GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Files | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

The PriceDB is intended to be a database of price quotes, or more specifically, a database of GNCPrices. More...


file  gnc-pricedb.h
 a simple price database for gnucash


typedef gboolean(* GncPriceForeachFunc) (GNCPrice *p, gpointer user_data)


enum  PriceRemoveKeepOptions {


GNCPriceDB * gnc_pricedb_get_db (QofBook *book)
 Return the pricedb associated with the book. More...
GNCPriceDB * gnc_collection_get_pricedb (QofCollection *col)
 Return the pricedb via the Book's collection. More...
void gnc_pricedb_destroy (GNCPriceDB *db)
 Destroy the given pricedb and unref all of the prices it contains. More...
void gnc_pricedb_begin_edit (GNCPriceDB *)
 Begin an edit. More...
void gnc_pricedb_commit_edit (GNCPriceDB *)
 Commit an edit. More...
void gnc_pricedb_set_bulk_update (GNCPriceDB *db, gboolean bulk_update)
 Set flag to indicate whether duplication checks should be performed. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_add_price (GNCPriceDB *db, GNCPrice *p)
 Add a price to the pricedb. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_price (GNCPriceDB *db, GNCPrice *p)
 Remove a price from the pricedb and unref the price. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices (GNCPriceDB *db, GList *comm_list, GDate *fiscal_end_date, time64 cutoff, PriceRemoveSourceFlags source, PriceRemoveKeepOptions keep)
 Remove and unref prices older than a certain time. More...
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity, const gnc_commodity *currency)
 Find the most recent price between the two commodities. More...
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_any_currency (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity)
 Find the most recent price between a commodity and all other commodities. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_has_prices (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity, const gnc_commodity *currency)
 Report whether the pricedb contains prices for one commodity in another. More...
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_get_prices (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity, const gnc_commodity *currency)
 Return all the prices for a given commodity in another. More...
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_day_t64 (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity, const gnc_commodity *currency, time64 t)
 Return the price between the two commodities on the indicated day. More...
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time64 (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c, const gnc_commodity *currency, time64 t)
 Return the price between the two commoditiesz nearest to the given time. More...
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time_any_currency_t64 (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c, time64 t)
 Return the price nearest in time to that given between the given commodity and every other. More...
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_t64 (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c, const gnc_commodity *currency, time64 t)
 Return the nearest price between the given commodities before the given time. More...
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_any_currency_t64 (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c, time64 t)
 Return the nearest price between the given commodity and any other before the given time. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_before_price (GNCPriceDB *pdb, const gnc_commodity *orig_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency, const time64 t)
 Retrieve the price one currency to another using the price nearest to before the given time. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_price (GNCPriceDB *pdb, const gnc_commodity *orig_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency, const time64 t)
 Retrieve the price one currency to another using the price nearest to the given time. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_latest_price (GNCPriceDB *pdb, const gnc_commodity *orig_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency)
 Retrieve the price one currency to another using the latest price. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price (GNCPriceDB *pdb, gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency)
 Convert a balance from one currency to another using the most recent price between the two. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_price_t64 (GNCPriceDB *pdb, gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency, time64 t)
 Convert a balance from one currency to another using the price nearest to the given time. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_before_price_t64 (GNCPriceDB *pdb, gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency, const gnc_commodity *new_currency, time64 t)
 Convert a balance from one currency to another using the price nearest to before the given time. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_foreach_price (GNCPriceDB *db, GncPriceForeachFunc f, gpointer user_data, gboolean stable_order)
 Call a GncPriceForeachFunction once for each price in db, until the function returns FALSE. More...
int gnc_pricedb_num_prices (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c)
 Get the number of prices, in any currency, for a given commodity. More...
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_nth_price (GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *c, const int n)
 Get the nth price for the given commodity in reverse date order. More...
void gnc_pricedb_nth_price_reset_cache (GNCPriceDB *db)
guint gnc_pricedb_get_num_prices (GNCPriceDB *db)
 Return the number of prices in the database. More...
gboolean gnc_pricedb_equal (GNCPriceDB *db1, GNCPriceDB *db2)
 Test equality of two pricedbs. More...


void gnc_pricedb_print_contents (GNCPriceDB *db, FILE *f)
 This simple function can be useful for debugging the pricedb code.

Price Parameter Names

For use with QofQuery

#define PRICE_COMMODITY   "price-commodity"
#define PRICE_CURRENCY   "price-currency"
#define PRICE_DATE   "price-date"
#define PRICE_SOURCE   "price-source"
#define PRICE_TYPE   "price-type"
#define PRICE_VALUE   "price-value"

Detailed Description

The PriceDB is intended to be a database of price quotes, or more specifically, a database of GNCPrices.

Whenever a you store a price in the pricedb, the pricedb adds its own reference to the price, so you can safely unref that price after inserting it into the DB if you're finished with it otherwise.

For the time being, it is still a fairly simple database supporting only fairly simple queries. It is expected that new queries will be added as needed, and that there is some advantage to delaying complex queries for now in the hope that we get a real DB implementation before they're really needed.

Every QofBook contains a GNCPriceDB, accessible via gnc_pricedb_get_db.

The PriceDB does not currently use the object system used elsewhere in the GnuCash Engine, i.e. it does not use GUISD's, Entities and Collections. It should. In particular, this means that currently prices cannot be queried with the same mechanism as everything else.

Similarly, when the pricedb returns a price to you, either singly, or in a price list, the price will have had a ref added for you, so you only need to unref the price(s) when you're finished with it/them.

Function Documentation

◆ gnc_collection_get_pricedb()

GNCPriceDB* gnc_collection_get_pricedb ( QofCollection *  col)

Return the pricedb via the Book's collection.

colThe QofCollection holding the pricedb
The GNCPriceDB in the QofCollection
Collections of prices are not destroyed fully.
gnc_pricedb_destroy does not clean up properly because gnc_pricedb_create reports an existing PriceDB after running gnc_pricedb_destroy. To change the pricedb, we need to destroy and recreate the book. Yuk.

Definition at line 902 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

903 {
904  if (!col) return nullptr;
905  return static_cast<GNCPriceDB*>(qof_collection_get_data (col));
906 }
gpointer qof_collection_get_data(const QofCollection *col)
Store and retrieve arbitrary object-defined data.
Definition: qofid.cpp:289

◆ gnc_pricedb_add_price()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_add_price ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
GNCPrice *  p 

Add a price to the pricedb.

You may drop your reference to the price (i.e. call unref) after this succeeds, whenever you're finished with the price.

dbThe pricedb
pThe GNCPrice to add.
TRUE if the price was added, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1110 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1111 {
1112  if (!db || !p) return FALSE;
1114  ENTER ("db=%p, pr=%p dirty=%d destroying=%d",
1115  db, p, qof_instance_get_dirty_flag(p),
1118  if (FALSE == add_price(db, p))
1119  {
1120  LEAVE (" failed to add price");
1121  return FALSE;
1122  }
1125  qof_instance_set_dirty(&db->inst);
1128  LEAVE ("db=%p, pr=%p dirty=%d destroying=%d",
1129  db, p, qof_instance_get_dirty_flag(p),
1132  return TRUE;
1133 }
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
gboolean qof_instance_get_dirty_flag(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object has been modified.
void gnc_pricedb_begin_edit(GNCPriceDB *pdb)
Begin an edit.
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
void gnc_pricedb_commit_edit(GNCPriceDB *pdb)
Commit an edit.

◆ gnc_pricedb_begin_edit()

void gnc_pricedb_begin_edit ( GNCPriceDB *  )

Begin an edit.

Definition at line 432 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

433 {
434  qof_begin_edit(&pdb->inst);
435 }
gboolean qof_begin_edit(QofInstance *inst)

◆ gnc_pricedb_commit_edit()

void gnc_pricedb_commit_edit ( GNCPriceDB *  )

Commit an edit.

Definition at line 438 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

439 {
440  if (!qof_commit_edit (QOF_INSTANCE(pdb))) return;
441  qof_commit_edit_part2 (&pdb->inst, commit_err, noop, noop);
442 }
gboolean qof_commit_edit(QofInstance *inst)
commit_edit helpers
gboolean qof_commit_edit_part2(QofInstance *inst, void(*on_error)(QofInstance *, QofBackendError), void(*on_done)(QofInstance *), void(*on_free)(QofInstance *))
part2 – deal with the backend

◆ gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
gnc_numeric  balance,
const gnc_commodity *  balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency 

Convert a balance from one currency to another using the most recent price between the two.

pdbThe pricedb
balanceThe balance to be converted
balance_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
A new balance or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2558 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2562 {
2563  return convert_amount_at_date
2564  (pdb, balance, balance_currency, new_currency, INT64_MAX, FALSE);
2565 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_before_price_t64()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_before_price_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
gnc_numeric  balance,
const gnc_commodity *  balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency,
time64  t 

Convert a balance from one currency to another using the price nearest to before the given time.

pdbThe pricedb
balanceThe balance to be converted
balance_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
tThe time in which the last price before it should be used.
A new balance or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2579 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2584 {
2585  return convert_amount_at_date
2586  (pdb, balance, balance_currency, new_currency, t, TRUE);
2587 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_price_t64()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_price_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
gnc_numeric  balance,
const gnc_commodity *  balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency,
time64  t 

Convert a balance from one currency to another using the price nearest to the given time.

pdbThe pricedb
balanceThe balance to be converted
balance_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
tThe time nearest to which price should be used.
A new balance or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2568 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2573 {
2574  return convert_amount_at_date
2575  (pdb, balance, balance_currency, new_currency, t, FALSE);
2576 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_destroy()

void gnc_pricedb_destroy ( GNCPriceDB *  db)

Destroy the given pricedb and unref all of the prices it contains.

This may not deallocate all of those prices. Other code may still be holding references to them.

dbThe pricedb to destroy.

Definition at line 865 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

866 {
867  if (!db) return;
868  if (db->commodity_hash)
869  {
870  g_hash_table_foreach (db->commodity_hash,
871  destroy_pricedb_commodity_hash_data,
872  nullptr);
873  }
874  g_hash_table_destroy (db->commodity_hash);
875  db->commodity_hash = nullptr;
876  /* qof_instance_release (&db->inst); */
877  g_object_unref(db);
878 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_equal()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_equal ( GNCPriceDB *  db1,
GNCPriceDB *  db2 

Test equality of two pricedbs.

For XML Backend Testing

Definition at line 984 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

985 {
986  GNCPriceDBEqualData equal_data;
988  if (db1 == db2) return TRUE;
990  if (!db1 || !db2)
991  {
992  PWARN ("one is nullptr");
993  return FALSE;
994  }
996  equal_data.equal = TRUE;
997  equal_data.db2 = db2;
999  g_hash_table_foreach (db1->commodity_hash,
1000  pricedb_equal_foreach_currencies_hash,
1001  &equal_data);
1003  return equal_data.equal;
1004 }
#define PWARN(format, args...)
Log a warning.
Definition: qoflog.h:250

◆ gnc_pricedb_foreach_price()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_foreach_price ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
GncPriceForeachFunc  f,
gpointer  user_data,
gboolean  stable_order 

Call a GncPriceForeachFunction once for each price in db, until the function returns FALSE.

If stable_order is not FALSE, make sure the ordering of the traversal is stable (i.e. the same order every time given the same db contents – stable traversals may be less efficient).

dbThe pricedb
fThe function to call
user_dataA data to pass to each invocation of f
stable_orderEnsure that the traversal is performed in the same order each time.
TRUE if all calls to f succeeded (unstable) or if the order of processing was the same as the previous invocation (stable), FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2732 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2736 {
2737  ENTER ("db=%p f=%p", db, f);
2738  if (stable_order)
2739  {
2740  LEAVE (" stable order found");
2741  return stable_price_traversal(db, f, user_data);
2742  }
2743  LEAVE (" use unstable order");
2744  return unstable_price_traversal(db, f, user_data);
2745 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_db()

GNCPriceDB* gnc_pricedb_get_db ( QofBook *  book)

Return the pricedb associated with the book.

bookThe QofBook holding the pricedb
The GNCPriceDB associated with the book.

Definition at line 909 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

910 {
911  QofCollection *col;
913  if (!book) return nullptr;
914  col = qof_book_get_collection (book, GNC_ID_PRICEDB);
915  return gnc_collection_get_pricedb (col);
916 }
GNCPriceDB * gnc_collection_get_pricedb(QofCollection *col)
Return the pricedb via the Book&#39;s collection.
QofCollection * qof_book_get_collection(const QofBook *book, QofIdType entity_type)
Return The table of entities of the given type.
Definition: qofbook.cpp:521

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_latest_price()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_latest_price ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
const gnc_commodity *  orig_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency 

Retrieve the price one currency to another using the latest price.

pdbThe pricedb
orig_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
A price, or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2523 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2526 {
2527  return get_nearest_price (pdb, orig_currency, new_currency, INT64_MAX, FALSE);
2528 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_before_price()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_before_price ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
const gnc_commodity *  orig_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency,
const time64  t 

Retrieve the price one currency to another using the price nearest to before the given time.

pdbThe pricedb
orig_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
tThe time to be used for for comparison
A price, or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2505 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2509 {
2510  return get_nearest_price (pdb, orig_currency, new_currency, t, TRUE);
2511 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_price()

gnc_numeric gnc_pricedb_get_nearest_price ( GNCPriceDB *  pdb,
const gnc_commodity *  orig_currency,
const gnc_commodity *  new_currency,
const time64  t 

Retrieve the price one currency to another using the price nearest to the given time.

pdbThe pricedb
orig_currencyThe commodity in which the balance is currently expressed
new_currencyThe commodity to which the balance should be converted
tThe time in which the nearest price should be used.
A price, or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.

Definition at line 2514 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2518 {
2519  return get_nearest_price (pdb, orig_currency, new_currency, t, FALSE);
2520 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_num_prices()

guint gnc_pricedb_get_num_prices ( GNCPriceDB *  db)

Return the number of prices in the database.

For XML Backend Testing

Definition at line 931 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

932 {
933  guint count;
935  if (!db) return 0;
937  count = 0;
939  gnc_pricedb_foreach_price(db, num_prices_helper, &count, FALSE);
941  return count;
942 }
gboolean gnc_pricedb_foreach_price(GNCPriceDB *db, GncPriceForeachFunc f, gpointer user_data, gboolean stable_order)
Call a GncPriceForeachFunction once for each price in db, until the function returns FALSE...

◆ gnc_pricedb_get_prices()

PriceList* gnc_pricedb_get_prices ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  commodity,
const gnc_commodity *  currency 

Return all the prices for a given commodity in another.

Does not retrieve reverse prices, i.e. prices of the second commodity in the first.

dbThe pricedb from which to retrieve prices.
commodityThe commodity for which prices should be retrieved.
currencyThe commodity in which prices should be quoted. If NULL, all prices in any commodity are included.
A PriceList of matching prices or NULL if none were found.

Definition at line 2049 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2052 {
2053  if (!db || !commodity) return nullptr;
2054  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p currency=%p", db, commodity, currency);
2055  auto result = pricedb_get_prices_internal (db, commodity, currency, FALSE);
2056  if (!result) return nullptr;
2057  g_list_foreach (result, (GFunc)gnc_price_ref, nullptr);
2058  LEAVE (" ");
2059  return result;
2060 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
void gnc_price_ref(GNCPrice *p)
gnc_price_ref - indicate your need for a given price to stick around (i.e.

◆ gnc_pricedb_has_prices()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_has_prices ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  commodity,
const gnc_commodity *  currency 

Report whether the pricedb contains prices for one commodity in another.

Does not check the reverse direction.

dbThe pricedb to check
commodityThe commodity to check for the existence of prices
currencyThe commodity in which prices are sought. If NULL reports all commodities.
TRUE if matching prices are found, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2010 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2013 {
2014  GList *price_list;
2015  GHashTable *currency_hash;
2016  gint size;
2018  if (!db || !commodity) return FALSE;
2019  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p currency=%p", db, commodity, currency);
2020  currency_hash = static_cast<GHashTable*>(g_hash_table_lookup(db->commodity_hash, commodity));
2021  if (!currency_hash)
2022  {
2023  LEAVE("no, no currency_hash table");
2024  return FALSE;
2025  }
2027  if (currency)
2028  {
2029  price_list = static_cast<GList*>(g_hash_table_lookup(currency_hash, currency));
2030  if (price_list)
2031  {
2032  LEAVE("yes");
2033  return TRUE;
2034  }
2035  LEAVE("no, no price list");
2036  return FALSE;
2037  }
2039  size = g_hash_table_size (currency_hash);
2040  LEAVE("%s", size > 0 ? "yes" : "no");
2041  return size > 0;
2042 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_day_t64()

GNCPrice* gnc_pricedb_lookup_day_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  commodity,
const gnc_commodity *  currency,
time64  t 

Return the price between the two commodities on the indicated day.

Note that the notion of day might be distorted by changes in timezone.

The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its value is correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
commodityThe first commodity
currencyThe second commodity
tA time. The price returned will be in the same day as this time according to the local timezone.
A GNCPrice or NULL on failure.

Definition at line 2173 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2177 {
2178  return lookup_nearest_in_time(db, c, currency, t, TRUE);
2179 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest()

GNCPrice* gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  commodity,
const gnc_commodity *  currency 

Find the most recent price between the two commodities.

The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its value is correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
commodityThe first commodity
currencyThe second commodity
A GNCPrice or NULL if no price exists.

Definition at line 1733 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1736 {
1737  GList *price_list;
1738  GNCPrice *result;
1740  if (!db || !commodity || !currency) return nullptr;
1741  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p currency=%p", db, commodity, currency);
1743  price_list = pricedb_get_prices_internal(db, commodity, currency, TRUE);
1744  if (!price_list) return nullptr;
1745  /* This works magically because prices are inserted in date-sorted
1746  * order, and the latest date always comes first. So return the
1747  * first in the list. */
1748  result = static_cast<GNCPrice*>(price_list->data);
1749  gnc_price_ref(result);
1750  g_list_free (price_list);
1751  LEAVE("price is %p", result);
1752  return result;
1753 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
void gnc_price_ref(GNCPrice *p)
gnc_price_ref - indicate your need for a given price to stick around (i.e.

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_any_currency()

PriceList* gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_any_currency ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  commodity 

Find the most recent price between a commodity and all other commodities.

The returned GNCPrices may be in either direction so check to ensure that their values are correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
commodityThe commodity for which to obtain prices
A PriceList of prices found, or NULL if none found.

Definition at line 1957 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1959 {
1961  gnc_time(nullptr));
1962 }
time64 gnc_time(time64 *tbuf)
get the current time
Definition: gnc-date.cpp:261
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_any_currency_t64(GNCPriceDB *db, const gnc_commodity *commodity, time64 t)
Return the nearest price between the given commodity and any other before the given time...

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_any_currency_t64()

PriceList* gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_any_currency_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c,
time64  t 

Return the nearest price between the given commodity and any other before the given time.

The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its value is correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
cThe commodity
tThe time before which to find prices
A PriceList of prices for each commodity found or NULL if none are.

Definition at line 1985 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1988 {
1989  GList *prices = nullptr, *result;
1990  UsesCommodity helper = {&prices, commodity, t};
1991  result = nullptr;
1993  if (!db || !commodity) return nullptr;
1994  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p", db, commodity);
1996  pricedb_pricelist_traversal(db, price_list_scan_any_currency,
1997  &helper);
1998  prices = g_list_sort(prices, compare_prices_by_date);
1999  result = latest_before(prices, commodity, t);
2000  gnc_price_list_destroy(prices);
2001  LEAVE(" ");
2002  return result;
2003 }
void gnc_price_list_destroy(PriceList *prices)
gnc_price_list_destroy - destroy the given price list, calling gnc_price_unref on all the prices incl...
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_t64()

GNCPrice* gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_before_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c,
const gnc_commodity *  currency,
time64  t 

Return the nearest price between the given commodities before the given time.

The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its value is correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
cThe first commodity
currencyThe second commodity
tThe time before which to find the price
A GNCPrice or NULL if no prices are found before t.

Definition at line 2307 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2311 {
2312  GNCPrice *current_price = nullptr;
2313  if (!db || !c || !currency) return nullptr;
2314  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p currency=%p", db, c, currency);
2315  auto price_list = pricedb_get_prices_internal (db, c, currency, TRUE);
2316  if (!price_list) return nullptr;
2317  auto p = g_list_find_custom (price_list, &t, (GCompareFunc)price_time64_less_or_equal);
2318  if (p)
2319  {
2320  current_price = GNC_PRICE (p->data);
2321  gnc_price_ref (current_price);
2322  }
2323  g_list_free (price_list);
2324  LEAVE (" ");
2325  return current_price;
2326 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
void gnc_price_ref(GNCPrice *p)
gnc_price_ref - indicate your need for a given price to stick around (i.e.

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time64()

GNCPrice* gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time64 ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c,
const gnc_commodity *  currency,
time64  t 

Return the price between the two commoditiesz nearest to the given time.

The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its value is correctly applied.

dbThe pricedb
cThe first commodity
currencyThe second commodity
tThe time nearest to which the returned price should be.
A GNCPrice or NULL if no prices exist between the two commodities.

Definition at line 2292 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2296 {
2297  return lookup_nearest_in_time(db, c, currency, t, FALSE);
2298 }

◆ gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time_any_currency_t64()

PriceList* gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time_any_currency_t64 ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c,
time64  t 

Return the price nearest in time to that given between the given commodity and every other.

The returned GNCPrices may be in either direction so check to ensure that their values are correctly applied.

c,Thecommodity for which prices should be obtained.
t,Thetime nearest to which the prices should be obtained.
A PriceList of prices for each commodity pair found or NULL if none are.

Definition at line 1965 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1968 {
1969  GList *prices = nullptr, *result;
1970  UsesCommodity helper = {&prices, commodity, t};
1971  result = nullptr;
1973  if (!db || !commodity) return nullptr;
1974  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p", db, commodity);
1976  pricedb_pricelist_traversal(db, price_list_scan_any_currency, &helper);
1977  prices = g_list_sort(prices, compare_prices_by_date);
1978  result = nearest_to(prices, commodity, t);
1979  gnc_price_list_destroy(prices);
1980  LEAVE(" ");
1981  return result;
1982 }
void gnc_price_list_destroy(PriceList *prices)
gnc_price_list_destroy - destroy the given price list, calling gnc_price_unref on all the prices incl...
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_nth_price()

GNCPrice* gnc_pricedb_nth_price ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c,
const int  n 

Get the nth price for the given commodity in reverse date order.

dbThe pricedb
cThe commodity whose nth price is needed
nZero based index of the price wanted
The nth price for this commodity in reverse chronological order, without regard for what currency the price is in

Definition at line 2121 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2124 {
2125  static const gnc_commodity *last_c = nullptr;
2126  static GList *prices = nullptr;
2128  GNCPrice *result = nullptr;
2129  GHashTable *currency_hash;
2130  g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_COMMODITY (c), nullptr);
2132  if (!db || !c || n < 0) return nullptr;
2133  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%s index=%d", db, gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(c), n);
2135  if (last_c && prices && last_c == c && db->reset_nth_price_cache == FALSE)
2136  {
2137  result = static_cast<GNCPrice*>(g_list_nth_data (prices, n));
2138  LEAVE ("price=%p", result);
2139  return result;
2140  }
2142  last_c = c;
2144  if (prices)
2145  {
2146  g_list_free (prices);
2147  prices = nullptr;
2148  }
2150  db->reset_nth_price_cache = FALSE;
2152  currency_hash = static_cast<GHashTable*>(g_hash_table_lookup (db->commodity_hash, c));
2153  if (currency_hash)
2154  {
2155  GList *currencies = g_hash_table_get_values (currency_hash);
2156  g_list_foreach (currencies, list_combine, &prices);
2157  result = static_cast<GNCPrice*>(g_list_nth_data (prices, n));
2158  g_list_free (currencies);
2159  }
2161  LEAVE ("price=%p", result);
2162  return result;
2163 }
const char * gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the mnemonic for the specified commodity.
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_num_prices()

int gnc_pricedb_num_prices ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
const gnc_commodity *  c 

Get the number of prices, in any currency, for a given commodity.

dbThe pricedb
cThe commodity
The number of prices in the database for this commody, zero if none

Definition at line 2074 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

2076 {
2077  int result = 0;
2078  GHashTable *currency_hash;
2080  if (!db || !c) return 0;
2081  ENTER ("db=%p commodity=%p", db, c);
2083  currency_hash = static_cast<GHashTable*>(g_hash_table_lookup(db->commodity_hash, c));
2084  if (currency_hash)
2085  {
2086  g_hash_table_foreach(currency_hash, price_count_helper, (gpointer)&result);
2087  }
2089  LEAVE ("count=%d", result);
2090  return result;
2091 }
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282

◆ gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
GList *  comm_list,
GDate *  fiscal_end_date,
time64  cutoff,
PriceRemoveSourceFlags  source,
PriceRemoveKeepOptions  keep 

Remove and unref prices older than a certain time.

dbThe pricedb
comm_listA list of commodities
fiscal_end_datethe end date of the current accounting period
cutoffThe time before which prices should be deleted.
sourceWhether Finance::Quote, user or all prices should be deleted.
keepWhether scaled, monthly, weekly or no prices should be left.
True if there were prices to process, False if not.

Definition at line 1547 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1551 {
1552  remove_info data;
1553  GList *node;
1554  char datebuff[MAX_DATE_LENGTH + 1];
1555  memset (datebuff, 0, sizeof(datebuff));
1557  data.db = db;
1558  data.cutoff = cutoff;
1559  data.list = nullptr;
1560  data.delete_fq = FALSE;
1561  data.delete_user = FALSE;
1562  data.delete_app = FALSE;
1564  ENTER("Remove Prices for Source %d, keeping %d", source, keep);
1566  // setup the source options
1567  if (source & PRICE_REMOVE_SOURCE_APP)
1568  data.delete_app = TRUE;
1570  if (source & PRICE_REMOVE_SOURCE_FQ)
1571  data.delete_fq = TRUE;
1573  if (source & PRICE_REMOVE_SOURCE_USER)
1574  data.delete_user = TRUE;
1576  // Walk the list of commodities
1577  for (node = g_list_first (comm_list); node; node = g_list_next (node))
1578  {
1579  auto currencies_hash = static_cast<GHashTable*>(g_hash_table_lookup (db->commodity_hash, node->data));
1580  g_hash_table_foreach (currencies_hash, pricedb_remove_foreach_pricelist, &data);
1581  }
1583  if (data.list == nullptr)
1584  {
1585  LEAVE("Empty price list");
1586  return FALSE;
1587  }
1588  qof_print_date_buff (datebuff, sizeof(datebuff), cutoff);
1589  DEBUG("Number of Prices in list is %d, Cutoff date is %s",
1590  g_slist_length (data.list), datebuff);
1592  // Check for a valid fiscal end of year date
1593  if (fiscal_end_date == nullptr)
1594  {
1595  GDateYear year_now = g_date_get_year (gnc_g_date_new_today ());
1596  fiscal_end_date = g_date_new ();
1597  g_date_set_dmy (fiscal_end_date, 31, GDateMonth(12), year_now);
1598  }
1599  else if (g_date_valid (fiscal_end_date) == FALSE)
1600  {
1601  GDateYear year_now = g_date_get_year (gnc_g_date_new_today ());
1602  g_date_clear (fiscal_end_date, 1);
1603  g_date_set_dmy (fiscal_end_date, 31, GDateMonth(12), year_now);
1604  }
1605  gnc_pricedb_process_removal_list (db, fiscal_end_date, data, keep);
1607  g_slist_free (data.list);
1608  LEAVE(" ");
1609  return TRUE;
1610 }
#define DEBUG(format, args...)
Print a debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:264
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
The maximum length of a string created by the date printers.
Definition: gnc-date.h:108
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
size_t qof_print_date_buff(char *buff, size_t buflen, time64 secs)
Convenience: calls through to qof_print_date_dmy_buff().
Definition: gnc-date.cpp:573
GDate * gnc_g_date_new_today()
Returns a newly allocated date of the current clock time, taken from time(2).
Definition: gnc-date.cpp:1225

◆ gnc_pricedb_remove_price()

gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_price ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
GNCPrice *  p 

Remove a price from the pricedb and unref the price.

dbThe Pricedb
pThe price to remove.

Definition at line 1217 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

1218 {
1219  gboolean rc;
1220  char datebuff[MAX_DATE_LENGTH + 1];
1221  memset(datebuff, 0, sizeof(datebuff));
1222  if (!db || !p) return FALSE;
1223  ENTER ("db=%p, pr=%p dirty=%d destroying=%d",
1224  db, p, qof_instance_get_dirty_flag(p),
1227  gnc_price_ref(p);
1228  qof_print_date_buff(datebuff, sizeof(datebuff), gnc_price_get_time64 (p));
1229  DEBUG("Remove Date is %s, Commodity is %s, Source is %s", datebuff,
1230  gnc_commodity_get_fullname (gnc_price_get_commodity (p)),
1231  gnc_price_get_source_string (p));
1233  rc = remove_price (db, p, TRUE);
1235  qof_instance_set_dirty(&db->inst);
1238  /* invoke the backend to delete this price */
1239  gnc_price_begin_edit (p);
1240  qof_instance_set_destroying(p, TRUE);
1241  gnc_price_commit_edit (p);
1242  p->db = nullptr;
1243  gnc_price_unref(p);
1244  LEAVE ("db=%p, pr=%p", db, p);
1245  return rc;
1246 }
void gnc_price_unref(GNCPrice *p)
gnc_price_unref - indicate you&#39;re finished with a price (i.e.
#define DEBUG(format, args...)
Print a debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:264
gboolean qof_instance_get_destroying(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object is about to be destroyed.
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
gboolean qof_instance_get_dirty_flag(gconstpointer ptr)
Retrieve the flag that indicates whether or not this object has been modified.
const char * gnc_commodity_get_fullname(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the full name for the specified commodity.
void gnc_pricedb_begin_edit(GNCPriceDB *pdb)
Begin an edit.
The maximum length of a string created by the date printers.
Definition: gnc-date.h:108
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
void gnc_price_ref(GNCPrice *p)
gnc_price_ref - indicate your need for a given price to stick around (i.e.
size_t qof_print_date_buff(char *buff, size_t buflen, time64 secs)
Convenience: calls through to qof_print_date_dmy_buff().
Definition: gnc-date.cpp:573
void gnc_pricedb_commit_edit(GNCPriceDB *pdb)
Commit an edit.

◆ gnc_pricedb_set_bulk_update()

void gnc_pricedb_set_bulk_update ( GNCPriceDB *  db,
gboolean  bulk_update 

Set flag to indicate whether duplication checks should be performed.

Normally used at load time to speed up loading the pricedb.

dbThe pricedb
bulk_updateTRUE to disable duplication checks, FALSE to enable them.

Definition at line 881 of file gnc-pricedb.cpp.

882 {
883  db->bulk_update = bulk_update;
884 }