GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Files | Data Structures | Macros | Functions
Lots: Core Function for AR/AP, Inventory, Stock Lots, Cap Gains

One often needs to know that the item 'bought' in one transaction is the same one as the item 'sold' in a different transaction. More...


file  gnc-lot.h

Data Structures

struct  GncLotClass


#define GNCLotClass   GncLotClass
#define GNC_TYPE_LOT   (gnc_lot_get_type ())
#define gnc_lot_get_guid(X)   qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))
#define LOT_IS_CLOSED   "is-closed?"
#define LOT_BALANCE   "balance"
#define LOT_TITLE   "lot-title"
#define LOT_NOTES   "notes"


GType gnc_lot_get_type (void)
GNCLot * gnc_lot_new (QofBook *)
void gnc_lot_destroy (GNCLot *)
GNCLot * gnc_lot_lookup (const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book)
QofBook * gnc_lot_get_book (GNCLot *)
void gnc_lot_begin_edit (GNCLot *lot)
void gnc_lot_commit_edit (GNCLot *lot)
void gnc_lot_add_split (GNCLot *, Split *)
 Adds a split to this lot. More...
void gnc_lot_remove_split (GNCLot *, Split *)
 Adds a split from this lot.
SplitListgnc_lot_get_split_list (const GNCLot *)
 Returns a list of all the splits in this lot. More...
gint gnc_lot_count_splits (const GNCLot *)
Accountgnc_lot_get_account (const GNCLot *)
 Returns the account with which this lot is associated.
void gnc_lot_set_account (GNCLot *, Account *)
GncInvoice * gnc_lot_get_cached_invoice (const GNCLot *lot)
 Returns the invoice with which this lot is associated.
void gnc_lot_set_cached_invoice (GNCLot *lot, GncInvoice *invoice)
gnc_numeric gnc_lot_get_balance (GNCLot *)
 Returns the lot balance. More...
void gnc_lot_get_balance_before (const GNCLot *, const Split *, gnc_numeric *, gnc_numeric *)
 Computes both the balance and value in the lot considering only splits in transactions prior to the one containing the given split or other splits in the same transaction. More...
gboolean gnc_lot_is_closed (GNCLot *)
 Returns closed status of the given lot. More...
Split * gnc_lot_get_earliest_split (GNCLot *lot)
 Convenience routine to identify the earliest date in the lot. More...
Split * gnc_lot_get_latest_split (GNCLot *lot)
 Convenience routineto identify the date this lot was closed. More...
void gnc_lot_set_closed_unknown (GNCLot *)
 Reset closed flag so that it will be recalculated. More...
GNCLot * gnc_lot_make_default (Account *acc)

Get/set the account title and notes.

const char * gnc_lot_get_title (const GNCLot *)
const char * gnc_lot_get_notes (const GNCLot *)
void gnc_lot_set_title (GNCLot *, const char *)
void gnc_lot_set_notes (GNCLot *, const char *)

Detailed Description

One often needs to know that the item 'bought' in one transaction is the same one as the item 'sold' in a different transaction.

Lots are used to make this association. One Lot holds all of the splits that involve the same item. A lot is typically formed when the item is bought, and is closed when the item is sold out. A lot need not be a single item, it can be a quantity of the same thing e.g. 500 gallons of paint (sold off a few gallons at a time).

Lots are required to correctly implement invoices, inventory, depreciation and stock market investment gains. See the file src/doc/lots.txt for a detailed implementation overview.

A lot is "closed" when the number of items in the lot has gone to zero. It is very easy to compute the gains/losses for a closed lot: it is the sum-total of the values of the items put into/taken out of the lot. (Realized) Gains on still-open lots can be computed by pro-rating the purchase prices.

Lots are nothing more than a collection or grouping of splits in an account. All of the splits in a lot must belong to the same account; there's no mix-n-match. Thus, in this sense, a lot belongs to an account as well.

Lots have an implicit "opening date": the date of the earliest split in the lot. The "close date" is the date of the split that brought the lot item balance down to zero.

Function Documentation

◆ gnc_lot_add_split()

void gnc_lot_add_split ( GNCLot *  ,
Split *   

Adds a split to this lot.

  • All splits in a lot must be in the same account.
  • Splits are added unconditionally, with no regard for the accounting policy. To enforce a particular accounting policy, use the xaccSplitAssignToLot() routine instead.

Definition at line 594 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

595 {
596  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
597  Account * acc;
598  if (!lot || !split) return;
599  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
601  ENTER ("(lot=%p, split=%p) %s amt=%s val=%s", lot, split,
602  gnc_lot_get_title (lot),
603  gnc_num_dbg_to_string (split->amount),
604  gnc_num_dbg_to_string (split->value));
605  gnc_lot_begin_edit(lot);
606  acc = xaccSplitGetAccount (split);
607  qof_instance_set_dirty(QOF_INSTANCE(lot));
608  if (nullptr == priv->account)
609  {
610  xaccAccountInsertLot (acc, lot);
611  }
612  else if (priv->account != acc)
613  {
614  PERR ("splits from different accounts cannot "
615  "be added to this lot!\n"
616  "\tlot account=\'%s\', split account=\'%s\'\n",
617  xaccAccountGetName(priv->account), xaccAccountGetName (acc));
618  gnc_lot_commit_edit(lot);
619  LEAVE("different accounts");
620  return;
621  }
623  if (lot == split->lot)
624  {
625  gnc_lot_commit_edit(lot);
626  LEAVE("already in lot");
627  return; /* handle not-uncommon no-op */
628  }
629  if (split->lot)
630  {
631  gnc_lot_remove_split (split->lot, split);
632  }
633  xaccSplitSetLot(split, lot);
635  priv->splits = g_list_append (priv->splits, split);
637  /* for recomputation of is-closed */
638  priv->is_closed = LOT_CLOSED_UNKNOWN;
639  gnc_lot_commit_edit(lot);
641  qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(lot), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, nullptr);
642  LEAVE("added to lot");
643 }
gchar * gnc_num_dbg_to_string(gnc_numeric n)
Convert to string.
void xaccAccountInsertLot(Account *acc, GNCLot *lot)
The xaccAccountInsertLot() method will register the indicated lot with this account.
Definition: Account.cpp:2142
#define PERR(format, args...)
Log a serious error.
Definition: qoflog.h:244
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
void gnc_lot_remove_split(GNCLot *lot, Split *split)
Adds a split from this lot.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:646
void xaccSplitSetLot(Split *split, GNCLot *lot)
Assigns the split to a specific Lot.
Definition: Split.cpp:1892
Account * xaccSplitGetAccount(const Split *split)
Returns the account of this split, which was set through xaccAccountInsertSplit().
Definition: gmock-Split.cpp:53
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
const char * xaccAccountGetName(const Account *acc)
Get the account's name.
Definition: Account.cpp:3259
void qof_event_gen(QofInstance *entity, QofEventId event_id, gpointer event_data)
Invoke all registered event handlers using the given arguments.
Definition: qofevent.cpp:231

◆ gnc_lot_get_balance()

gnc_numeric gnc_lot_get_balance ( GNCLot *  )

Returns the lot balance.

This balance will be expressed in the lot account's commodity.

Definition at line 502 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

503 {
504  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
505  GList *node;
506  gnc_numeric zero = gnc_numeric_zero();
507  gnc_numeric baln = zero;
508  if (!lot) return zero;
510  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
511  if (!priv->splits)
512  {
513  priv->is_closed = FALSE;
514  return zero;
515  }
517  /* Sum over splits; because they all belong to same account
518  * they will have same denominator.
519  */
520  for (node = priv->splits; node; node = node->next)
521  {
522  Split *s = GNC_SPLIT(node->data);
523  gnc_numeric amt = xaccSplitGetAmount (s);
524  baln = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (baln, amt);
525  g_assert (gnc_numeric_check (baln) == GNC_ERROR_OK);
526  }
528  /* cache a zero balance as a closed lot */
529  if (gnc_numeric_equal (baln, zero))
530  {
531  priv->is_closed = TRUE;
532  }
533  else
534  {
535  priv->is_closed = FALSE;
536  }
538  return baln;
539 }
gboolean gnc_numeric_equal(gnc_numeric a, gnc_numeric b)
Equivalence predicate: Returns TRUE (1) if a and b represent the same number.
GNCNumericErrorCode gnc_numeric_check(gnc_numeric a)
Check for error signal in value.
No error.
Definition: gnc-numeric.h:223
gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetAmount(const Split *split)
Returns the amount of the split in the account's commodity.
Definition: gmock-Split.cpp:69

◆ gnc_lot_get_balance_before()

void gnc_lot_get_balance_before ( const GNCLot *  ,
const Split *  ,
gnc_numeric *  ,
gnc_numeric *   

Computes both the balance and value in the lot considering only splits in transactions prior to the one containing the given split or other splits in the same transaction.

The first return value is the amount and the second is the value.

Definition at line 544 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

546 {
547  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
548  GList *node;
549  gnc_numeric zero = gnc_numeric_zero();
550  gnc_numeric amt = zero;
551  gnc_numeric val = zero;
553  *amount = amt;
554  *value = val;
555  if (lot == nullptr) return;
557  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
558  if (priv->splits)
559  {
560  Transaction *ta, *tb;
561  const Split *target;
562  /* If this is a gains split, find the source of the gains and use
563  its transaction for the comparison. Gains splits are in separate
564  transactions that may sort after non-gains transactions. */
565  target = xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit (split);
566  if (target == nullptr)
567  target = split;
568  tb = xaccSplitGetParent (target);
569  for (node = priv->splits; node; node = node->next)
570  {
571  Split *s = GNC_SPLIT(node->data);
572  Split *source = xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit (s);
573  if (source == nullptr)
574  source = s;
575  ta = xaccSplitGetParent (source);
576  if ((ta == tb && source != target) ||
577  xaccTransOrder (ta, tb) < 0)
578  {
579  gnc_numeric tmpval = xaccSplitGetAmount (s);
580  amt = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (amt, tmpval);
581  tmpval = xaccSplitGetValue (s);
582  val = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (val, tmpval);
583  }
584  }
585  }
587  *amount = amt;
588  *value = val;
589 }
Split * xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit(const Split *split)
The xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit() routine returns the split that is the source of the cap gains in t...
Definition: cap-gains.cpp:503
Transaction * xaccSplitGetParent(const Split *split)
Returns the parent transaction of the split.
gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetValue(const Split *split)
Returns the value of this split in the transaction&#39;s commodity.
Definition: gmock-Split.cpp:84
int xaccTransOrder(const Transaction *ta, const Transaction *tb)
The xaccTransOrder(ta,tb) method is useful for sorting.
gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetAmount(const Split *split)
Returns the amount of the split in the account&#39;s commodity.
Definition: gmock-Split.cpp:69

◆ gnc_lot_get_earliest_split()

Split* gnc_lot_get_earliest_split ( GNCLot *  lot)

Convenience routine to identify the earliest date in the lot.

It loops over all of the splits in the lot, and returns the split with the earliest split->transaction->date_posted. It may not necessarily identify the lot opening split.

Definition at line 673 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

674 {
675  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
676  if (!lot) return nullptr;
677  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
678  if (! priv->splits) return nullptr;
679  priv->splits = g_list_sort (priv->splits, (GCompareFunc) xaccSplitOrderDateOnly);
680  return GNC_SPLIT(priv->splits->data);
681 }

◆ gnc_lot_get_latest_split()

Split* gnc_lot_get_latest_split ( GNCLot *  lot)

Convenience routineto identify the date this lot was closed.

It simply loops over all of the splits in the lot, and returns the split with the latest split->transaction->date_posted.

Definition at line 685 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

686 {
687  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
688  SplitList *node;
690  if (!lot) return nullptr;
691  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
692  if (! priv->splits) return nullptr;
693  priv->splits = g_list_sort (priv->splits, (GCompareFunc) xaccSplitOrderDateOnly);
695  for (node = priv->splits; node->next; node = node->next)
696  ;
698  return GNC_SPLIT(node->data);
699 }
GList SplitList
GList of Split.
Definition: gnc-engine.h:207

◆ gnc_lot_get_split_list()

SplitList* gnc_lot_get_split_list ( const GNCLot *  )

Returns a list of all the splits in this lot.


This GList is owned and managed by the lot.

Definition at line 425 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

426 {
427  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
428  if (!lot) return nullptr;
429  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
430  return priv->splits;
431 }

◆ gnc_lot_is_closed()

gboolean gnc_lot_is_closed ( GNCLot *  )

Returns closed status of the given lot.

A lot is closed if its balance is zero. This routine is faster than using gnc_lot_get_balance() because once the balance goes to zero, this fact is cached.


Definition at line 367 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

368 {
369  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
370  if (!lot) return TRUE;
371  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
372  if (0 > priv->is_closed) gnc_lot_get_balance (lot);
373  return priv->is_closed;
374 }
gnc_numeric gnc_lot_get_balance(GNCLot *lot)
Returns the lot balance.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:502

◆ gnc_lot_make_default()

GNCLot* gnc_lot_make_default ( Account acc)
Document this function ?

Definition at line 780 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

781 {
782  GNCLot * lot;
783  gint64 id = 0;
784  gchar *buff;
786  lot = gnc_lot_new (qof_instance_get_book(acc));
788  /* Provide a reasonable title for the new lot */
789  xaccAccountBeginEdit (acc);
790  qof_instance_get (QOF_INSTANCE (acc), "lot-next-id", &id, nullptr);
791  buff = g_strdup_printf ("%s %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, _("Lot"), id);
792  gnc_lot_set_title (lot, buff);
793  id ++;
794  qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (acc), "lot-next-id", id, nullptr);
795  xaccAccountCommitEdit (acc);
796  g_free (buff);
797  return lot;
798 }
void qof_instance_get(const QofInstance *inst, const gchar *first_prop,...)
Wrapper for g_object_get.
QofBook * qof_instance_get_book(gconstpointer inst)
Return the book pointer.
void qof_instance_set(QofInstance *inst, const gchar *first_prop,...)
Wrapper for g_object_set Group setting multiple parameters in a single begin/commit/rollback.
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1477
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1518

◆ gnc_lot_set_closed_unknown()

void gnc_lot_set_closed_unknown ( GNCLot *  )

Reset closed flag so that it will be recalculated.

Definition at line 414 of file gnc-lot.cpp.

415 {
416  GNCLotPrivate* priv;
417  if (lot != nullptr)
418  {
419  priv = GET_PRIVATE(lot);
420  priv->is_closed = LOT_CLOSED_UNKNOWN;
421  }
422 }