card account is used to denote credit (e.g.

amex) and debit (e.g. visa, mastercard) card accounts


asset (and liability) accounts indicate generic, generalized accounts that are none of the above.


liability (and asset) accounts indicate generic, generalized accounts that are none of the above.


Stock accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price, number of shares, and value.


Mutual Fund accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price, number of shares, and value.


The currency account type indicates that the account is a currency trading account.

In many ways, a currency trading account is like a stock * trading account. It is shown in the register with three columns: price, number of shares, and value. Note: Since version 1.7.0, this account is * no longer needed to exchange currencies between accounts, so this type is DEPRECATED.


Income accounts are used to denote income.


Expense accounts are used to denote expenses.


Equity account is used to balance the balance sheet.


A/R account type.


A/P account type.


The hidden root account of an account tree.


Account used to record multiple commodity transactions.

This is not the same as ACCT_TYPE_CURRENCY above. Multiple commodity transactions have splits in these accounts to make the transaction balance in each commodity as well as in total value.


stop here; the following types just aren't ready for prime time


bank account type – don't use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES


bank account type – don't use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES


bank account type – don't use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES


line of credit – don't use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES

Definition at line 101 of file Account.h.

103 {
105  ACCT_TYPE_NONE = -1,
107  ACCT_TYPE_BANK = 0,
110  ACCT_TYPE_CASH = 1,
153  ACCT_TYPE_ROOT = 13,
164  /* bank account types */
174 #ifdef __cplusplus
175 };
176 #else
Expense accounts are used to denote expenses.
Definition: Account.h:143
Mutual Fund accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price...
Definition: Account.h:125
stop here; the following types just aren&#39;t ready for prime time
Definition: Account.h:161
The cash account type is used to denote a shoe-box or pillowcase stuffed with * cash.
Definition: Account.h:110
Account used to record multiple commodity transactions.
Definition: Account.h:155
Stock accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price, number of shares, and value.
Definition: Account.h:122
bank account type – don&#39;t use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES
Definition: Account.h:165
Income accounts are used to denote income.
Definition: Account.h:140
line of credit – don&#39;t use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES
Definition: Account.h:171
The bank account type denotes a savings or checking account held at a bank.
Definition: Account.h:107
A/P account type.
Definition: Account.h:151
bank account type – don&#39;t use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES
Definition: Account.h:167
asset (and liability) accounts indicate generic, generalized accounts that are none of the above...
Definition: Account.h:116
The currency account type indicates that the account is a currency trading account.
Definition: Account.h:129
The account types are used to determine how the transaction data in the account is displayed...
Definition: Account.h:101
Not a type.
Definition: Account.h:104
liability (and asset) accounts indicate generic, generalized accounts that are none of the above...
Definition: Account.h:119
A/R account type.
Definition: Account.h:149
bank account type – don&#39;t use this for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES
Definition: Account.h:169
Equity account is used to balance the balance sheet.
Definition: Account.h:146
Not a type.
Definition: Account.h:105
The hidden root account of an account tree.
Definition: Account.h:153
The Credit card account is used to denote credit (e.g.
Definition: Account.h:113

Function Documentation

◆ dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc()

const char* dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc ( const Account account)

Get a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that should be used to retrieve online prices.

See price-quotes.scm for more information. This function uses a static char*.

Price quote information is now stored on the commodity, not the account.

Definition at line 4778 of file Account.cpp.

4779 {
4780  static char *source = nullptr;
4781  if (!acc) return nullptr;
4783  if (!xaccAccountIsPriced(acc)) return nullptr;
4785  g_free (source);
4787  return get_kvp_string_path (acc, {"old-price-source"});
4788 }
gboolean xaccAccountIsPriced(const Account *acc)
Returns true if the account is a stock, mutual fund or currency, otherwise false. ...
Definition: Account.cpp:4482

◆ dxaccAccountSetPriceSrc()

void dxaccAccountSetPriceSrc ( Account account,
const char *  src 

Set a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that should be used to retrieve online prices.

See price-quotes.scm for more information

Price quote information is now stored on the commodity, not the account.

Definition at line 4766 of file Account.cpp.

4767 {
4768  if (!acc) return;
4770  if (xaccAccountIsPriced(acc))
4771  set_kvp_string_path (acc, {"old-price-source"}, src);
4772 }
gboolean xaccAccountIsPriced(const Account *acc)
Returns true if the account is a stock, mutual fund or currency, otherwise false. ...
Definition: Account.cpp:4482

◆ gnc_account_append_child()

void gnc_account_append_child ( Account new_parent,
Account child 

This function will remove from the child account any pre-existing parent relationship, and will then add the account as a child of the new parent.

The exception to this is when the old and new parent accounts are the same, in which case this function does nothing.

If the child account belongs to a different book than the specified new parent account, the child will be removed from the other book (and thus, the other book's entity tables, generating a destroy event), and will be added to the new book (generating a create event).

new_parentThe new parent account to which the child should be attached.
childThe account to attach.

Definition at line 2787 of file Account.cpp.

2788 {
2789  AccountPrivate *ppriv, *cpriv;
2790  Account *old_parent;
2791  QofCollection *col;
2793  /* errors */
2794  g_assert(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(new_parent));
2795  g_assert(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(child));
2797  /* optimizations */
2798  ppriv = GET_PRIVATE(new_parent);
2799  cpriv = GET_PRIVATE(child);
2800  old_parent = cpriv->parent;
2801  if (old_parent == new_parent)
2802  return;
2804  // xaccAccountBeginEdit(new_parent);
2805  xaccAccountBeginEdit(child);
2806  if (old_parent)
2807  {
2808  gnc_account_remove_child(old_parent, child);
2810  if (!qof_instance_books_equal(old_parent, new_parent))
2811  {
2812  /* hack alert -- this implementation is not exactly correct.
2813  * If the entity tables are not identical, then the 'from' book
2814  * may have a different backend than the 'to' book. This means
2815  * that we should get the 'from' backend to destroy this account,
2816  * and the 'to' backend to save it. Right now, this is broken.
2817  *
2818  * A 'correct' implementation similar to this is in Period.c
2819  * except its for transactions ...
2820  *
2821  * Note also, we need to reparent the children to the new book as well.
2822  */
2823  PWARN ("reparenting accounts across books is not correctly supported\n");
2825  qof_event_gen (&child->inst, QOF_EVENT_DESTROY, nullptr);
2828  qof_collection_insert_entity (col, &child->inst);
2829  qof_event_gen (&child->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, nullptr);
2830  }
2831  }
2832  cpriv->parent = new_parent;
2833  ppriv->children.push_back (child);
2834  qof_instance_set_dirty(&new_parent->inst);
2835  qof_instance_set_dirty(&child->inst);
2837  /* Send events data. Warning: The call to commit_edit is also going
2838  * to send a MODIFY event. If the gtktreemodelfilter code gets the
2839  * MODIFY before it gets the ADD, it gets very confused and thinks
2840  * that two nodes have been added. */
2841  qof_event_gen (&child->inst, QOF_EVENT_ADD, nullptr);
2842  // qof_event_gen (&new_parent->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
2844  xaccAccountCommitEdit (child);
2845  // xaccAccountCommitEdit(new_parent);
2846 }
QofBook * qof_instance_get_book(gconstpointer inst)
Return the book pointer.
#define PWARN(format, args...)
Log a warning.
Definition: qoflog.h:250
void gnc_account_remove_child(Account *parent, Account *child)
This function will remove the specified child account from the specified parent account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2849
void qof_collection_insert_entity(QofCollection *, QofInstance *)
Take entity, remove it from whatever collection its currently in, and place it in a new collection...
Definition: qofid.cpp:95
gboolean qof_instance_books_equal(gconstpointer ptr1, gconstpointer ptr2)
See if two QofInstances share the same book.
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1475
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection(const QofBook *book, QofIdType entity_type)
Return The table of entities of the given type.
Definition: qofbook.cpp:521
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1516

◆ gnc_account_child_index()

gint gnc_account_child_index ( const Account parent,
const Account child 

Return the index of the specified child within the list of the parent's children.

The first child index is 0. This function returns -1 if the parent account is NULL of if the specified child does not belong to the parent account.

parentThe parent account to check.
childThe child account to find.
The index of the child account within the specified parent, or -1.

Definition at line 2934 of file Account.cpp.

2935 {
2936  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(parent), -1);
2937  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(child), -1);
2938  auto& children = GET_PRIVATE(parent)->children;
2939  return std::distance (children.begin(), std::find (children.begin(), children.end(), child));
2940 }

◆ gnc_account_create_root()

Account* gnc_account_create_root ( QofBook *  book)

Create a new root level account.

Definition at line 1285 of file Account.cpp.

1286 {
1287  Account *root;
1288  AccountPrivate *rpriv;
1290  root = xaccMallocAccount(book);
1291  rpriv = GET_PRIVATE(root);
1292  xaccAccountBeginEdit(root);
1293  rpriv->type = ACCT_TYPE_ROOT;
1294  rpriv->accountName = qof_string_cache_replace(rpriv->accountName, "Root Account");
1295  mark_account (root);
1296  xaccAccountCommitEdit(root);
1297  gnc_book_set_root_account(book, root);
1298  return root;
1299 }
const char * qof_string_cache_replace(char const *dst, char const *src)
Same as CACHE_REPLACE below, but safe to call from C++.
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1475
Account * xaccMallocAccount(QofBook *book)
Definition: Account.cpp:1271
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1516
The hidden root account of an account tree.
Definition: Account.h:153

◆ gnc_account_find_split()

Split* gnc_account_find_split ( const Account ,
std::function< bool(const Split *)>  ,

scans account split list (in forward or reverse order) until predicate split->bool returns true.

Maybe return the split.

accThe account to which the split should be added.
predicateA split->bool predicate.
reverseTo scan in reverse order
Split* or nullptr if not found

Definition at line 1168 of file Account.cpp.

1170 {
1171  if (!GNC_IS_ACCOUNT (acc))
1172  return nullptr;
1174  const auto& splits{GET_PRIVATE(acc)->splits};
1175  if (reverse)
1176  {
1177  auto latest = std::find_if(splits.rbegin(), splits.rend(), predicate);
1178  return (latest == splits.rend()) ? nullptr : *latest;
1179  }
1180  else
1181  {
1182  auto earliest = std::find_if(splits.begin(), splits.end(), predicate);
1183  return (earliest == splits.end()) ? nullptr : *earliest;
1184  }
1185 }

◆ gnc_account_foreach_child()

void gnc_account_foreach_child ( const Account account,
AccountCb  func,
gpointer  user_data 

This method will traverse the immediate children of this accounts, calling 'func' on each account.

This function traverses all children nodes. To traverse only a subset of the child nodes use the gnc_account_foreach_child_until() function.

accountA pointer to the account on whose children the function should be called.
funcA function taking two arguments, an Account and a gpointer.
user_dataThis data will be passed to each call of func.

Definition at line 3175 of file Account.cpp.

3178 {
3179  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
3180  g_return_if_fail(thunk);
3181  std::for_each (GET_PRIVATE(acc)->children.begin(), GET_PRIVATE(acc)->children.end(),
3182  [user_data, thunk](auto a){ thunk (a, user_data); });
3183 }

◆ gnc_account_foreach_descendant()

void gnc_account_foreach_descendant ( const Account account,
AccountCb  func,
gpointer  user_data 

This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling 'func' on each account.

This function traverses all descendant nodes. To traverse only a subset of the descendant nodes use the gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until() function.

accountA pointer to the account on whose descendants the function should be called.
funcA function taking two arguments, an Account and a gpointer.
user_dataThis data will be passed to each call of func.

Definition at line 3186 of file Account.cpp.

3189 {
3190  gnc_account_foreach_descendant (acc, [&](auto acc){ thunk (acc, user_data); });
3191 }
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant(const Account *acc, AccountCb thunk, gpointer user_data)
This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling &#39;func&#39; on each...
Definition: Account.cpp:3186

◆ gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until()

gpointer gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until ( const Account account,
AccountCb2  func,
gpointer  user_data 

This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling 'func' on each account.

Traversal will stop when func returns a non-null value, and the routine will return with that value. Therefore, this function will return null if func returns null for every account. For a simpler function that always traverses all children nodes, use the gnc_account_foreach_descendant() function.

accountA pointer to the account on whose descendants the function should be called.
funcA function taking two arguments, an Account and a gpointer.
user_dataThis data will be passed to each call of func.

Definition at line 3194 of file Account.cpp.

3197 {
3198  gpointer result {nullptr};
3200  g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), nullptr);
3201  g_return_val_if_fail (thunk, nullptr);
3203  for (auto child : GET_PRIVATE(acc)->children)
3204  {
3205  result = thunk (child, user_data);
3206  if (result) break;
3208  result = gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until (child, thunk, user_data);
3209  if (result) break;
3210  }
3212  return result;
3213 }
gpointer gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until(const Account *acc, AccountCb2 thunk, gpointer user_data)
This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling &#39;func&#39; on each...
Definition: Account.cpp:3194

◆ gnc_account_get_children()

GList* gnc_account_get_children ( const Account account)

This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified account.

This function only returns the immediate children of the specified account. For a list of all descendant accounts, use the gnc_account_get_descendants() function.

If you are looking for the splits of this account, use xaccAccountGetSplitList() instead. This function here deals with children accounts inside the account tree.

accountThe account whose children should be returned.
A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no children accounts. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned list with the g_list_free() function.

Definition at line 2911 of file Account.cpp.

2912 {
2913  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), nullptr);
2914  auto& children = GET_PRIVATE(account)->children;
2915  return std::accumulate (children.rbegin(), children.rend(), static_cast<GList*>(nullptr),
2916  g_list_prepend);
2917 }

◆ gnc_account_get_children_sorted()

GList* gnc_account_get_children_sorted ( const Account account)

This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified account, ordered by xaccAccountOrder().

See also

Definition at line 2920 of file Account.cpp.

2921 {
2922  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), nullptr);
2923  return g_list_sort(gnc_account_get_children (account), (GCompareFunc)xaccAccountOrder);
2924 }
int xaccAccountOrder(const Account *aa, const Account *ab)
The xaccAccountOrder() subroutine defines a sorting order on accounts.
Definition: Account.cpp:2340
GList * gnc_account_get_children(const Account *account)
This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2911

◆ gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent()

gnc_commodity* gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent ( const Account account)

Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a Transaction's currency.

The gnc_commodity is taken either from the current account, or from the next parent account that has a gnc_commodity that is a currency. If neither this account nor any of its parent has such a commodity that is a currency, NULL is returned. In that case, you can use gnc_default_currency() but you might want to show a warning dialog first.

Definition at line 3358 of file Account.cpp.

3359 {
3360  g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_ACCOUNT (account), nullptr);
3362  for (auto acc = account; acc; acc = gnc_account_get_parent (acc))
3363  if (auto comm = xaccAccountGetCommodity (acc); gnc_commodity_is_currency (comm))
3364  return comm;
3366  return nullptr; // no suitable commodity found.
3367 }
Account * gnc_account_get_parent(const Account *acc)
This routine returns a pointer to the parent of the specified account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2886
gboolean gnc_commodity_is_currency(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Checks to see if the specified commodity is an ISO 4217 recognized currency or a legacy currency...
gnc_commodity * xaccAccountGetCommodity(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s commodity.
Definition: Account.cpp:3351

◆ gnc_account_get_current_depth()

gint gnc_account_get_current_depth ( const Account account)

Return the number of levels of this account below the root account.

accountThe account to query.
The number of levels below the root.

Definition at line 2960 of file Account.cpp.

2961 {
2962  AccountPrivate *priv;
2963  int depth = 0;
2965  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), 0);
2967  priv = GET_PRIVATE(account);
2968  while (priv->parent && (priv->type != ACCT_TYPE_ROOT))
2969  {
2970  account = priv->parent;
2971  priv = GET_PRIVATE(account);
2972  depth++;
2973  }
2975  return depth;
2976 }
The hidden root account of an account tree.
Definition: Account.h:153

◆ gnc_account_get_descendants()

GList* gnc_account_get_descendants ( const Account account)

This routine returns a flat list of all of the accounts that are descendants of the specified account.

This includes not only the the children, but the children of the children, etc. For a list of only the immediate child accounts, use the gnc_account_get_children() function. Within each set of child accounts, the accounts returned by this function are unordered. For a list of descendants where each set of children is sorted via the standard account sort function, use the gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted() function.

accountThe account whose descendants should be returned.
A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no descendants. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned list with the g_list_free() function.

Definition at line 2994 of file Account.cpp.

2995 {
2996  GList* list = nullptr;
2997  gnc_account_foreach_descendant (account, [&list](auto a){ list = g_list_prepend (list, a); });
2998  return g_list_reverse (list);
2999 }
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant(const Account *acc, AccountCb thunk, gpointer user_data)
This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling &#39;func&#39; on each...
Definition: Account.cpp:3186

◆ gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted()

GList* gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted ( const Account account)

This function returns a GList containing all the descendants of the specified account, sorted at each level.

This includes not only the the children, but the children of the children, etc. Within each set of child accounts, the accounts returned by this function are ordered via the standard account sort function. For a list of descendants where each set of children is unordered, use the gnc_account_get_descendants() function.

Note: Use this function where the results are intended for display to the user. If the results are internal to GnuCash or will be resorted at some later point in time you should use the gnc_account_get_descendants() function.

accountThe account whose descendants should be returned.
A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no descendants. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned list with the g_list_free() function.

Definition at line 3002 of file Account.cpp.

3003 {
3004  GList* list = nullptr;
3005  account_foreach_descendant_sorted (account, [&list](auto a){ list = g_list_prepend (list, a); });
3006  return g_list_reverse (list);
3007 }

◆ gnc_account_get_full_name()

gchar* gnc_account_get_full_name ( const Account account)

The gnc_account_get_full_name routine returns the fully qualified name of the account using the given separator char.

The name must be g_free'd after use. The fully qualified name of an account is the concatenation of the names of the account and all its ancestor accounts starting with the topmost account and ending with the given account. Each name is separated by the given character.

: WAKE UP! Unlike all other gets, the string returned by gnc_account_get_full_name() must be freed by you the user !!! hack alert – since it breaks the rule of string allocation, maybe this routine should not be in this library, but some utility library?

Definition at line 3255 of file Account.cpp.

3256 {
3257  /* So much for hardening the API. Too many callers to this function don't
3258  * bother to check if they have a non-nullptr pointer before calling. */
3259  if (nullptr == account)
3260  return g_strdup("");
3262  /* errors */
3263  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), g_strdup(""));
3265  auto path{gnc_account_get_all_parents (account)};
3266  auto seps_size{path.empty() ? 0 : strlen (account_separator) * (path.size() - 1)};
3267  auto alloc_size{std::accumulate (path.begin(), path.end(), seps_size,
3268  [](auto sum, auto acc)
3269  { return sum + strlen (xaccAccountGetName (acc)); })};
3270  auto rv = g_new (char, alloc_size + 1);
3271  auto p = rv;
3273  std::for_each (path.rbegin(), path.rend(),
3274  [&p, rv](auto a)
3275  {
3276  if (p != rv)
3277  p = stpcpy (p, account_separator);
3278  p = stpcpy (p, xaccAccountGetName (a));
3279  });
3280  *p = '\0';
3282  return rv;
3283 }
const char * xaccAccountGetName(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s name.
Definition: Account.cpp:3239

◆ gnc_account_get_parent()

Account* gnc_account_get_parent ( const Account account)

This routine returns a pointer to the parent of the specified account.

If the account has no parent, i.e it is either the root node or is a disconnected account, then its parent will be NULL.

accountA pointer to any exiting account.
A pointer to the parent account node, or NULL if there is no parent account.

Definition at line 2886 of file Account.cpp.

2887 {
2888  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), nullptr);
2889  return GET_PRIVATE(acc)->parent;
2890 }

◆ gnc_account_get_root()

Account* gnc_account_get_root ( Account account)

This routine returns the root account of the account tree that the specified account belongs to.

It is the equivalent of repeatedly calling the gnc_account_get_parent() routine until that routine returns NULL.

accountA pointer to any existing account.
The root node of the account tree to which this account belongs. NULL if the account is not part of any account tree.

Definition at line 2893 of file Account.cpp.

2894 {
2895  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), nullptr);
2897  while (auto parent = gnc_account_get_parent (acc))
2898  acc = parent;
2900  return acc;
2901 }
Account * gnc_account_get_parent(const Account *acc)
This routine returns a pointer to the parent of the specified account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2886

◆ gnc_account_get_tree_depth()

gint gnc_account_get_tree_depth ( const Account account)

Return the number of levels of descendants accounts below the specified account.

The returned number does not include the specified account itself.

accountThe account to query.
The number of levels of descendants.

Definition at line 2979 of file Account.cpp.

2980 {
2981  AccountPrivate *priv;
2982  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), 0);
2984  priv = GET_PRIVATE(account);
2985  if (!priv->children.size())
2986  return 1;
2988  return 1 + std::accumulate (priv->children.begin(), priv->children.end(),
2989  0, [](auto a, auto b)
2990  { return std::max (a, gnc_account_get_tree_depth (b)); });
2991 }
gint gnc_account_get_tree_depth(const Account *account)
Return the number of levels of descendants accounts below the specified account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2979

◆ gnc_account_get_type()

GType gnc_account_get_type ( void  )

Returns the GType type system description of the Account class.

This must not be confused with the GNCAccountType as returned by xaccAccountGetType().

Definition at line 27 of file gmock-Account.cpp.

28 {
29  return gnc_mockaccount_get_type();
30 }

◆ gnc_account_insert_split()

gboolean gnc_account_insert_split ( Account acc,
Split *  s 

Insert the given split from an account.

accThe account to which the split should be added.
sThe split to be added.
TRUE is the split is successfully added to the set of splits in the account. FALSE if the addition fails for any reason (including that the split is already in the account).

Definition at line 1925 of file Account.cpp.

1926 {
1927  AccountPrivate *priv;
1929  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), FALSE);
1930  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_SPLIT(s), FALSE);
1932  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1933  if (!g_hash_table_add (priv->splits_hash, s))
1934  return false;
1936  priv->splits.push_back (s);
1938  if (qof_instance_get_editlevel(acc) == 0)
1939  std::sort (priv->splits.begin(), priv->splits.end(), split_cmp_less);
1940  else
1941  priv->sort_dirty = true;
1943  //FIXME: find better event
1944  qof_event_gen (&acc->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
1945  /* Also send an event based on the account */
1946  qof_event_gen(&acc->inst, GNC_EVENT_ITEM_ADDED, s);
1948  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
1949 // DRH: Should the below be added? It is present in the delete path.
1950 // xaccAccountRecomputeBalance(acc);
1951  return TRUE;
1952 }
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231
These events are used when a split is added to an account.
Definition: gnc-event.h:45

◆ gnc_account_is_root()

gboolean gnc_account_is_root ( const Account account)

This routine indicates whether the specified account is the root node of an account tree.

accountA pointer to any account.
TRUE if this account is of type ROOT. FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2904 of file Account.cpp.

2905 {
2906  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), FALSE);
2907  return (GET_PRIVATE(account)->parent == nullptr);
2908 }

◆ gnc_account_join_children()

void gnc_account_join_children ( Account to_parent,
Account from_parent 

The gnc_account_join_children() subroutine will move (reparent) all child accounts from the from_parent account to the to_parent account, preserving the account hierarchy.

It will also take care that the moved accounts will have the to_parent's book parent as well.

Definition at line 4865 of file Account.cpp.

4866 {
4868  /* errors */
4869  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(to_parent));
4870  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(from_parent));
4872  /* optimizations */
4873  auto from_priv = GET_PRIVATE(from_parent);
4874  if (from_priv->children.empty())
4875  return;
4877  ENTER (" ");
4878  auto children = from_priv->children;
4879  for (auto child : children)
4880  gnc_account_append_child(to_parent, child);
4881  LEAVE (" ");
4882 }
void gnc_account_append_child(Account *new_parent, Account *child)
This function will remove from the child account any pre-existing parent relationship, and will then add the account as a child of the new parent.
Definition: Account.cpp:2787
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_account_list_name_violations()

GList* gnc_account_list_name_violations ( QofBook *  book,
const gchar *  separator 

Runs through all the accounts and returns a list of account names that contain the provided separator character.

This can be used to check if certain account names are invalid.

bookPointer to the book with accounts to verify
separatorThe separator character to verify against
A GList of invalid account names. Should be freed with g_list_free_full (value, g_free) when no longer needed.

Definition at line 271 of file Account.cpp.

272 {
273  g_return_val_if_fail (separator != nullptr, nullptr);
274  if (!book) return nullptr;
275  ViolationData cb = { nullptr, separator };
276  gnc_account_foreach_descendant (gnc_book_get_root_account (book),
277  (AccountCb)check_acct_name, &cb);
278  return cb.list;
279 }
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant(const Account *acc, AccountCb thunk, gpointer user_data)
This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling &#39;func&#39; on each...
Definition: Account.cpp:3186

◆ gnc_account_merge_children()

void gnc_account_merge_children ( Account parent)

The gnc_account_merge_children() subroutine will go through an account, merging all child accounts that have the same name and description.

This function is useful when importing Quicken(TM) files.

Definition at line 4887 of file Account.cpp.

4888 {
4889  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(parent));
4891  auto ppriv = GET_PRIVATE(parent);
4892  for (auto it_a = ppriv->children.begin(); it_a != ppriv->children.end(); it_a++)
4893  {
4894  auto acc_a = *it_a;
4895  auto priv_a = GET_PRIVATE(acc_a);
4896  for (auto it_b = std::next(it_a); it_b != ppriv->children.end(); it_b++)
4897  {
4898  auto acc_b = *it_b;
4899  auto priv_b = GET_PRIVATE(acc_b);
4900  if (0 != null_strcmp(priv_a->accountName, priv_b->accountName))
4901  continue;
4902  if (0 != null_strcmp(priv_a->accountCode, priv_b->accountCode))
4903  continue;
4904  if (0 != null_strcmp(priv_a->description, priv_b->description))
4905  continue;
4906  if (0 != null_strcmp(xaccAccountGetColor(acc_a),
4907  xaccAccountGetColor(acc_b)))
4908  continue;
4909  if (!gnc_commodity_equiv(priv_a->commodity, priv_b->commodity))
4910  continue;
4911  if (0 != null_strcmp(xaccAccountGetNotes(acc_a),
4912  xaccAccountGetNotes(acc_b)))
4913  continue;
4914  if (priv_a->type != priv_b->type)
4915  continue;
4917  /* consolidate children */
4918  if (!priv_b->children.empty())
4919  {
4920  auto work = priv_b->children;
4921  for (auto w : work)
4922  gnc_account_append_child (acc_a, w);
4924  qof_event_gen (&acc_a->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
4925  qof_event_gen (&acc_b->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
4926  }
4928  /* recurse to do the children's children */
4931  /* consolidate transactions */
4932  while (!priv_b->splits.empty())
4933  xaccSplitSetAccount (priv_b->splits.front(), acc_a);
4935  /* move back one before removal. next iteration around the loop
4936  * will get the node after node_b */
4937  it_b--;
4939  /* The destroy function will remove from list -- node_a is ok,
4940  * it's before node_b */
4941  xaccAccountBeginEdit (acc_b);
4942  xaccAccountDestroy (acc_b);
4943  }
4944  }
4945 }
void gnc_account_append_child(Account *new_parent, Account *child)
This function will remove from the child account any pre-existing parent relationship, and will then add the account as a child of the new parent.
Definition: Account.cpp:2787
void xaccAccountDestroy(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountDestroy() routine can be used to get rid of an account.
Definition: Account.cpp:1590
const char * xaccAccountGetColor(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s color.
Definition: Account.cpp:3300
gint null_strcmp(const gchar *da, const gchar *db)
The null_strcmp compares strings a and b the same way that strcmp() does, except that either may be n...
Definition: qofutil.cpp:123
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1475
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231
gboolean gnc_commodity_equiv(const gnc_commodity *a, const gnc_commodity *b)
This routine returns TRUE if the two commodities are equivalent.
void gnc_account_merge_children(Account *parent)
The gnc_account_merge_children() subroutine will go through an account, merging all child accounts th...
Definition: Account.cpp:4887
const char * xaccAccountGetNotes(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s notes.
Definition: Account.cpp:3324

◆ gnc_account_n_children()

gint gnc_account_n_children ( const Account account)

Return the number of children of the specified account.

The returned number does not include the account itself.

accountThe account to query.
The number of children of the specified account.

Definition at line 2927 of file Account.cpp.

2928 {
2929  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(account), 0);
2930  return GET_PRIVATE(account)->children.size();
2931 }

◆ gnc_account_n_descendants()

gint gnc_account_n_descendants ( const Account account)

Return the number of descendants of the specified account.

The returned number does not include the account itself.

accountThe account to query.
The number of descendants of the specified account.

Definition at line 2952 of file Account.cpp.

2953 {
2954  int count {0};
2955  gnc_account_foreach_descendant (account, [&count](auto acc){ count++; });
2956  return count;
2957 }
void gnc_account_foreach_descendant(const Account *acc, AccountCb thunk, gpointer user_data)
This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their descendants, calling &#39;func&#39; on each...
Definition: Account.cpp:3186

◆ gnc_account_name_violations_errmsg()

gchar* gnc_account_name_violations_errmsg ( const gchar *  separator,
GList *  invalid_account_names 

Composes a translatable error message showing which account names clash with the current account separator.

Can be called after gnc_account_list_name_violations to have a consistent error message in different parts of GnuCash

separatorThe separator character that was verified against
invalid_account_namesA GList of invalid account names.
An error message that can be displayed to the user or logged. This message string should be freed with g_free when no longer needed.

Definition at line 233 of file Account.cpp.

234 {
235  gchar *message = nullptr;
237  if ( !invalid_account_names )
238  return nullptr;
240  auto account_list {gnc_g_list_stringjoin (invalid_account_names, "\n")};
242  /* Translators: The first %s will be the account separator character,
243  the second %s is a list of account names.
244  The resulting string will be displayed to the user if there are
245  account names containing the separator character. */
246  message = g_strdup_printf(
247  _("The separator character \"%s\" is used in one or more account names.\n\n"
248  "This will result in unexpected behaviour. "
249  "Either change the account names or choose another separator character.\n\n"
250  "Below you will find the list of invalid account names:\n"
251  "%s"), separator, account_list );
252  g_free ( account_list );
253  return message;
254 }
gchar * gnc_g_list_stringjoin(GList *list_of_strings, const gchar *sep)
Return a string joining a GList whose elements are gchar* strings.

◆ gnc_account_nth_child()

Account* gnc_account_nth_child ( const Account parent,
gint  num 

Return the n'th child account of the specified parent account.

If the parent account is not specified or the child index number is invalid, this function returns NULL.

parentThe parent account to check.
numThe index number of the child account that should be returned.
A pointer to the specified child account, or NULL

Definition at line 2943 of file Account.cpp.

2944 {
2945  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(parent), nullptr);
2946  if ((size_t)num >= GET_PRIVATE(parent)->children.size())
2947  return nullptr;
2948  return static_cast<Account*>(GET_PRIVATE(parent)-> (num));
2949 }

◆ gnc_account_remove_child()

void gnc_account_remove_child ( Account parent,
Account child 

This function will remove the specified child account from the specified parent account.

It will NOT free the associated memory or otherwise alter the account: the account can now be reparented to a new location. Note, however, that it will mark the old parents as having been modified.

parentThe parent account from which the child should be removed.
childThe child account to remove.

Definition at line 2849 of file Account.cpp.

2850 {
2851  AccountPrivate *ppriv, *cpriv;
2852  GncEventData ed;
2854  if (!child) return;
2856  /* Note this routine might be called on accounts which
2857  * are not yet parented. */
2858  if (!parent) return;
2860  ppriv = GET_PRIVATE(parent);
2861  cpriv = GET_PRIVATE(child);
2863  if (cpriv->parent != parent)
2864  {
2865  PERR ("account not a child of parent");
2866  return;
2867  }
2869  /* Gather event data */
2870  ed.node = parent;
2871  ed.idx = gnc_account_child_index (parent, child);
2873  ppriv->children.erase (std::remove (ppriv->children.begin(), ppriv->children.end(), child),
2874  ppriv->children.end());
2876  /* Now send the event. */
2877  qof_event_gen(&child->inst, QOF_EVENT_REMOVE, &ed);
2879  /* clear the account's parent pointer after REMOVE event generation. */
2880  cpriv->parent = nullptr;
2882  qof_event_gen (&parent->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
2883 }
#define PERR(format, args...)
Log a serious error.
Definition: qoflog.h:244
gint gnc_account_child_index(const Account *parent, const Account *child)
Return the index of the specified child within the list of the parent&#39;s children. ...
Definition: Account.cpp:2934
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231

◆ gnc_account_remove_split()

gboolean gnc_account_remove_split ( Account acc,
Split *  s 

Remove the given split from an account.

accThe account from which the split should be removed.
sThe split to be removed.
TRUE is the split is successfully removed from the set of splits in the account. FALSE if the removal fails for any reason.

Definition at line 1955 of file Account.cpp.

1956 {
1957  AccountPrivate *priv;
1959  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), FALSE);
1960  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_SPLIT(s), FALSE);
1962  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1964  if (!g_hash_table_remove (priv->splits_hash, s))
1965  return false;
1967  // shortcut pruning the last element. this is the most common
1968  // remove_split operation during UI or book shutdown.
1969  if (s == priv->splits.back())
1970  priv->splits.pop_back();
1971  else
1972  priv->splits.erase (std::remove (priv->splits.begin(), priv->splits.end(), s),
1973  priv->splits.end());
1975  //FIXME: find better event type
1976  qof_event_gen(&acc->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
1977  // And send the account-based event, too
1978  qof_event_gen(&acc->inst, GNC_EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED, s);
1980  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
1982  return TRUE;
1983 }
void xaccAccountRecomputeBalance(Account *acc)
The following recompute the partial balances (stored with the transaction) and the total balance...
Definition: Account.cpp:2261
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231

◆ gnc_account_set_balance_dirty()

void gnc_account_set_balance_dirty ( Account acc)

Tell the account that the running balances may be incorrect and need to be recomputed.

accSet the flag on this account.

Definition at line 1880 of file Account.cpp.

1881 {
1882  AccountPrivate *priv;
1884  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
1886  if (qof_instance_get_destroying(acc))
1887  return;
1889  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1890  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
1891 }
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.

◆ gnc_account_set_defer_bal_computation()

void gnc_account_set_defer_bal_computation ( Account acc,
gboolean  defer 

Set the defer balance flag.

If defer is true, the account balance is not automatically computed, which can save a lot of time if multiple operations have to be done on the same account. If defer is false, further operations on account will cause the balance to be recomputed as normal.

accSet the flag on this account.
deferNew value for the flag.

Definition at line 1893 of file Account.cpp.

1894 {
1895  AccountPrivate *priv;
1897  g_return_if_fail (GNC_IS_ACCOUNT (acc));
1899  if (qof_instance_get_destroying (acc))
1900  return;
1902  priv = GET_PRIVATE (acc);
1903  priv->defer_bal_computation = defer;
1904 }
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.

◆ gnc_account_set_sort_dirty()

void gnc_account_set_sort_dirty ( Account acc)

Tell the account believes that the splits may be incorrectly sorted and need to be resorted.

accSet the flag on this account.

Definition at line 1866 of file Account.cpp.

1867 {
1868  AccountPrivate *priv;
1870  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
1872  if (qof_instance_get_destroying(acc))
1873  return;
1875  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1876  priv->sort_dirty = TRUE;
1877 }
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.

◆ gnc_account_set_start_balance()

void gnc_account_set_start_balance ( Account acc,
const gnc_numeric  start_baln 

This function will set the starting commodity balance for this account.

This routine is intended for use with backends that do not return the complete list of splits for an account, but rather return a partial list. In such a case, the backend will typically return all of the splits after some certain date, and the 'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits up to that date.

Definition at line 3372 of file Account.cpp.

3373 {
3374  AccountPrivate *priv;
3376  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
3378  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
3379  priv->starting_balance = start_baln;
3380  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
3381 }

◆ gnc_account_set_start_cleared_balance()

void gnc_account_set_start_cleared_balance ( Account acc,
const gnc_numeric  start_baln 

This function will set the starting cleared commodity balance for this account.

This routine is intended for use with backends that do not return the complete list of splits for an account, but rather return a partial list. In such a case, the backend will typically return all of the splits after some certain date, and the 'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits up to that date.

Definition at line 3384 of file Account.cpp.

3386 {
3387  AccountPrivate *priv;
3389  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
3391  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
3392  priv->starting_cleared_balance = start_baln;
3393  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
3394 }

◆ gnc_account_set_start_reconciled_balance()

void gnc_account_set_start_reconciled_balance ( Account acc,
const gnc_numeric  start_baln 

This function will set the starting reconciled commodity balance for this account.

This routine is intended for use with backends that do not return the complete list of splits for an account, but rather return a partial list. In such a case, the backend will typically return all of the splits after some certain date, and the 'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits up to that date.

Definition at line 3397 of file Account.cpp.

3399 {
3400  AccountPrivate *priv;
3402  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
3404  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
3405  priv->starting_reconciled_balance = start_baln;
3406  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
3407 }

◆ gnc_get_account_separator_string()

const gchar* gnc_get_account_separator_string ( void  )

Returns the account separation character chosen by the user.

The character to use.

Definition at line 203 of file Account.cpp.

204 {
205  return account_separator;
206 }

◆ xaccAccountBeginEdit()

void xaccAccountBeginEdit ( Account account)

The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates.

Definition at line 1475 of file Account.cpp.

1476 {
1477  g_return_if_fail(acc);
1478  qof_begin_edit(&acc->inst);
1479 }
gboolean qof_begin_edit(QofInstance *inst)

◆ xaccAccountCommitEdit()

void xaccAccountCommitEdit ( Account account)

ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates.

Definition at line 1516 of file Account.cpp.

1517 {
1518  AccountPrivate *priv;
1519  QofBook *book;
1521  g_return_if_fail(acc);
1522  if (!qof_commit_edit(&acc->inst)) return;
1524  /* If marked for deletion, get rid of subaccounts first,
1525  * and then the splits ... */
1526  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1527  if (qof_instance_get_destroying(acc))
1528  {
1529  QofCollection *col;
1531  qof_instance_increase_editlevel(acc);
1533  /* First, recursively free children */
1534  xaccFreeAccountChildren(acc);
1536  PINFO ("freeing splits for account %p (%s)",
1537  acc, priv->accountName ? priv->accountName : "(null)");
1539  book = qof_instance_get_book(acc);
1541  /* If book is shutting down, just clear the split list. The splits
1542  themselves will be destroyed by the transaction code */
1543  if (!qof_book_shutting_down(book))
1544  {
1545  // We need to delete in reverse order so that the vector's iterators aren't invalidated.
1546  for_each(priv->splits.rbegin(), priv->splits.rend(), [](Split *s) {
1547  xaccSplitDestroy (s); });
1548  }
1549  else
1550  {
1551  priv->splits.clear();
1552  g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->splits_hash);
1553  }
1555  /* It turns out there's a case where this assertion does not hold:
1556  When the user tries to delete an Imbalance account, while also
1557  deleting all the splits in it. The splits will just get
1558  recreated and put right back into the same account!
1560  g_assert(priv->splits == nullptr || qof_book_shutting_down(acc->;
1561  */
1563  if (!qof_book_shutting_down(book))
1564  {
1565  col = qof_book_get_collection(book, GNC_ID_TRANS);
1566  qof_collection_foreach(col, destroy_pending_splits_for_account, acc);
1568  /* the lots should be empty by now */
1569  for (auto lp = priv->lots; lp; lp = lp->next)
1570  {
1571  GNCLot *lot = static_cast<GNCLot*>(lp->data);
1572  gnc_lot_destroy (lot);
1573  }
1574  }
1575  g_list_free(priv->lots);
1576  priv->lots = nullptr;
1578  qof_instance_set_dirty(&acc->inst);
1579  qof_instance_decrease_editlevel(acc);
1580  }
1581  else
1582  {
1583  xaccAccountBringUpToDate(acc);
1584  }
1586  qof_commit_edit_part2(&acc->inst, on_err, on_done, acc_free);
1587 }
QofBook * qof_instance_get_book(gconstpointer inst)
Return the book pointer.
#define PINFO(format, args...)
Print an informational note.
Definition: qoflog.h:256
gboolean xaccSplitDestroy(Split *split)
Definition: Split.cpp:1472
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.
gboolean qof_commit_edit(QofInstance *inst)
commit_edit helpers
gboolean qof_commit_edit_part2(QofInstance *inst, void(*on_error)(QofInstance *, QofBackendError), void(*on_done)(QofInstance *), void(*on_free)(QofInstance *))
part2 – deal with the backend
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection(const QofBook *book, QofIdType entity_type)
Return The table of entities of the given type.
Definition: qofbook.cpp:521
gboolean qof_book_shutting_down(const QofBook *book)
Is the book shutting down?
Definition: qofbook.cpp:447

◆ xaccAccountDestroy()

void xaccAccountDestroy ( Account account)

The xaccAccountDestroy() routine can be used to get rid of an account.

The account should have been opened for editing (by calling xaccAccountBeginEdit()) before calling this routine.

Definition at line 1590 of file Account.cpp.

1591 {
1592  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
1594  qof_instance_set_destroying(acc, TRUE);
1596  xaccAccountCommitEdit (acc);
1597 }
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1516

◆ xaccAccountEqual()

gboolean xaccAccountEqual ( const Account a,
const Account b,
gboolean  check_guids 

Compare two accounts for equality - this is a deep compare.

Definition at line 1648 of file Account.cpp.

1649 {
1650  AccountPrivate *priv_aa, *priv_ab;
1652  if (!aa && !ab) return TRUE;
1654  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(aa), FALSE);
1655  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(ab), FALSE);
1657  priv_aa = GET_PRIVATE(aa);
1658  priv_ab = GET_PRIVATE(ab);
1659  if (priv_aa->type != priv_ab->type)
1660  {
1661  PWARN ("types differ: %d vs %d", priv_aa->type, priv_ab->type);
1662  return FALSE;
1663  }
1665  if (g_strcmp0(priv_aa->accountName, priv_ab->accountName) != 0)
1666  {
1667  PWARN ("names differ: %s vs %s", priv_aa->accountName, priv_ab->accountName);
1668  return FALSE;
1669  }
1671  if (g_strcmp0(priv_aa->accountCode, priv_ab->accountCode) != 0)
1672  {
1673  PWARN ("codes differ: %s vs %s", priv_aa->accountCode, priv_ab->accountCode);
1674  return FALSE;
1675  }
1677  if (g_strcmp0(priv_aa->description, priv_ab->description) != 0)
1678  {
1679  PWARN ("descriptions differ: %s vs %s", priv_aa->description, priv_ab->description);
1680  return FALSE;
1681  }
1683  if (!gnc_commodity_equal(priv_aa->commodity, priv_ab->commodity))
1684  {
1685  PWARN ("commodities differ");
1686  return FALSE;
1687  }
1689  if (check_guids)
1690  {
1691  if (qof_instance_guid_compare(aa, ab) != 0)
1692  {
1693  PWARN ("GUIDs differ");
1694  return FALSE;
1695  }
1696  }
1698  if (qof_instance_compare_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (aa), QOF_INSTANCE (ab)) != 0)
1699  {
1700  char *frame_a;
1701  char *frame_b;
1703  frame_a = qof_instance_kvp_as_string (QOF_INSTANCE (aa));
1704  frame_b = qof_instance_kvp_as_string (QOF_INSTANCE (ab));
1706  PWARN ("kvp frames differ:\n%s\n\nvs\n\n%s", frame_a, frame_b);
1708  g_free (frame_a);
1709  g_free (frame_b);
1711  return FALSE;
1712  }
1714  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->starting_balance, priv_ab->starting_balance))
1715  {
1716  char *str_a;
1717  char *str_b;
1719  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->starting_balance);
1720  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->starting_balance);
1722  PWARN ("starting balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1724  g_free (str_a);
1725  g_free (str_b);
1727  return FALSE;
1728  }
1730  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->starting_noclosing_balance,
1731  priv_ab->starting_noclosing_balance))
1732  {
1733  char *str_a;
1734  char *str_b;
1736  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->starting_noclosing_balance);
1737  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->starting_noclosing_balance);
1739  PWARN ("starting noclosing balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1741  g_free (str_a);
1742  g_free (str_b);
1744  return FALSE;
1745  }
1746  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->starting_cleared_balance,
1747  priv_ab->starting_cleared_balance))
1748  {
1749  char *str_a;
1750  char *str_b;
1752  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->starting_cleared_balance);
1753  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->starting_cleared_balance);
1755  PWARN ("starting cleared balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1757  g_free (str_a);
1758  g_free (str_b);
1760  return FALSE;
1761  }
1763  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->starting_reconciled_balance,
1764  priv_ab->starting_reconciled_balance))
1765  {
1766  char *str_a;
1767  char *str_b;
1769  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->starting_reconciled_balance);
1770  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->starting_reconciled_balance);
1772  PWARN ("starting reconciled balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1774  g_free (str_a);
1775  g_free (str_b);
1777  return FALSE;
1778  }
1780  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->balance, priv_ab->balance))
1781  {
1782  char *str_a;
1783  char *str_b;
1785  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->balance);
1786  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->balance);
1788  PWARN ("balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1790  g_free (str_a);
1791  g_free (str_b);
1793  return FALSE;
1794  }
1796  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->noclosing_balance, priv_ab->noclosing_balance))
1797  {
1798  char *str_a;
1799  char *str_b;
1801  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->noclosing_balance);
1802  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->noclosing_balance);
1804  PWARN ("noclosing balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1806  g_free (str_a);
1807  g_free (str_b);
1809  return FALSE;
1810  }
1811  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->cleared_balance, priv_ab->cleared_balance))
1812  {
1813  char *str_a;
1814  char *str_b;
1816  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->cleared_balance);
1817  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->cleared_balance);
1819  PWARN ("cleared balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1821  g_free (str_a);
1822  g_free (str_b);
1824  return FALSE;
1825  }
1827  if (!gnc_numeric_equal(priv_aa->reconciled_balance, priv_ab->reconciled_balance))
1828  {
1829  char *str_a;
1830  char *str_b;
1832  str_a = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_aa->reconciled_balance);
1833  str_b = gnc_numeric_to_string(priv_ab->reconciled_balance);
1835  PWARN ("reconciled balances differ: %s vs %s", str_a, str_b);
1837  g_free (str_a);
1838  g_free (str_b);
1840  return FALSE;
1841  }
1843  /* no parent; always compare downwards. */
1845  if (!std::equal (priv_aa->splits.begin(), priv_aa->splits.end(),
1846  priv_ab->splits.begin(), priv_ab->splits.end(),
1847  [check_guids](auto sa, auto sb)
1848  { return xaccSplitEqual(sa, sb, check_guids, true, false); }))
1849  {
1850  PWARN ("splits differ");
1851  return false;
1852  }
1854  if (!xaccAcctChildrenEqual(priv_aa->children, priv_ab->children, check_guids))
1855  {
1856  PWARN ("children differ");
1857  return FALSE;
1858  }
1860  return(TRUE);
1861 }
gboolean gnc_numeric_equal(gnc_numeric a, gnc_numeric b)
Equivalence predicate: Returns TRUE (1) if a and b represent the same number.
gboolean gnc_commodity_equal(const gnc_commodity *a, const gnc_commodity *b)
This routine returns TRUE if the two commodities are equal.
gchar * gnc_numeric_to_string(gnc_numeric n)
Convert to string.
gboolean xaccSplitEqual(const Split *sa, const Split *sb, gboolean check_guids, gboolean check_balances, gboolean check_txn_splits)
Definition: Split.cpp:802
#define PWARN(format, args...)
Log a warning.
Definition: qoflog.h:250
gint qof_instance_guid_compare(gconstpointer ptr1, gconstpointer ptr2)
Compare the GncGUID values of two instances.

◆ xaccAccountGainsAccount()

Account* xaccAccountGainsAccount ( Account acc,
gnc_commodity *  curr 

Retrieve the gains account used by this account for the indicated currency, creating and recording a new one if necessary.

FIXME: There is at present no interface to designate an existing account, and the new account name is hard coded to "Orphaned Gains -- CUR"

FIXME: There is no provision for creating separate accounts for anything other than currency, e.g. holding period of a security.

Definition at line 4748 of file Account.cpp.

4749 {
4750  Path path {KEY_LOT_MGMT, "gains-acct", gnc_commodity_get_unique_name (curr)};
4751  auto gains_account = get_kvp_account_path (acc, path);
4753  if (gains_account == nullptr) /* No gains account for this currency */
4754  {
4755  gains_account = GetOrMakeOrphanAccount (gnc_account_get_root (acc), curr);
4756  set_kvp_account_path (acc, path, gains_account);
4757  }
4759  return gains_account;
4760 }
const char * gnc_commodity_get_unique_name(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the &#39;unique&#39; name for the specified commodity.
Account * gnc_account_get_root(Account *acc)
This routine returns the root account of the account tree that the specified account belongs to...
Definition: Account.cpp:2893

◆ xaccAccountGetAssociatedAccount()

Account* xaccAccountGetAssociatedAccount ( const Account acc,
const char *  tag 

Get the account's associated account e.g.

stock account -> dividend account

Definition at line 3330 of file Account.cpp.

3331 {
3332  g_return_val_if_fail (tag && *tag, nullptr);
3334  return get_kvp_account_path (acc, {"associated-account", tag});
3335 }

◆ xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate()

gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate ( Account account,
time64  date 

Get the balance of the account at the end of the day before the date specified.

Definition at line 3469 of file Account.cpp.

3470 {
3471  return GetBalanceAsOfDate (acc, date, xaccSplitGetBalance);
3472 }
gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetBalance(const Split *s)
Returns the running balance up to and including the indicated split.
Definition: Split.cpp:1297

◆ xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency()

gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency ( Account account,
time64  date,
gnc_commodity *  report_commodity,
gboolean  include_children 

This function gets the balance at the end of the given date in the desired commodity.

Definition at line 3787 of file Account.cpp.

3790 {
3791  return xaccAccountGetXxxBalanceAsOfDateInCurrencyRecursive (
3792  acc, date, xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate, report_commodity,
3793  include_children);
3794 }
gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate(Account *acc, time64 date)
Get the balance of the account at the end of the day before the date specified.
Definition: Account.cpp:3469

◆ xaccAccountGetCommoditySCU()

int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCU ( const Account account)

Return the SCU for the account.

If a non-standard SCU has been set for the account, that is returned; else the default SCU for the account commodity is returned.

Definition at line 2696 of file Account.cpp.

2697 {
2698  AccountPrivate *priv;
2700  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), 0);
2702  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
2703  if (priv->non_standard_scu || !priv->commodity)
2704  return priv->commodity_scu;
2705  return gnc_commodity_get_fraction(priv->commodity);
2706 }
int gnc_commodity_get_fraction(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the fraction for the specified commodity.

◆ xaccAccountGetCommoditySCUi()

int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCUi ( const Account account)

Return the 'internal' SCU setting.

This returns the over-ride SCU for the account (which might not be set, and might be zero).

Definition at line 2689 of file Account.cpp.

2690 {
2691  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), 0);
2692  return GET_PRIVATE(acc)->commodity_scu;
2693 }

◆ xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency()

gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency ( Account acc,
time64  date,
gnc_commodity *  report_commodity,
gboolean  include_children 

This function gets the balance at the end of the given date, ignoring closing entries, in the desired commodity.

Definition at line 3797 of file Account.cpp.

3800 {
3801  return xaccAccountGetXxxBalanceAsOfDateInCurrencyRecursive
3802  (acc, date, xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceAsOfDate,
3803  report_commodity, include_children);
3804 }

◆ xaccAccountGetNonStdSCU()

gboolean xaccAccountGetNonStdSCU ( const Account account)

Return boolean, indicating whether this account uses a non-standard SCU.

Definition at line 2725 of file Account.cpp.

2726 {
2727  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), 0);
2728  return GET_PRIVATE(acc)->non_standard_scu;
2729 }

◆ xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceAsOfDate()

gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceAsOfDate ( Account account,
time64  date 

Get the reconciled balance of the account at the end of the day of the date specified.

Definition at line 3481 of file Account.cpp.

3482 {
3483  return GetBalanceAsOfDate (acc, date, xaccSplitGetReconciledBalance);
3484 }
gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetReconciledBalance(const Split *s)
Returns the reconciled-balance of this split.
Definition: Split.cpp:1315

◆ xaccAccountGetType()

GNCAccountType xaccAccountGetType ( const Account account)

Returns the account's account type.

This must not be confused with the GType as returned by gnc_account_get_type(), which is related to glib's type system.

Definition at line 3217 of file Account.cpp.

3218 {
3219  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), ACCT_TYPE_NONE);
3220  return GET_PRIVATE(acc)->type;
3221 }
Not a type.
Definition: Account.h:105

◆ xaccAccountHasAncestor()

gboolean xaccAccountHasAncestor ( const Account acc,
const Account ancestor 

Returns true if the account is 'ancestor' or has 'ancestor' as an ancestor.

An ancestor account may be the accounts parent, its parent's parent, its parent's parent's parent, etc. Returns false if either one is NULL.

Definition at line 4155 of file Account.cpp.

4156 {
4157  const Account *parent;
4159  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), FALSE);
4160  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(ancestor), FALSE);
4162  parent = acc;
4163  while (parent && parent != ancestor)
4164  parent = GET_PRIVATE(parent)->parent;
4166  return (parent == ancestor);
4167 }

◆ xaccAccountIsPriced()

gboolean xaccAccountIsPriced ( const Account acc)

Returns true if the account is a stock, mutual fund or currency, otherwise false.

Definition at line 4482 of file Account.cpp.

4483 {
4484  AccountPrivate *priv;
4486  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), FALSE);
4488  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
4489  return (priv->type == ACCT_TYPE_STOCK || priv->type == ACCT_TYPE_MUTUAL ||
4490  priv->type == ACCT_TYPE_CURRENCY);
4491 }
Mutual Fund accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price...
Definition: Account.h:125
Stock accounts will typically be shown in registers which show three columns: price, number of shares, and value.
Definition: Account.h:122
The currency account type indicates that the account is a currency trading account.
Definition: Account.h:129

◆ xaccAccountLookup()

Account* xaccAccountLookup ( const GncGUID guid,
QofBook *  book 

The xaccAccountLookup() subroutine will return the account associated with the given id, or NULL if there is no such account.

Definition at line 2032 of file Account.cpp.

2033 {
2034  QofCollection *col;
2035  if (!guid || !book) return nullptr;
2036  col = qof_book_get_collection (book, GNC_ID_ACCOUNT);
2037  return (Account *) qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, guid);
2038 }
QofInstance * qof_collection_lookup_entity(const QofCollection *col, const GncGUID *guid)
Find the entity going only from its guid.
Definition: qofid.cpp:212
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection(const QofBook *book, QofIdType entity_type)
Return The table of entities of the given type.
Definition: qofbook.cpp:521

◆ xaccAccountOrder()

int xaccAccountOrder ( const Account account_1,
const Account account_2 

The xaccAccountOrder() subroutine defines a sorting order on accounts.

It takes pointers to two accounts, and returns an int < 0 if the first account is "less than" the second, returns an int > 0 if the first is "greater than" the second, and 0 if they are equal. To determine the sort order, first the account codes are compared, and if these are equal, then account types, then account names. If still equal, it compares GUID to ensure that there aren't any ties.

Definition at line 2340 of file Account.cpp.

2341 {
2342  AccountPrivate *priv_aa, *priv_ab;
2343  const char *da, *db;
2344  int ta, tb, result;
2346  if ( aa && !ab ) return -1;
2347  if ( !aa && ab ) return +1;
2348  if ( !aa && !ab ) return 0;
2350  priv_aa = GET_PRIVATE(aa);
2351  priv_ab = GET_PRIVATE(ab);
2353  /* sort on accountCode strings */
2354  da = priv_aa->accountCode;
2355  db = priv_ab->accountCode;
2357  /* Otherwise do a string sort */
2358  result = g_strcmp0 (da, db);
2359  if (result)
2360  return result;
2362  /* if account-type-order array not initialized, initialize it */
2363  /* this will happen at most once during program invocation */
2364  if (-1 == revorder[0])
2365  {
2366  int i;
2367  for (i = 0; i < NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES; i++)
2368  {
2369  revorder [typeorder[i]] = i;
2370  }
2371  }
2373  /* otherwise, sort on account type */
2374  ta = priv_aa->type;
2375  tb = priv_ab->type;
2376  ta = revorder[ta];
2377  tb = revorder[tb];
2378  if (ta < tb) return -1;
2379  if (ta > tb) return +1;
2381  /* otherwise, sort on accountName strings */
2382  da = priv_aa->accountName;
2383  db = priv_ab->accountName;
2384  result = safe_utf8_collate(da, db);
2385  if (result)
2386  return result;
2388  /* guarantee a stable sort */
2389  return qof_instance_guid_compare(aa, ab);
2390 }
int safe_utf8_collate(const char *da, const char *db)
Collate two UTF-8 strings.
stop here; the following types just aren&#39;t ready for prime time
Definition: Account.h:161
gint qof_instance_guid_compare(gconstpointer ptr1, gconstpointer ptr2)
Compare the GncGUID values of two instances.

◆ xaccAccountSetAssociatedAccount()

void xaccAccountSetAssociatedAccount ( Account acc,
const char *  tag,
const Account assoc_acct 

Set the account's associated account e.g.

stock account -> dividend account

Definition at line 2620 of file Account.cpp.

2621 {
2622  g_return_if_fail (GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
2623  g_return_if_fail (tag && *tag);
2625  set_kvp_account_path (acc, {"associated-account", tag}, assoc_acct);
2626 }

◆ xaccAccountSetCommoditySCU()

void xaccAccountSetCommoditySCU ( Account account,
int  frac 

Set the SCU for the account.

Normally, this routine is not required, as the default SCU for an account is given by its commodity.

Definition at line 2673 of file Account.cpp.

2674 {
2675  AccountPrivate *priv;
2677  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
2679  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
2680  xaccAccountBeginEdit(acc);
2681  priv->commodity_scu = scu;
2682  if (scu != gnc_commodity_get_fraction(priv->commodity))
2683  priv->non_standard_scu = TRUE;
2684  mark_account(acc);
2685  xaccAccountCommitEdit(acc);
2686 }
int gnc_commodity_get_fraction(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the fraction for the specified commodity.
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1475
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1516

◆ xaccAccountSetNonStdSCU()

void xaccAccountSetNonStdSCU ( Account account,
gboolean  flag 

Set the flag indicating that this account uses a non-standard SCU.

Definition at line 2709 of file Account.cpp.

2710 {
2711  AccountPrivate *priv;
2713  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
2715  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
2716  if (priv->non_standard_scu == flag)
2717  return;
2718  xaccAccountBeginEdit(acc);
2719  priv->non_standard_scu = flag;
2720  mark_account (acc);
2721  xaccAccountCommitEdit(acc);
2722 }
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1475
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1516

◆ xaccAccountSortSplits()

void xaccAccountSortSplits ( Account acc,
gboolean  force 

The xaccAccountSortSplits() routine will resort the account's splits if the sort is dirty.

If 'force' is true, the account is sorted even if the editlevel is not zero.

Definition at line 1986 of file Account.cpp.

1987 {
1988  AccountPrivate *priv;
1990  g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc));
1992  priv = GET_PRIVATE(acc);
1993  if (!priv->sort_dirty || (!force && qof_instance_get_editlevel(acc) > 0))
1994  return;
1995  std::sort (priv->splits.begin(), priv->splits.end(), split_cmp_less);
1996  priv->sort_dirty = FALSE;
1997  priv->balance_dirty = TRUE;
1998 }

◆ xaccCloneAccount()

Account* xaccCloneAccount ( const Account source,
QofBook *  book 

The xaccCloneAccount() routine makes a simple copy of the indicated account, placing it in the indicated book.

It copies the account type, name, description, and the kvp values; it does not copy splits/transactions. The book should have a commodity table in it that has commodities with the same unique name as the ones being copied in the account (the commodities in the clone will be those from the book).

Definition at line 1302 of file Account.cpp.

1303 {
1304  Account *ret;
1305  AccountPrivate *from_priv, *priv;
1307  g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(from), nullptr);
1308  g_return_val_if_fail(QOF_IS_BOOK(book), nullptr);
1310  ENTER (" ");
1311  ret = static_cast<Account*>(g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_ACCOUNT, nullptr));
1312  g_return_val_if_fail (ret, nullptr);
1314  from_priv = GET_PRIVATE(from);
1315  priv = GET_PRIVATE(ret);
1316  xaccInitAccount (ret, book);
1318  /* Do not Begin/CommitEdit() here; give the caller
1319  * a chance to fix things up, and let them do it.
1320  * Also let caller issue the generate_event (EVENT_CREATE) */
1321  priv->type = from_priv->type;
1323  priv->accountName = qof_string_cache_replace(priv->accountName, from_priv->accountName);
1324  priv->accountCode = qof_string_cache_replace(priv->accountCode, from_priv->accountCode);
1325  priv->description = qof_string_cache_replace(priv->description, from_priv->description);
1327  qof_instance_copy_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (ret), QOF_INSTANCE (from));
1329  /* The new book should contain a commodity that matches
1330  * the one in the old book. Find it, use it. */
1331  priv->commodity = gnc_commodity_obtain_twin(from_priv->commodity, book);
1332  gnc_commodity_increment_usage_count(priv->commodity);
1334  priv->commodity_scu = from_priv->commodity_scu;
1335  priv->non_standard_scu = from_priv->non_standard_scu;
1337  qof_instance_set_dirty(&ret->inst);
1338  LEAVE (" ");
1339  return ret;
1340 }
const char * qof_string_cache_replace(char const *dst, char const *src)
Same as CACHE_REPLACE below, but safe to call from C++.
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
void gnc_commodity_increment_usage_count(gnc_commodity *cm)
Increment a commodity&#39;s internal counter that tracks how many accounts are using that commodity...
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
gnc_commodity * gnc_commodity_obtain_twin(const gnc_commodity *from, QofBook *book)
Given the commodity &#39;findlike&#39;, this routine will find and return the equivalent commodity (commodity...