Gnc_numeric_mutators | These are the standard mutating operators |
Gnc_numeric_comparison | Compare function |
Gnc_numeric_arithmetic_operators | Normal arithmetic operators |
Gnc_numeric_comparison_operators | Standard comparison operators, which do what one would expect |
Gnc_rational_mutators | Standard mutating arithmetic operators |
Gnc_rational_comparison_operators | Standard comparison operators, which do what one would expect |
Gnc_rational_arithmetic_operators | Normal arithmetic operators |
▼Query Object Framework | |
GncInt128 | 125-bit int as a base class for GncNumeric |
Date: Date and Time Printing, Parsing and Manipulation | Utility functions to handle date and time (adjusting, getting the current date, printing the date and time, etc.) |
▶Entity: Types, Identity and Instance Framework | |
KVP: Key-Value Pairs | A KvpFrame is a set of associations between character strings (keys) and KvpValues |
Numeric: Rational Number Handling w/ Rounding Error Control | The 'Numeric' functions provide a way of working with rational numbers while maintaining strict control over rounding errors when adding rationals with different denominators. |
▶Object: Dynamic Object Class Framework | |
Query: Querying for Objects | BASIC QUERY API: With this API you can create arbitrary logical queries to find sets of arbitrary object |
Event: QOF event handlers. | |
Choice and collect : One to many links. | |
Merging QofBook structures | |
Referring to entities outside a partial book. | |
Misc Utilities | |
Logging | Logging and tracing facility |
▼Python Bindings Module | Also have a look at the page Python bindings |
Python Bindings Examples Module | The python-bindings come with quite a lot of example scripts |
▼Utility functions | |
File | |
State | |
Version Information | The functions in this file allow you to query various version related strings that were set at build time |
Features | |
Uri conversion | |
▼GLib | |
GSettings Utilities | The API in this file is designed to make it easy to use the GSettings system from within Gnucash |
Generic Preference Utilities | The only function in this file is meant to initialize the preferences system early in the load process |
GKeyfile Utilities | This file provides routines that help make it easier to use the GKeyFile functions from within Gnucash |
GLib Helpers | The API in this file is designed to provide support functions that wrap the base glib functions and make them easier to use |
Gobject | |
▼GUI | Gnc-plugin-page-report.h – A GncPlugin page for a report |
▶Window/Plugin Structure | |
▶Dialogs | |
Assistants | |
Utility functions for the GnuCash GUI | |
▶Auto-complete typed user input. | QuickFill is meant to be used by the GUI to auto-complete (e.g |
Options Dialog | |
Reports | |
Creating and editing accounts in the GUI | |
Commodity windows | |
GncCurrencyEdit | |
Gnome-specific GUI handling. | |
GUIUtility | |
GnuCash Tree Model | |
GncTreeView | |
▶Registers, Ledgers and Journals | |
▼GnuCash Engine: Core, Non-GUI Accounting Functions | The GnuCash Engine provides a set of objects and classes that encapsulate typical financial accounting concepts |
Environment | The API in this file is used to read the environment configuration file and set up a number of environment variables based on the values found in it |
Generic Preference Utilities | The only function in this file is meant to initialize the preferences system early in the load process |
Account | Splits are grouped into Accounts which are also known as "Ledgers" in accounting practice |
Cap Gains | This file implements the various routines to automatically compute and handle Cap Gains/Losses resulting from trading activities |
Commodities | A commodity is something of value that is easily tradeable or sellable; for example, currencies, stocks, bonds, grain, copper, and oil are all commodities |
Lots: Core Function for AR/AP, Inventory, Stock Lots, Cap Gains | One often needs to know that the item 'bought' in one transaction is the same one as the item 'sold' in a different transaction |
Options | GnuCash Options System for Book, Report, and Stylesheet Options |
Price Database | The PriceDB is intended to be a database of price quotes, or more specifically, a database of GNCPrices |
Prices | Each price in the database represents an "instantaneous" quote for a given commodity with respect to another commodity |
▶Business | This module implements a number of basic small-business accounting functions |
Accounting Policy (FIFO/LIFO) | This file implements Accounting Policy |
Scheduled/Periodic/Recurring Transactions | Scheduled Transactions provide a framework for remembering information about a transactions that are set to occur in the future, either once or periodically |
Data Validation | Data scrubbing, repairing and forward migration routines |
Transaction, Split | A good overview of transactions, splits and accounts can be found in the texinfo documentation, together with an overview of how to use this API |
Transaction Logging | The transaction logging mechanism provides a very simple, low-level logging of user input to a file |
▼Import_Export | |
AqBanking | |
Budgets | Gnc-budget_view.c – Budget display widget |
Constructors | Constructors are templated so that a GncInt128 can be constructed from any arbitrary integer type or pair of integer types |
Tools | |
Transaction Assistant | The Stock Transaction Assistant guides the user through collecting the information needed to properly account for one of several types of securities investment transaction, including opening and closing long and short positions, oridinary and capital gains dividends, returns of capital, notional dividends, splits, and reverse splits |
Reports | |
Gtk Utilities | The API in this file is designed to provide support functions that wrap the base gtk functions and make them easier to use |
▼Printing | |
Session Functions |